The reason that it can’t offload more than once is that if it did so during combat movement it would be involved, though indirectly, in multiple combats. This would require complicated rules, as there would be cases where it could be done and cases where it could not be done. Transport movement is already complicated enough without adding more exceptions, so it was decided that a transport’s movement would end once it offloads, period, no exceptions. It was felt that any flexibility added by allowing multiple offloads wasn’t worth adding more complication to transport rules.
Transport Idea
So I was looking at a past game board earlier today and thought of an idea for a transport to do. I looked it up in the rulebook to see if it was legal but did not see what I was looking for. Is it legal for a transport to have two units loaded, be in a single sea zone adjacent to multiple territories, and unload one unit into one territory and the other somewhere else without moving sea zones? I may have overlooked it earlier but I figured someone here would know the answer.
That’s called “Bridging”. not allowed. they both have to be unloaded in one land space.
Such a shame! Thanks for the quick reply.