@captainwalker ae0c84f4-6a0c-4529-bc19-c623b6aa1535-triplea_41695_1ger.tsvg
Botider (Axis) vs Jen (Allies) G40A2 +NO -Tech Gm4
- Infantry, Artillery, 6 Armor
Declare war on Japan (Have to to move into Korea, even though America owns it.)
Combat Moves:
3 Infantry, 2 Fighters from Novgorod to Baltic States
2 Infantry, Tactical from Amur to Manchuria (had to declare war anyway, may as well use it.)
3 Infantry, Fighter to E. PolandBaltic:
Rolls: 3@1 2@3; Total Hits: 43@1: (1, 1, 3)2@3: (3, 1)
Rolls: 3@2; Total Hits: 03@2: (6, 4, 5)
Tactical to Korea
3 Fightesr to Novgorod
8 Infantry to N. Ukraine
2 Infantry from Russia to Sam
AA Gun to KoreaBuild: Infantry, Artillery, 3 Armor in Russia
Build: 3 Armor in NovgorodCollect: 36 IPC + 5 SZ 125 = 41 IPC
Don’t forget to take your 12 IPC for the Russian invasion!
well, yuk, what a mess…
japan 5
purchase ($52 + $12 bonus for dow from russia)
3 inf, rtl, 5 arm, 3 trn… spend $64combat
sz6 (3 ss, 5 dd, 2 ca, bb, 3 cv, 6 ftr)
2 ftr, 2 tbmb japan
3 ftr, 2 tbmb, 2 sbmb kiangsi
2 ftr, 2 tbmb, 2 cv, dd, 2 ca, 2 bb sz35
ftr, tbmb sz44sumatra ( )
inf kwangtung via trn sz20 > sz41borneo ( )
inf celebes via trn sz44 > sz43guam ( )
inf philippines via trn sz35 > sz21 -
You mean SZ 6?
3 Hits to Carriers
1 Hit to Battleship
3 Hits to Submarines
5 Hits to Destroyers -
wow,… i am playing like a dog, and the dice are making me pay…
2 hits to bbs
2 cvs die (4 hits)
ftr, tbmb (that can’t land now)
2 ca
ftrman, that is awful.
good grief,… you scorched me!
12 out of 14 4’s? that’s so unlike you… :wink:
3 ftrs, 2 sbmbs sz5 > japan
dd sz37 > sz20
2 sub sz43 > sz20
sub, 2 dd sz45 > sz21
cv sz44 > sz21
trn sz45 > sz20
trn sz35 > sz20
inf, rtl sikang > shensi
rtl, mech kansu > shensi
2 inf, arm kiangsu > kiangsi
rtl, arm kwangtung > kiangsideployment
3 inf, rtl, 2 arm > japan
3 trn > sz6
3 arm > kiangsucollect
$45not much hope at this point… i really needed for most of my planes to survive. ah well,… easy come, easy go. nice move in the pacific,… but i really gotta pay attention to the sea zones a little better…
not much hope at this point… i really needed for most of my planes to survive. ah well,… easy come, easy go. nice move in the pacific,… but i really gotta pay attention to the sea zones a little better…
Die Flottenmörderin strikes again!
- Minor Complex
- 2 Aircraft Carriers
- 2 Fighters
- 3 Destroyers
NCM: Destroyer to SZ 16, 25
Build: Minor in Korea
Build: 2 Carriers, 2 Fighters, 3 Destroyers in SZ 101Collect: 53 IPC + 25 NO - 2 CRD SZ 6 = 76 IPC
Chinese Infantry to Kansu
NCM Fighter to Yunan
Collect: 6 IPC + 2 Saved = 8 IPC
- England: 3 Armor, Save 4
- India: 3 Armor, Save 2
Combat Moves:
Fighter from SZ 42 to SZ 41
Fighter from SZ 42 to SZ 43
Infantry from Yunnan to SZE
Infantry from Yunnan to KWE
Infantry from Yunnan to Hun
Infantry from Yunnan to KWA
Infantry, 3 Armor to Tang
Infantry, 3 Armor to Con
4 Inf, 3 Art, Mech, Arm to E. PersiaCombat:
Rolls: 1@1 3@3; Total Hits: 01@1: (6)3@3: (6, 4, 5)
Rolls: 1@2; Total Hits: 01@2: (6)
NON Coms on map. (Biggie is the fleet to Celebes SZ)
Build: 3 ARmor in S. Africa, 3 Armor in India
Collect: 20 + 4 Saved, 13 + 2 Saved
Transport, 2 SubmarinesCombat Moves:
Infantry, Artillery, Cruiser to Celebes
Rolls: 2@2 1@3; Total Hits: 12@2: (1, 4)1@3: (4)
Rolls: 1@2; Total Hits: 11@2: (2)
NCM fleet to SZ 44
NCM Destroyer to SZ 17Build: 2 Submarines, Transport in SZ 62
Collect: 17 TT + 5 NO = 22 IPC
When it comes to the calculators and naval battles, I’ll give you a secret. I subtract 13.4% from what they say the attacker’s odds are. It’s not perfect, but it seems to correct for some mathematical issues the writers have when it comes to navy. I have no idea WHY they are never correct, but they never are correct. Don’t tell EM!
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