• Zombies made that?

  • Sponsor

    Canada also produces the best Axis & Allies players in the world… my tournament in September proved that (must be all those brains we eat).

  • Hold on a minute there.  I take insult.  Move to a more densely populated country and you’ll find out that there are plenty of social A&A masters that don’t feel the need to express their love of the game by traveling across borders or starting zombie wars online.

    It’s the quiet fans across the Americas, Europe, and Asia that generate the thousands of views this site gets.  We just provide the content.

    And if you ever lose to a Canadian, you can always blame it on the fact that his cold environment deforms the dice and makes you role poorly.

    The best AA gamer I ever met was born on Bermuda.
    I’m serious.

  • Cut the Canadians some slack… they are living in a land of perpetual cold, ice and tundra… it’s so cold, when they go outside, the only word they can manage to say is “eh?”.

    So when the only thing they can do for entertainment is either use maple syrup to put up wallpaper or sit in their basement and play A&A… they’re probably going to get good at A&A.

  • *To all you Zombie haters out there, dont buy A&A Zombies if you dont want it.

    To the rest of you, its Zombie time, man  :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D

    Zombies are the future.

    Also, and I cant stress this enough, if the Zombie pieces are grey, use them as infantry for neutral Zweden, they had grey uniforms at the time of WWII.

  • @Narvik:

    *To all you Zombie haters out there, dont buy A&A Zombies if you dont want it.

    To the rest of you, its Zombie time, man  :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D

    Zombies are the future.

    Also, and I cant stress this enough, if the Zombie pieces are grey, use them as infantry for neutral Zweden, they had grey uniforms at the time of WWII.  Man !

  • @SS:


    *To all you Zombie haters out there, dont buy A&A Zombies if you dont want it.

    To the rest of you, its Zombie time, man  :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D

    Zombies are the future.

    Also, and I cant stress this enough, if the Zombie pieces are grey, use them as infantry for neutral Zweden, they had grey uniforms at the time of WWII.  Man !

    When I remembered that Narvik is Norwegian, I went through the roof with laughter.  Backstabbin’ Swedes.

    I just want to call this now: once A&A Zombies comes out there is definitely going to be somebody who makes a Nazi Zombies only mod for it.

  • @Charles:



    *To all you Zombie haters out there, dont buy A&A Zombies if you dont want it.

    To the rest of you, its Zombie time, man  :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D

    Zombies are the future.

    Also, and I cant stress this enough, if the Zombie pieces are grey, use them as infantry for neutral Zweden, they had grey uniforms at the time of WWII.  Man !

    When I remembered that Narvik is Norwegian, I went through the roof with laughter.  Backstabbin’ Swedes.

    I just want to call this now: once A&A Zombies comes out there is definitely going to be somebody who makes a Nazi Zombies only mod for it.

    SSSooooo true ! :evil:

  • they are idiots for making a game like this…even if it sells imo…morons

  • I’ve gotten over the shock, and now every time I see this board on the forums I get a good laugh.  I honestly cannot wait until this comes out just so I can watch someone talk about it on youtube.

    “If you role a one, your infantry becomes a Zombie.”

    Oh, yeah.  Good lols.  This is going to be better than my nightmares.

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