G40 Strategic Advantages - Delta

  • Sponsor

    This thread is for G40 Strategic Advantages of the A&A 1940 Global house rule set called Delta. Each part can easily be played separately, however, all 3 parts were created to work together.

    You can find Strategic Objectives by following this link…

    You can find G40 Fortunes of War by following this link…

    and you can find the entire Delta rule set in one thread by following this link…


    At the beginning of each round from the 1st up to the 10th, a predetermined nation will automatically gain a “Strategic Advantage”, but may only choose from the 2 advantages available at the time. That nation will benefit from their chosen advantage for the remainder of the game, however, once an advantage has been passed, it will never again become available.

    Nations will have 2 predetermined advantages to choose from, as well as a predetermined game round in which they may choose. Nations may never gain advantages offered to other nations (except for R1 & R10), and they may never gain advantages during game rounds not assigned to them.

    Advantages are chosen at the start of each game round (before Germany’s turn), and become effective immediately. Also, nations must be in control of their capital city in order to choose a strategic advantage, and once a nation’s capital city has been captured, they must forfeit all previously held strategic advantages permanently.

    Here are the available strategic advantages, and the game rounds (R#) they are eligible to be chosen in…

    R1 - Germany / UK / Russia / Japan / USA / Italy / ANZAC / France

    Airborne Assault Troops
    Up to 2 infantry units from a friendly operational airbase may attack an enemy territory up to 3 spaces away provided that the territory is also being attacked by land units coming from an adjacent territory, or sea zone via an amphibious assault.


    War Time Production
    Major factories may now produce a maximum of 12 units, and minor factories may now produce a maximum of 4. The maximum damage that can be applied to these factories has not changed, however, factories must be fully operational (zero damage) in order to produce the extra unit/s.

    R2 - Germany

    German submarines now attack at 3 or less.


    Each German mechanized infantry can now blitz alone, and transport an artillery unit up to 2 spaces during their non-combat phase.

    R3 - United States

    War Bonds Campaign
    America now rolls 2 dice every round during their collect income phase, and may collect the amount shown in additional IPCs


    Uncle Sam Campaign
    America now receives 4 free infantry units every round during their place new units phase (2 in Eastern United States, and 2 in Western United States).

    R4 - United Kingdom

    All AA fire from both AA artillery units, and built in AA guns now defend at 2 or less.


    Commonwealth Aid
    All units produced by the original minor factories in Canada, and South Africa are now $1 cheaper.

    R5 - Japan

    Long Lance Torpedos
    Each Japanese destroyer now receives a “surprise strike” (like submarines) during the 1st round of combat when defending against, or attacking enemy warships.


    Tokyo Express
    Japanese destroyers may now transport up to 1 infantry unit each. Destroyers carrying infantry may still attack during the sea combat step of an amphibious assault before unloading their cargo.

    R6 - United States

    Boeing Fortresses
    When American strategic bombers attack weather in a battle or SBR, they now receive 2 dice each and the attacker may select the best result. Also, American strategic bombers now hit at 2 or less when defending against interceptors, and are now immune to built in AA guns during SBRs.


    Essex Class Carriers
    All American aircraft carriers now attack at 2, and may now carry up to 3 American and/or allied fighters / tactical bombers.

    R7 - Germany

    Jet Fighters
    Both the attack value and movement of all German fighters has now increased by 1 (including escort and interceptor missions).


    During the SBR step of each combat movement phase, a single rocket attack may be launched from each operational airbase under German control at an enemy factory, air base, or naval base up to 4 spaces away. Each rocket attack will cause an automatic 6 damage points on the targeted facility, however, Germany may not launch more than 1 rocket attack per target during the same round.

    R8 - Japan

    Banzai Attack
    If Japan attacks an enemy territory with only infantry, those infantry will attack at 2 or less.


    Code of Bushido
    All Japanese infantry on islands now defend at 3 or less.

    R9 - Soviet Union

    All Russian factories now have a movement value of 1 (non-combat movement ony), and may now produce tanks for $1 less.


    Trans-Siberian Railway
    Any number of Russian infantry, artillery, and/or AA artillery units may now move from Russia to Novosibirsk, Timguska, Yenisey, or Yakut S.S.R (if under Russian control) within a single non-combat movement. There may only be one destination per turn, and all such movements must originate from Russia.

    R10 - Germany / UK / Russia / Japan / USA / Italy / ANZAC / France

    Long Range Aircraft
    The movement value of all air units has now increased by 1 (“Jet Fighters” can now reach 6, or 7 from an airbase).


    Modernized Shipyards
    Sea units are now cheaper to build:

    Battleship = $17
    Aircraft Carrier = $13
    Cruiser = $9
    Destroyer = $7
    Transport = $6
    Submarine = $5

  • '17 '16

    Kamikaze Honor
    Japanese Kamikaze units now hit at 3 or less.

    Did you mean attack? or only defend @3?

  • Sponsor


    Kamikaze Honor
    Japanese Kamikaze units now hit at 3 or less.

    Did you mean attack? or only defend @3?

    The term in the rule book is “a special defensive strike”, so I guess I meant defend @3 or less instead of 2.

  • Customizer

    Young Grasshopper,
    I like this idea. So by round 9, the four main countries will have 2 each. In some cases, the choice seems obvious but others really depend on what you are planning. In some cases, you could end up choosing the wrong one and it does little or nothing for you.

    Regarding Heavy Bombers: I have said this before but I think it bears repeating. Heavy Bombers should roll 2 dice and use BOTH, in SBRs and combat. OR, if you think that makes them too strong, then they should roll 2 and keep the best result and be IMMUNE to AA FIRE. You mentioned Super Fortresses. Well, I think if they roll 2 dice but still only get one result, it’s because they are flying so high that they are out of range of the AA guns of the time. (I think that was actually the case for real when they first started high level attacks on Japan. They were safe from AA fire but the bombing accuracy suffered (thus the 1 die result)).
    So, if you wanted a crack at a US Super Fortress, you would have to leave interceptors stationed at your important factories. Of course, the interceptors would still be at a disadvantage since the Super Forts defend @ 2. Of course, if Germany makes it to Jet Fighters, they would even it out a little.

  • Sponsor


    Young Grasshopper,
    I like this idea. So by round 9, the four main countries will have 2 each. In some cases, the choice seems obvious but others really depend on what you are planning. In some cases, you could end up choosing the wrong one and it does little or nothing for you.

    Regarding Heavy Bombers: I have said this before but I think it bears repeating. Heavy Bombers should roll 2 dice and use BOTH, in SBRs and combat. OR, if you think that makes them too strong, then they should roll 2 and keep the best result and be IMMUNE to AA FIRE. You mentioned Super Fortresses. Well, I think if they roll 2 dice but still only get one result, it’s because they are flying so high that they are out of range of the AA guns of the time. (I think that was actually the case for real when they first started high level attacks on Japan. They were safe from AA fire but the bombing accuracy suffered (thus the 1 die result)).
    So, if you wanted a crack at a US Super Fortress, you would have to leave interceptors stationed at your important factories. Of course, the interceptors would still be at a disadvantage since the Super Forts defend @ 2. Of course, if Germany makes it to Jet Fighters, they would even it out a little.

    KNP, It means a lot to me that you like this idea, I’m kinda all in on this one and I would really like to see it make it’s way into my group games. It’s gonna take some refining before I present it to my fellow club members, but I think I’ve got some good ground work done.

    PS: I took a little bit from your suggestion and made Heavy bombers immune to AA fire during SBRs.

  • Customizer

    Cool. I could live with AA immunity for Super Forts.

    I like the ideas you come up with. My main reason I like it is the ability to get some techs/special advantages in the game without having to pay for tech dice. So far, your idea seems the best way to do that.
    I’ve tried giving a free roll to each country every round, but that still didn’t get much tech in the game.
    I tried giving more rolls but then we reached a problem where all the major powers had almost all the techs. That got kind of cumbersome and really ended up making the game like there was no tech at all.
    Another idea I got from someone was awarding free rolls each round based on income.
    0-25 = 0 rolls
    26-50 = 1 roll
    51-75 = 2 rolls
    76 + = 3 rolls
    Also, US and USSR were disallowed rolling for tech while still neutral. This worked fairly well, but there was still that annoying random element (you want heavy bombers, you get super subs) In the last game we tried this, USSR actually got Improved Shipyards. Yeah, Russia buys a lot of ships. Sheesh!

  • Customizer

    Just thought of something. On Japan’s advantage “Kamikaze Honor”. It doesn’t come up until round 8. Japan is only allowed 6 Kamikaze attacks per game. By round 8 it is very possible they have used most or all of them.
    Would you give Japan more Kamikaze strikes? Or is it simply up to Japan to save their Kamikaze until round 8 if they want to take advantage of that ability?
    I guess if they have already used their Kamikaze tokens, that choice would be pretty easy for them.

  • Sponsor


    From describing the challenges so well, you are obviously aware of the many problems associated with house ruling tech or advantages into a G40 game. I have realized this as well, and I have decided to scrap certain variables all together rather than work on them. By eliminating the risk of spending money for nothing, and the uncertainty of a useless reward, I feel that “Strategic Advantages” is a solid structure that will minimize the inevitable disappointment of the Research and Development phase, as well as the upside down circumstances that puts history on it’s head. Although the formula you described above is interesting and well thought out, it still lends to the possibility of extreme disappointment and unrealistic circumstances.

    The Strategic Advantages rule promises that special abilities will definitely be a part of every game, so no games will be completely void of them, and no games will be completely unbalanced because there’s to many. Strategic Advantages promises that the right nations will hold the proper advantages from history while preserving the element of choice and a player’s control of their nation. It also ensures the right type of Strategic Advantage entering the game at the proper point of time, so that America doesn’t randomly score War Bonds on turn 9 when the game is almost over. I like this game mechanic mostly because it gives players that feeling of anticipation and rewards them just for sitting through the hours of game play waiting. It beats the idea of spending for the chance to fail, while watching your enemy roll lucky and gain all the technologies used only by your own nation in the actual war.

    As far as your question about Kamikaze Honor in R8, honestly I am only married to the first 7 rounds of Strategic Advantages, the last rounds (the British, Japanese, and Russian advantages) were kinda thrown together last minute and in need of the most work. I’m not even sure if advantages should be handed out that late in the game, but I like the idea of Russia deserving something if they survive that long. Personally, our group games rarely make it past the 8th round as I’m trying to figure out formulas to speed up our games, but that doesn’t mean other players who might want to use Strategic Advantages won’t play up to the 10th or even later.

    Back to Kamikaze honor, ideally the Strategic Advantage was to give any remaining Kamikazes a defense @3, but some players use those tokens fast and others never get an opportunity to use them at all. Maybe the rule should also replenish Kamikaze tokens up to 6, that way if any were used… they get a fresh 6, but if none were used, they still have 6 @3… what do you think?. I’ll tell you right now that I’m very happy with R2, R3, R4, R5. R6, R7, however, I’m very open to completly revamping R8, R9, R10.

  • Sponsor

    V-Rockets edited as to not allow a double attack on 1 facility during a single round.

  • Commonwealth Aid
    All units produced from factories in Canada and South Africa are now $1 cheaper.

    Oh hell no.

    Instead allow UK free placement ( you still have to pay for it) of 1 infantry that are paid for in India, Canada, et al without need for factory.

  • Customizer


    Commonwealth Aid
    All units produced from factories in Canada and South Africa are now $1 cheaper.

    Oh hell no.

    Instead allow UK free placement ( you still have to pay for it) of 1 infantry that are paid for in India, Canada, et al without need for factory.

    But these are for Global 1940. Canada and India already have factories.

  • Sponsor

    Changes made to the super carrier decks advantage (now named Essex Class Carriers), and propaganda. Gonna refine this rule by surveying our group players tomorrow one round at a time, when each round begins, I will ask each player which advantage they would choose… more of a research game than a play test, but we should get a good idea of which advantage choices are unbalanced.

  • Customizer


    R7 - Germany

    Jet Fighters
    Both the attack value and movement of all German fighters has now increased by 1 (including escort and interceptor missions).


    Germany may take control of any strict neutral or pro-axis territory they wish, and immediately control it’s standing army without the need to occupy it, and without provoking the remaining strict neutral territories if any exist.

    Young Grasshopper,
    I was wondering about the Propaganda advantage. This is a one-time advantage, right? Germany can’t do this every round, can they?

  • Customizer

    These are really nice YG. I like the fact that they are timed, and they seem to pay homage in respect to other previous editions to A&A.

  • Sponsor



    R7 - Germany

    Jet Fighters
    Both the attack value and movement of all German fighters has now increased by 1 (including escort and interceptor missions).


    Germany may take control of any strict neutral or pro-axis territory they wish, and immediately control it’s standing army without the need to occupy it, and without provoking the remaining strict neutral territories if any exist.

    Young Grasshopper,
    I was wondering about the Propaganda advantage. This is a one-time advantage, right? Germany can’t do this every round, can they?

    It was meant to be a one time thing, but I have since eliminated propaganda, and modified some of the other advantages based on a play test we had this weekend. Check out the changes and let me know what you think… thanks.

  • Sponsor


    These are really nice YG. I like the fact that they are timed, and they seem to pay homage in respect to other previous editions to A&A.

    Thanks Tob, my goal is to enter specific advantages, for specific nations, at specific game rounds for historical accuracy, but to also give players the choice to effect their own campaign based on the direction of their strategy. Some are research and development techs from 1940 global, some are national advantages from A&A revised, but some are completely my own. Also as you can see, most have been modified in order to balance the pairs and make the choices as difficult as possible. I’m glad you like them… cheers.

  • Customizer

    I was wondering about the Around the Clock Bombing YG. Does this advantage essentially allow bombers to be used twice in one round of turns? Also, since you invited us to comment, Do you think your players might object to having the US with superfortresses and round the clock bombing?

    I like both advantages and hope I’m understanding them correctly, but I could see some players being confused or upset that say the UK uses it’s bombers and the uses the US’s superfortresses on Germany whilst the US does the same thing on it’s turn. I like the advantages but I could see someone not liking that.

  • Customizer

    Interesting changes. It looks like most countries will have very strong choices to make.
    So you decided against any for Russia?

    I see that you changed ULTRA for UK. I think this is better, only costing the Germans 1 submarine per round. The 1 submarine per UK destroyer seemed really harsh.

    The BLITZKRIEG advantage for Germany looks really good, but not necessarily overpowering I think. It looks like you basically combined Advanced Artillery and Improved Mechanized Infantry, plus allowing the Mechs to tow artillery. It might be a little hard on Russia. Perhaps you should reconsider giving Russia an advantage to try and even it out a bit.

    The V ROCKETS are interesting. I like that Germany doesn’t have to roll for damage, but causes an automatic 6 points. Do you want to allow rocket attacks from different air bases to hit the same facility? I ask that because if both German airbases (W Germany, Paris) targeted the London Major IC, they could cause 12 points damage right away. If they combined that with an SBR of 2 bombers, they could max out London’s IC every round.

    On the ROUND THE CLOCK BOMBING. I agree with toblerone77, it might be a bit much allowing US and UK to hit the German factories twice per round. Then again, it is later in the game and I would actually like to try it out. While I think it may be a bit overkill against Germany, in most of our games if we have an Axis win, it usually happens by round 8 or 9. In that case, the US and UK will probably not be able to pound Germany like that. Otherwise, it might be on the way to an Allied victory and this will just make the game not so long.

    I have got to print these out and try them in my next game. With players getting these advantages in certain rounds, I think it may change the strategies we use and will definitely affect our purchases.

  • Sponsor


    Interesting changes. It looks like most countries will have very strong choices to make.
    So you decided against any for Russia?

    I was going to house rule a Russian winter idea that is separate from strategic advantages, other than that… I considered the mobile industry advantage, but IMO it’s too powerful for Global where Russia has 3 minor factories they can move around. The Russian winter would disallow any movement from any units on original Russian territories for the entire duration of round 6 (building units is allowed). other than that, I havent ruled out giving them an advantage choice for turn 10. However, if I do, I would only offer them advantages that aid them if they were on the offensive.
    I see that you changed ULTRA for UK. I think this is better, only costing the Germans 1 submarine per round. The 1 submarine per UK destroyer seemed really harsh.

    I think so to, Britain could be forced into taking it if the Germans run wild with their enigma advantage.

    The BLITZKRIEG advantage for Germany looks really good, but not necessarily overpowering I think. It looks like you basically combined Advanced Artillery and Improved Mechanized Infantry, plus allowing the Mechs to tow artillery. It might be a little hard on Russia. Perhaps you should reconsider giving Russia an advantage to try and even it out a bit.

    When I conducted my survey this weekend among my fellow players, all of them unanimously took Enigma over V-Rockets, two of our resident historians also pointed out that V-Rockets didn’t enter the war until 1944, so I did some shuffling. Blitzkrieg made sense for an early round advantage and although it looks hard on Russia, the Enigma advantage needed some competition. The blitz alone and towing an artillery are pretty minimal abilities, however, adding the double support for artillery is the extra punch that will make it enigma’s equal, or make the game unbalanced against the Soviet Union.

    The V ROCKETS are interesting. I like that Germany doesn’t have to roll for damage, but causes an automatic 6 points. Do you want to allow rocket attacks from different air bases to hit the same facility? I ask that because if both German airbases (W Germany, Paris) targeted the London Major IC, they could cause 12 points damage right away. If they combined that with an SBR of 2 bombers, they could max out London’s IC every round.

    This is a tough one because V-Rockets are up against Jet fighters and I really want both the movement and attack value for them at +1, so V-Rockets need to be a good alternative to make for a harder choice. With a possible 3 airbases under control at that point of the game, maybe limiting them to 1 attack per facility wouldn’t be such a crippling thing to the advantage.

    On the ROUND THE CLOCK BOMBING. I agree with toblerone77, it might be a bit much allowing US and UK to hit the German factories twice per round. Then again, it is later in the game and I would actually like to try it out. While I think it may be a bit overkill against Germany, in most of our games if we have an Axis win, it usually happens by round 8 or 9. In that case, the US and UK will probably not be able to pound Germany like that. Otherwise, it might be on the way to an Allied victory and this will just make the game not so long.

    I’ve had this around the clock bombing house rule idea for some time now, but it may be to devastating and disrupt the balance of the game if (like Toberone said) the American’s have super fortresses. I could pair the two up and force America to choose between fortresses or ATCB, but than I would lose Essex Class Carriers which I also like a lot. I agree that America can’t have super fortresses attacking German industry twice per round, so I’ll have to do something there. Another problem is giving the ATCB advantage to United States, even though both UK and USA will benifiet from it… it was 100% the Brits idea during the war (bomber Harris).

    I have got to print these out and try them in my next game. With players getting these advantages in certain rounds, I think it may change the strategies we use and will definitely affect our purchases.

    I’m all in on this one, and I want to get it right with as much advice and play tests as possible so I can design a deck of cards showing “strategic advantages” and other things like “strategic objectives” (coming soon)… I really appreciate the input from you guys.

  • Sponsor

    V-Rockets edited to 1 attack per facility, and deck shuffled to avoid around the clock bombing with super fortresses.

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