Okay, so what if it comes around to my turn and I see there are Zombies in my controlled and occupied territory that arrived there during the previous player’s turn? Obviously, they will attack my units in that territory during my Phase 2, but come my Combat Move phase can I do battle with them even though they are already in my territory? (I am not invading that territory as such)
In case you share your controlled territory with Zombies the territory is still friendly. However you may conduct combat there:
… You may also resolve combat in each friendly territory that contains your units and zombies
(in fact, you must do so in such territories that you moved units into during the previous phase)
For example, it came to my turn (I was UK) and I had 1 Infantry and 1 Fighter in Australia with 1 Zombie there too. I did 1 round of combat with the Zombie and failed to kill him, but he rolled a ‘D’ and scored a hit one of my units… So I had to choose and decided to lose the Infantry.
In your scenario you are the attacker, so the Zombies would have hit you on an “A”.
When being hit you actually had no choice as during combat zombies can’t hit planes:
Zombies cannot eliminate air units during this step.
Neither the attacker or the defender can select air units as casualties.
So what was the next step? I was unsure how to proceed and so paused the game. I still currently control Australia but if I land the Fighter in a nearby friendly island, then the Zombie will take control of Australia on the next player’s turn in Phase 3 (if I don’t recruit any Infantry there during my Purchase/Mobilise phase) - right? Therefore, can I keep the Fighter in Australia (he technically hasn’t used any movement points to battle the Zombie) or must I land him elsewhere?
At least three zombies are needed to take control of Australia provided there is no UK unit present. So as long as the fighter survives the Zombies Attack Phase (2) you keep Australia. Of course you should think about bringing and/or recruiting additional units there. With a fighter only you are allowed to initiate one round of combat against the zombies. You can land the fighter back in Australia, as Australia is still friendly.
And for that matter, can hits scored by Zombies during MY Conduct Combat phase be applied to my air units? I am buggered if I know how they can do that lol
No, see the rule quoted above.
Air units can only be hit during the Zombies Attack phase (2), page 14.
(It is in this phase when zombies hit you on a “D”).