@nebnworb yea they get the bit in their mouth and they can run all over the place. Little annoying things that if they don’t react and you can support, can really be irritating. Of course they can kinda do the same thing, depending on USA strategy : )
Alpha 2 Sea Lion
Anything that damages the Luftwaffe is good for England.
Britain will immediately defend from sea lion regardless of what “type” of boats Germany buys round 1.
As they should, although the two german transport purchase allows for fewer transports later, or none at all, if germany was feinting. Germany can ALWAYS take the UK but at a heavy price. But if they never intend to and never imply it, Britain can spend elsewhere. And a G2 sealion is possible if Britain tries to attack that fleet and fails (pretty good odds for germany) or if they don’t build in the UK (which again, everyone who understands the setup knows they should).
Anything that damages the Luftwaffe is good for England.
Yes. But in order to damage the luftwaffe in that hypothetical fight, they lose all their planes. That’s not good for Britain either.
I’m not saying it’s a good strat but I don’t think it’s a bad strat either. It has a place, just as the AC/DD/SS purchase has and isn’t significantly weaker (though maybe a little, bit depending on how everything goes and the skills of the players). The two transport purchase simply doesn’t mean the german fleet will die. If Britain attacks it, they’ll most likely lose everything and still see the German transports floating. That means they probably won’t attack it because they probably won’t have enough to field to significantly hurt the luftwaffe. That best case battle meant Britain lost everything more often than not (I think 3% of the time britain wins with a surviving something, and 40% of the time only the transports remain). It also means that Britain must build on the home islands, or a G2 sealion is possible. And it means that Germany can choose not to sealion but the three transports are still useful for securing norway, etc.
It’s simply an option, i don’t see it as significantly worse or better. But a viable option.
Eh, one would think so, but then again, I feel that England has enough planes they can bring back, along with planes they can purchase that devastating the Luftwaffe to the point that Sea Lion becomes improbable, is well worth it, even if I lose a lot of planes.
I dont think the two transports is the best option. DD, SS, AC is probably better, since in Alpha 2 you can’t sink all the British ships because of scrambling.
You can get sz110 and sz111 for sure. Sz106 is a 50%. That is enough to allow a buy of 1 CV and 1 TT (maybe 2).
But UK can defend with enough in Alpha 2+ to get the odds of success for Sealion at 50% or lower.
Generally, I see SZ 111, not SZ 110. Not enough units to hit everything reliably and counter a 3 fighter scramble from England.
Generally, I see SZ 111, not SZ 110. Not enough units to hit everything reliably and counter a 3 fighter scramble from England.
2 sb, 3 fht, 3 tac on sz110
2 sb, 1 fht, 1 tac, 1 bmb on sz111
If he scrambles in either one, he loses not just his ships, but planes needed to defend London. Scrambling wouldn’t be wise.
Generally, I see SZ 111, not SZ 110. Not enough units to hit everything reliably and counter a 3 fighter scramble from England.
2 sb, 3 fht, 3 tac on sz110
2 sb, 1 fht, 1 tac, 1 bmb on sz111
If he scrambles in either one, he loses not just his ships, but planes needed to defend London. Scrambling wouldn’t be wise.
West France
South France
YugoslaviaHowever, that gives me an idea, how bad would it be NOT to hit France on Round 1, instead, using all your planes to cripple England?
West France
South France
YugoslaviaLeave West France until turn 2.
South France is taken by Italy.
3 tanks and as many inf as you please on Yugo? Don’t need a plane on Yugo.
And there is more than enough ground units to take Paris.
This is 1 opening I use. A safer one is 3 fht and 3 tac to sz110. This is based off my Sealion 1.0 posted way back last year.
1 CV, 2 TT
Norway to sz111
1 fhtGer to sz111
1 bmbsz124 to sz111
1 sbsz118 to sz111
1 sbsz108 to sz110
1 sbsz103 to sz110
1 sbsz117 to sz106
1 sbHol to sz110
1 fhtWgr to sz110
2 fht, 3 tacGer to sz111
1 tacsz113 to sz112
1 BB, 1 CASge to Yug
2 infHun to Yug
2 inf, 1 tank, 1 fhtRma to Yug
1 inf, 1 tankPol to Yug
1 tank, 1 tacWge to Paris
3 inf, 1 art, 4 mecSge to Paris
2 tankHol to Paris
3 tanks, 2 art, 1 infNCM
Yugo to Sit
1 fht, 1 tacRma to Bul
1 infNwy to Fin
1 infsz113 to sz112
1 TT (load from Den 2 inf to Nwy)sz111 to sz112
1 tacSge to Wge
2 inf, 2 artGer to Wge 2 inf
Pol to Ger
3 infSge to Ger
2 infWge to Hol
1 AAsz111 to Wge
1 bmbGer to Wge
1 AAsz111 to sz112
1 fhtsz110 to Hol
3 fht, 1 tacsz110 to Wge
2 tacPlace
1 CV, 1 sb, 1 TT
$49 + $1 + $19 = $69
I’m a bit more conservative with my G1. I only hit the bb in sz11 and the CA off gibraltar. This way I can perhaps get a sub from the atlantic to join my fleet off Denmark. I also have been purchasing the 2 trns 1 CV on G1 so that I have a credible threat on a G2 invasion of Scotland with 5 inf 1 aa. I have been leaving the Italian army to die in Tobruk lately and landing 2 ftr 1 tac in SItaly. This way most of my airforce is available to clear the English channel if needed G2 but most likely their prescence will keep the remaining UK ships away from the coast of Europe. G2 land in Scotland. G3 land in london. G2 expect to buy 1 dd rest trns, the dd is to add a cheap soak wound in case UK tries to sink the 8 or 9 trns in the Skaggerat.
I’m more conservative G1 because I don’t want my opponent to scramble, so I send maximum attackers so it is unwise for him. I also hit Normandy.
I think when going 1 CV 1 dd 1 sub G1 that you are actually better suited to switching to Barbarossa and hitting Russia G3.
I, too have landed in Scotland turn 2.
Removing all UK ships from play I like better than just hitting 1 sz, as it removes options for him. The fewer options he has, the better. With 6 planes on sz110, he would do better to not scramble.
And if he does scramble, barring luck, you will win, and he loses 3 planes for your 1-2. I like this, too, as it also removes more possibilites for him, and Seaion just became more viable.
All that being said, I repeat that with alpha 2, Sealion can be stopped cold. I still use this opening, as it still kills the UK fleet, and UK MUST respond properly, making UK moves predictable.
Is there some build besides solid infantry that will stop sealion?
Is there some build besides solid infantry that will stop sealion?
I like an armor and some extra aircraft myself.
Is there some build besides solid infantry that will stop sealion?
No. You need to max out your factory both turns. That means 9 units turn 1 and 10 turn 2.
Is there some build besides solid infantry that will stop sealion?
I spend my money in Quebec while I still have some. I than prepare and execute a plan to liberate London with the Americans, I Usually buy warships in the first turn or two including an aircraft carrier to retreat my fighters on, I call it operation Albatross.
Is there some build besides solid infantry that will stop sealion?
I spend my money in Quebec while I still have some. I than prepare and execute a plan to liberate London with the Americans, I Usually buy warships in the first turn or two including an aircraft carrier to retreat my fighters on, I call it operation Albatross.
Why? You can hold UK. Why give it to the Germans?
Well, not sure how you can hold UK but it might be possible. What if Germ buys 2 trns G1 and then 10 more G2? Now he can land with 13 loads in Scotland G3 and hit london with 26 ground plus aircraft G4?
I’d love to be able to hold UK, just not sure how to do it, does it include a US1 buy of a carrier to station in the Atlantic to ferry additional ftrs?
There is a viable strategy that entails abandoning England.
I have not tried, it, but I have heard of it.
Turn 3 can be stopped. A turn 4 requires UK to hit and fade Scotland.
Germany should have 12 TT, not 13, though.
Is there some build besides solid infantry that will stop sealion?
I spend my money in Quebec while I still have some. I than prepare and execute a plan to liberate London with the Americans, I Usually buy warships in the first turn or two including an aircraft carrier to retreat my fighters on, I call it operation Albatross.
Why? You can hold UK. Why give it to the Germans?
I have seen 2 games where the UK spent all their resources trying to defend sea lion and when they eventually lost it, they were left with zero money and very little units on the Europe board. Needless to say that their game experience for the next 7 hours wasn’t much fun, I don’t want that to be me.