Britain will immediately defend from sea lion regardless of what “type” of boats Germany buys round 1.
As they should, although the two german transport purchase allows for fewer transports later, or none at all, if germany was feinting. Germany can ALWAYS take the UK but at a heavy price. But if they never intend to and never imply it, Britain can spend elsewhere. And a G2 sealion is possible if Britain tries to attack that fleet and fails (pretty good odds for germany) or if they don’t build in the UK (which again, everyone who understands the setup knows they should).
Anything that damages the Luftwaffe is good for England.
Yes. But in order to damage the luftwaffe in that hypothetical fight, they lose all their planes. That’s not good for Britain either.
I’m not saying it’s a good strat but I don’t think it’s a bad strat either. It has a place, just as the AC/DD/SS purchase has and isn’t significantly weaker (though maybe a little, bit depending on how everything goes and the skills of the players). The two transport purchase simply doesn’t mean the german fleet will die. If Britain attacks it, they’ll most likely lose everything and still see the German transports floating. That means they probably won’t attack it because they probably won’t have enough to field to significantly hurt the luftwaffe. That best case battle meant Britain lost everything more often than not (I think 3% of the time britain wins with a surviving something, and 40% of the time only the transports remain). It also means that Britain must build on the home islands, or a G2 sealion is possible. And it means that Germany can choose not to sealion but the three transports are still useful for securing norway, etc.
It’s simply an option, i don’t see it as significantly worse or better. But a viable option.