S03 Gamerman01 (allies +12) v JWW

  • Also move mounties back to Canada where they feel more at home….  They couldn’t catch any of the beach babes in California anyway…


  • Check that - I knew what I was doing before the second guessing……
    Mounties are gonna try their luck again in Cali
    Fighter planes off the coast of Alaska and massive stockpiling of troops in Vladivostok scared them back…
    Better to live in California than to get shot in the Yukon


  • btw, Axis has enjoyed a 29.7% hit rate by defending Allied “2’s” (35/118)
    Allies have faced a blistering 39.2% hit rate (62/158)
    There are, of course, other ways to measure luck.  (I did not measure offensive statistics)  But this is the statistic I’ve been tracking this game……  for what it’s worth.  :|  My Russians have been having a HELL of a time!  :x

    Both sides have enjoyed AA immunity…  So far…

  • Correction -
    Glanced at the results one more time

    USSR - 36.4%
    UK - 41.5%
    USA - 44.8%

  • @Gamerman01:

    There are, of course, other ways to measure luck.  (I did not measure offensive statistics)  But this is the statistic I’ve been tracking this game……  for what it’s worth.  :|  My Russians have been having a HELL of a time!  :x

    Both sides have enjoyed AA immunity…  So far…

    the one correct statement here is…. “that there are other ways to measure luck”. If you are attempting to state a fact as to who has been favored by the dice gods, you must measure all meaningful rolls for the analysis to have any validity. Pulling one statistical category out from multiple sets really has little, if any, value.

    And your Russian aa took out my G bmb, for what it’s worth….the allies have had AA immunity.

    Also, I don’t understand what your last post is trying to represent.

  • more importantly I’ll try to get italy done this afternoon. Hope you are well GMan

  • OK, another hard decision? perhaps my brain is simply fried from a crzay work day?? I hope this isn’t a mistake……

    ITA 11 purchase 3 inf spend 9 (save 2)

    #1 FRA (3inf, art) v 13inf & 2 arm (ita)

    DiceRolls: 13@1 2@3; Total Hits: 413@1: (6, 3, 3, 4, 3, 2, 3, 5, 4, 1, 2, 1, 1)2@3: (5, 1)v 3inf & artDiceRolls: 4@2; Total Hits: 14@2: (3, 5, 1, 6)

  • FRA twlo inf

    ita collects 9 + 2 saved = 11


  • @JWW:

    the one correct statement here is…. “that there are other ways to measure luck”. If you are attempting to state a fact as to who has been favored by the dice gods, you must measure all meaningful rolls for the analysis to have any validity. Pulling one statistical category out from multiple sets really has little, if any, value.

    And your Russian aa took out my G bmb, for what it’s worth….the allies have had AA immunity.

    Also, I don’t understand what your last post is trying to represent.

    No, I’m not trying to make a case as to who is luckier (although that would be you) with my statistics.  Was just an interesting one I looked at.

    But measuring defending 2’s is a quick and dirty way to get a measurement of meaningful dice rolls.  After 11 rounds, you losing one bomber to AA and me losing nothing (I think that’s right) is not a significant disparity in my view, since you mention it.

    The last 3 percentages were the percentages of defending 2 hits faced by those 3 powers.

    USSR has been hit 36.4% of the time by defending 2’s, etc.
    Look at it however you want, I don’t care, but consider this:
    At 35/118, I missed you 4 more times than average
    At 62/158, you hit me 9 more times than average
    All of these defending 2’s were meaningful hits/misses.

    I’m not complaining, because I’m highly confident that I’m going to win this game despite the poor luck.

    By your logic, Batting Average has little, if any, value in measuring the success of a baseball player.  Most people disagree with that.  :-)

  • @JWW:

    more importantly I’ll try to get italy done this afternoon.

    Awesome, I see you’re done already - thanks.  I have a night off so should be able to do USA tonight.

    Hope you are well GMan

    Pretty well, thanks!!  Kinda frazzled from all the Jr. High kids, but I’ll make it!

  • @JWW:

    you must measure all meaningful rolls for the analysis to have any validity. Pulling one statistical category out from multiple sets really has little, if any, value.

    Disagree.  ERA measure pitcher success pretty well.  Or batting average against.  Batting average, or RBI’s per plate appearance, etc etc, take your pick, one statistic often has a LOT of value.  So I disagree.

    You’re biased, I’m biased.  We’re all biased.  You are stinging probably from my success at sinking the Italian fleet, and I am still irritated at getting hit 6 of 7 times with the Russians recently (just the latest dice travesty).  It’s part of the game.  Crunching the numbers and reviewing the game helps me see that it hasn’t been as bad as it feels.  I apologize for the dice talk - I’m a stat head - I love numbers and I love to study them and yes, use them.  Forgive me and thanks for your patience.

  • @JWW:

    OK, another hard decision? perhaps my brain is simply fried from a crzay work day?? I hope this isn’t a mistake……

    Don’t rush yourself!  We have dozens of hours in this tournament already - would be a pity to blow it all on one hasty move  :-)

  • @Gamerman01:

    By your logic, Batting Average has little, if any, value in measuring the success of a baseball player.  Most people disagree with that.  :-)

    I disagree, you are not measuring batting average. A better analogy would be that you are measuring a players batting average w/two outs and runners on base. Not an entire picture of a batters skill at the plate. But we both digress…don’t we…let’s get to it and try to wrap this up.

  • @Gamerman01:

    Kinda frazzled from all the Jr. High kids, but I’ll make it!

    Are you a teacher??

  • @Gamerman01:


    you must measure all meaningful rolls for the analysis to have any validity. Pulling one statistical category out from multiple sets really has little, if any, value.

    Disagree.  ERA measure pitcher success pretty well.  Or batting average against.  Batting average, or RBI’s per plate appearance, etc etc, take your pick, one statistic often has a LOT of value.  So I disagree.

    You’re biased, I’m biased.  We’re all biased.  You are stinging probably from my success at sinking the Italian fleet, and I am still irritated at getting hit 6 of 7 times with the Russians recently (just the latest dice travesty).  It’s part of the game.  Crunching the numbers and reviewing the game helps me see that it hasn’t been as bad as it feels.  I apologize for the dice talk - I’m a stat head - I love numbers and I love to study them and yes, use them.  Forgive me and thanks for your patience.

    yah, no worries, I really don’t care about luck one way or the other, it IS an integral part of the game and I am not biased w/respect to the dice. I could be getting very lucky! Perhaps I am…really doesn’t matter IMO. yeah I was just disagreeing w/your method of determining luck, perhaps an even touchier subject (yikes) than the dice outcome…anyways…

  • @JWW:


    Kinda frazzled from all the Jr. High kids, but I’ll make it!

    Are you a teacher??

    I am now - second year teaching 6th - 12th in a private Christian school in my town, where my kids have always gone….

    “Semi-retired” CPA after 14 years… (will be auditing local governments in the summers)

    The kids are so enjoyable, but they wear you out fast!!  If I had my way I’d teach Jr. High like 1-2 periods a day and high school the rest.  I have been teaching local private and community college accounting and tax classes for the past 5 years or so…  so some days I’m teaching 11 year olds and 50 year olds in the same day.  :-)

  • @Gamerman01:

    I have been teaching local private and community college accounting and tax classes for the past 5 years or so….


  • US11 with 43, buy 4 INF, 3 ARM, SS, FTR

    Combat moves -
    Ger - SBR (Pol) SBR (Alg) SBR X 2 (Lib)
    Ita - SBR (Cau)
    Ala - INF (WCa) BMB (WUS) BMB (EUS)
    Sud - INF (FEq)

    Ger AADiceRolls: 4@1; Total Hits: 14@1: (2, 1, 3, 2)
    Ita AADiceRolls: 1@1; Total Hits: 11@1: (1)

  • Ger dmgDiceRolling 3:
    (2, 2, 4)  
    AlaDiceRolls: 1@1 2@4; Total Hits: 11@1: (2)2@4: (4, 5)DiceRolls: 1@2; Total Hits: 01@2: (6)

  • Egy - 2 INF, ART, 4 ARM, AA (Lib) 4 ARM (Alg) 4 FTR (Pol)
    GBr - INF, ART (ECa) 8-9-8
    Alg - 2 INF (EUS) 3 BMB (Ger)
    ECa - INF (EUS) 3 INF, ARM (WCa) 2 ARM (WUS) 2 BMB (Ala)
    Z7 - CV, 2 FTR (Z8) FTR (ECa) All on US CV’s
    Z9 - 4 TP (Z7)
    Z54 - SS (Z55)

    Place SS (Z56)
    Place 3 ARM, FTR (WUS)
    Place 4 INF (EUS)
    Collect 42, 42 on hand


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