the one correct statement here is…. “that there are other ways to measure luck”. If you are attempting to state a fact as to who has been favored by the dice gods, you must measure all meaningful rolls for the analysis to have any validity. Pulling one statistical category out from multiple sets really has little, if any, value.
And your Russian aa took out my G bmb, for what it’s worth….the allies have had AA immunity.
Also, I don’t understand what your last post is trying to represent.
No, I’m not trying to make a case as to who is luckier (although that would be you) with my statistics. Was just an interesting one I looked at.
But measuring defending 2’s is a quick and dirty way to get a measurement of meaningful dice rolls. After 11 rounds, you losing one bomber to AA and me losing nothing (I think that’s right) is not a significant disparity in my view, since you mention it.
The last 3 percentages were the percentages of defending 2 hits faced by those 3 powers.
USSR has been hit 36.4% of the time by defending 2’s, etc.
Look at it however you want, I don’t care, but consider this:
At 35/118, I missed you 4 more times than average
At 62/158, you hit me 9 more times than average
All of these defending 2’s were meaningful hits/misses.
I’m not complaining, because I’m highly confident that I’m going to win this game despite the poor luck.
By your logic, Batting Average has little, if any, value in measuring the success of a baseball player. Most people disagree with that. :-)