Best 4 games i have ever played rule book #1

  • Air Units

    Combat Air Patrol (CAP)- CAP is a special feature involving fighter planes. During the non-combat move phase, you may initiate a CAP by moving fighter planes that have not move this turn from any territory to an adjacent sea zone. Cap fighters may not be moved into sea zones in which enemy units are present. During the enemy’s turn the CAP planes will stop all enemy ships (except subs) from moving through that sea zone.Naval units that move into the sea zone must stop, and a battle will then be fought. An enemy player may move air units through the sea zone without being stopped by the CAP. An enemy player may move planes into the sea zone with the CAP to engage the CAP, or to fly to an island within the sea zone to engage ground units there. CAP fighters only defend said sea zone they do not defend the territory from which they are defending. This may or may not be part of a planned Amphibious Assault. As stated earlier, your CAP must land on the collect income phase of your next turn. Fighters on CAP may land on any friendly land territory that is adjacent to the sea zone or any friendly carrier, island or island group that is within the sea zone. If a CAP fighter cannot land because there is no friendly landing place, then the fighters are lost and removed from play. Having landed, the fighters may now move as normal. (The CAP rule is stackable with the scrambling rule. ie… 2 fighters are on CAP off the coast of midway, if the U.S scrambles three fighters from midway there are now 5 fighters defending the seazone and there does not have to be friendly surface ships involved.
    Fly Overs- Stand Alone AA guns fire every time enemy aircraft fly over them 1 shot per aircaft. If enemy aircraft are fliing over a territory with an active airbase you may inercept with as many fighters that you have in said territory.
    Scramble- rules have been changed. They now read:
    Scrambling is a special action that can take place at the beginning of this phase (Phase 3: Conduct Combat (Powers at War Only), and it must be completed before any combat occurs. A quick reaction team of no more than 3 defending fighters and/or tactical bombers (strategic bombers can’t scramble) located on islands and coastal territories that have operative air bases can be scrambled to defend against attacks in the adjacent sea zones. Air units can only be scrambled to help friendly naval units in adjoining sea zones that have come under attack, or they can also be scrambled to resist an amphibious assault. They may defend against the enemy ships conducting the amphibious assault even if friendly ships are not present. In either case, resolve combat as usual during the Conduct Combat phase.
    Scrambled fighters and tactical bombers are defending, so refer to their defense values and abilities when resolving combat. They can’t participate in any other battles during that turn, including a battle on the island or territory from which they were scrambled.
    In situations where a sea zone is served by more than one airbase, Korea and Japan into sea zone 6 for example, each of the territories (or both in this case) can scramble up to 3 fighters and/or tactical bombers. On the other hand, if Korea is specifically being attacked by an amphibious force, and there is no sea battle occurring, only the aircraft in Korea can participate in the scramble.
    To sum it up: If there is a sea battle, involving an amphibious assault or not, all neighboring aircraft that meet the scramble requirements can participate in the sea battle. If there is only an amphibious assault and there is no sea battle, only the territory be attacked from the sea can scramble up to 3 aircraft.
    All scrambled air units must return to their original island or territory from which they were scrambled. If the enemy captures those locations, the units can move one space to land in a friendly territory or on a friendly aircraft carrier. If no such landing space is available, the units are lost. Surviving scrambled air units land during that turn’s Noncombat Move phase, before the attacker makes any movements.
    Strategic Bombing Raids procedure:
    • Escorts fire @1, and interceptor casualties are immediately removed.
    • Bombers fire @ 1 and interceptors fire @ 2. Remove bomber and interceptor casualties
    • Surviving bombers are assigned a target
    • The target fires its AA guns at the attacking aircraft - @1
    • Surviving bombers attack their target, looking for the highest number possible.
    Prior to the AA gun fire the surviving bombers are assigned a specific target (IC, airbase or naval base) if more than one type is in the territory.
    When bombing, each Strategical bomber rolls one die. The number rolled +1 is the total number of hits the target will receive. Gray chips are placed under the target for each hit scored.
    Tactical Bombers can also conduct bombing raids. They follow the exact procedure as presented above. Tactical Bombers are limited to attacking only naval bases and airbases, however.
    Tactical bombers also roll one die. Again that number rolled is the number of hits the target receives. Do not add 1 to the dice roll when bombing with Tactical bombers.
    Airbases provide additional range and the ability to scramble. If an airbase has 3 damage markers it can no longer provide these services. An airbase can only receive up to 6 damage markers, after that they are no longer assigned damage markers. Note: Aircraft can still land in territory whose airbase is out of service.

  • Tac bombers should not be able to do as much damage as strat bombers. We have same rule, but the tacs damage is halved rounded up for 1-3 damage to a facility. Far more realistic.

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