We had 6 players, including Credulous, Dukla Passer and Private Panic from the Forum. wittmann sent his apologies. Two games were played:
1. 1942 Second Edition
Sides allocated by role of the dice.
Russia (Dukla Passer) attacked both West Russia and Ukraine. The latter was unsuccessful. Germany (Private Panic) was then able to wipe out the Russian stack on West Russia. From that point on Russia was on the back foot against Germany, although an attack on Moscow was delayed by the need for G reinforcements to traverse the continent and also by UK fighter reinforcements. The Russian capital fell in round 5.
In the meantime Japan (non  forum player 1) had destroyed the US fleet in the mid-Pacific. Then bomber purchases allowed an SBR against Moscow that allowed G to make its attack a turn earlier than would otherwise have been the case. Those bombers then enabled J’s capture of India in round 5.
Following the loss of its Pacific fleet, the US (alternately Dukla Passer and non forum player 2) switched its focus to Europe. However G’s bomber per turn builds allowed each attempt to combine with a UK (non forum player 2) fleet in the Atlantic to be foiled.
The Axis achieved victory against standard conditions at the end of round 5.
In all four major battles (West Russia, Moscow, Pacific, India) the Axis had the advantage. But in every one the winning margin was significantly greater than might have been expected. Lady Luck was definitely on the Axis side! :-D
2. Anniversary
Credulous (Axis) vs non forum player 3 (Allies). The Allies surrendered following the loss of Egypt, Moscow and India.
China seemed to perform better than any of its allies! :roll:
Perhaps Credulous will add a fuller report on this game.