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    This is a post I wrote earlier for another thread, but I’m coping it here because it’s relevent to the conversation. I know that it’s agressive for the allies, but its designed to give Italy fits and defend all UK territories in Africa.

    My only attack UK1 in the Med would be SZ#96 with my aircraft carrier and all 3 air units available.

    My non-combat would be:

    1. I would land the fighter from Gibraltar on the carrier if it survived, & I would fly the remaining 2 air units to Egypt ( I would be sure to leave 1 fighter on the carrier)
    2. I would move my Cruiser from 91 (assuming I still have it) into 94, blocking Gibraltar
    3. I would move my Destroyer and Cruiser from 98 into 99 blocking Egypt
    4. I would move my transport from 98 to 96 and pick up 1 infantry and 1 AA Gun from Malta, and move to 81 where I would drop them in Egypt
    5. I would move the destroyer from 71 into 81.
    6. I would move the Cruiser and Destroyer from 39 into 76
    7. I would move the Battle ship from 37 into 75
    8. I would move any ship that survived in the earlier Atlantic battles into 91
    9. I would move my 2 Infantry from South Africa to Rhodesia
    10. I would move 1 Infantry from Egypt & 1 Tank from Alexandria to Anglo-Egypt Sudan
    11. I would move the Infantry from West India into Eastern Persia.
    12. And I would pull back 1 Infantry & 1 Artillery from Alexandria to Egypt (leaving 1 Infantry in Alexandria as a blocker)

    After all this, the Italians are completely surrounded without any chance of getting Gibraltar or the Suez. That will allow the reinforcement ships from India and the surviving ships from the Atlantic to enter the Med in UK2. The transport in 81 can ferry back and forth from 71 to 81, helping the new units from South Africa get to Egypt faster (the Calcutta transport will be to busy making money on the Islands). Germany will get strong, but when the entire Italian fleet is sunk, Italy will be a non factor for the rest of the game which may force Germany to pull back. If this kill Italy first strategy works, the end result will be a landing on rome with the help of an Egyptian factory (hopefully, before Moscow falls).

    For this to happen the US will need to build a fleet during peace time in the Pacific and move what they start with down to 54. Everything in 54 when they enter the game at the end of round 3, will allow them to protect Calcutta and the Philippines. They also need a small landing force in the east to support Gibraltar when they enter the war. After securing 91, their transports should go to Brazil while their warships enter the Med and help make sure Italy stays out of the water.

  • Well, with that set-up, you will for sure slow down the italians, but you’ll end up losing about all your units in sz94, 96 and 99 (with very minimal losses for Axis) before you get to play UK2….So losing all those naval units (and air if you land on the sz96 carrier ) just to slow down the italians for 1 round…well that just can’t be a good idea in my opinion.

  • Grasshopper that sounds really good, but consider this scenario: Italy hits z92 by air and z93 with ships, and also takes Greece with Albanians and amphibious assault I1. Germany or Italy will have also taken Yugoslavia, so then Germany can hit z96 and z99 and land planes there to join the eastern front. Italy can then buy an airbase for Greece and go into Syria I2 with naval and air cover. Alexandria, Transjordan and Iraq fall I3, then Egypt falls after getting it from both sides for a turn or two.

  • I am of the opinion that to win a war, a few ships have to sink and few planes have to burn. Most of the units that I have left “vulnerable” have the same defense value as they do attack value. That said, if I roll well, I will destroy some very valuable Italian stuff, stuff they don’t have the money to replace. However, if I leave the Med via the Suez, I allow Italy the opportunity to get major NO$s and I risk the possibility of getting locked out if Italy takes Trans-Jordon. Who cares if I have the Indian ocean? thats not where the war is. I have friends that act the same way about my aggression, they say “pull back, you might need those units later”, but I know that as an Axis player, there’s nothing worst that taking away my freedom to progress. I am not talking about silly suicide runs here, sure Italy can reach many of my units spread out all over the Med and they will attempt to sink them all, but are you telling me that the axis aren’t nervous about losing planes or losing surviving ships to that second wave of British reinforcement ships coming through Gibraltar and the Suez?..… YA they are. You may be saying that you welcome such a move by the UK their first turn, but secretly, your praying to the dice gods.

  • It’s OK to sacrifice units as long as you will kill an equivalent IPC value in enemy units.  I’ll plan to get some units killed just to take out the enemy.  Japan really suffers once their 21 aircraft dwindle down to 12 or less.  Italy is rough once they lack surface fleet.

  • '10


    You may be saying that you welcome such a move by the UK their first turn, but secretly, your praying to the dice gods.

    Nope, i’m openly praying for my oponent to do what you say….
    And i invite you to play a 2-4 rounds game of Alpha 3(latest set up) against my Axis. The point being to explore your early rounds UK play vs my Axis play, not playing a long game (but we could play the entire game if you wish so).

  • @Axisplaya:


    You may be saying that you welcome such a move by the UK their first turn, but secretly, your praying to the dice gods.

    Nope, i’m openly praying for my oponent to do what you say….
    And i invite you to play a 2-4 rounds game of Alpha 3(latest set up) against my Axis. The point being to explore your early rounds UK play vs my Axis play, not playing a long game (but we could play the entire game if you wish so).

    I appreciate your challenge. However, I am strictly a table top player, so therefore you are right, as I choose not to prove my theory in battle, I forfeit the right to defend it. If you are ever in Toronto, you would be welcome to a demonstration.

  • it was not a challenge, or a pissing contest of any sort. Just a friendly proposition to explore early UK rounds positional play. Just an oportunity for one of us (or both) to learn a few things about this wonderful game.  :wink:

    I live in Montreal, so if i know i’m going to be in Toronto for a few days, i’ll sure pm you and try to fix an apointment for a gaming session.


  • @Axisplaya:

    it was not a challenge, or a pissing contest of any sort. Just a friendly proposition to explore early UK rounds positional play. Just an oportunity for one of us (or both) to learn a few things about this wonderful game.   :wink:

    I live in Montreal, so if i know i’m going to be in Toronto for a few days, i’ll sure pm you and try to fix an apointment for a gaming session.


    That would be great, you would love my set-up and the beer fridge is always running (after a few cold ones, we could have that pissing contest).

  • This is some good stuff… my group play tested the Alpha 3 rules the week they came out, and it was a pretty interesting game.  I appreciate you guys pointing out the additional changes to Alpha 3.  I am looking forward to trying out this new “amended” rule set in the coming weeks.

  • @Young:


    it was not a challenge, or a pissing contest of any sort. Just a friendly proposition to explore early UK rounds positional play. Just an oportunity for one of us (or both) to learn a few things about this wonderful game.   :wink:

    I live in Montreal, so if i know i’m going to be in Toronto for a few days, i’ll sure pm you and try to fix an apointment for a gaming session.


    That would be great, you would love my set-up and the beer fridge is always running (after a few cold ones, we could have that pissing contest).

    That’s damn funny

  • I tried that Med strategy that I posted earlier in this thread on Saturday, and it worked great. I caught my opponent by surprise by being so aggressive and it messed up all his plans (what ever they were). I will report later.

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