Don’t laugh, but I like “Battle Box”… sounds kinda funny, makes me smile lol.
All the boxes are made with exception to the lids, as I need to find medals I like to fit a 2" radius. I was able to do Germany, as I already have an Iron Cross first class. I had some mold/resin left over from my Airbase/Naval base thread, so I made a copy of it.
Ill update this thread as im able to when new lids are done, I have US/France/Russia/and ANZAC on the way to me, hopefully they will work…. with luck, US will be here today!!
SO… why on earth would I put this much into trays? Well, i made a portable gaming table made 100% for this game. I used to host at my house, but with the loss of players ive ventured out and play at game stores, and let me tell ya, my table/painted units really draws in the crowds. Its a great way to meet new potential players. Only thing i thought was missing was cool piece trays, er i mean “National Battle Boxes” :P
Pay no mind to my game aid cards, those are old now and im currently designing new ones to go with my new setup chart look.
Speaking of the setup chart, youll notice it has setup for Europe 1940/ Global 1940 / Global 1942… America/UK have set ups for Pacific as well… let me tell you, what a pain in the a$$ it was to design this, i went though many designs to find the space to fit all the data i wanted, this was the hold up on posting this topic.
The piece segments have different elevations for the units to work best with each county, this way your not digging around. The center is designed to not only hold my game cards, but also fit the money, sometimes we will continue a game a week later, so being able to store cash was a must. During game play, there is a slot to hold the cards/cash… UK has duel sides to keep the money separated.
Hope you like the pics, ill be making my first vid this week for the painted piece setup, hopefully my phone pans out haha.