2015 Axis and Allies Global 1940, Second Edition League Rules
1 - Anyone can join at any time no sign up is necessary just play a game in the league forum with the proper game naming convention (15L G40 Player1(side) v Player2(side))
2 - You may play anyone in the league. �
However, against a single opponent, only best of 3 games will count (when one of you has 2 wins). � This limit can be expanded when both you and your opponent have completed more league games:
0-9 games completed: Limit is best of 3 (first to 2 wins)
10-19 games completed: Eligible for best of 5 (first to 3 wins)
20-29 games completed: Eligible for best of 7 (first to 4 wins)
This pattern continues indefinitely.
3 - Scoring/Playoffs
3a - Each player will belong to 1 of 4 tiers based on their 2015 league year game results, after completing 4 games. � Cutoffs for tiers will be at 4.50 for tier E; 3.50 for tier 1; 2.50 for tier 2; and 1.50 for tier 3 PPG. �
Players will be awarded points as follows:
Win over tier E, 1, 2, 3, 4 earn 7, 6, 5, 4, 3 points, respectively
Lose to tier E, 1, 2, 3, 4 earn 3, 2, 1, 0, 0 points, respectively
Point totals are divided by # of games played to arrive at PPG
Until 4 games are completed, players will be assigned to tier 3 by default, unless they had a ranking in 2014 (or, if necessary, 2013), in which case they will continue with that past ranking until obtaining a new 2015 ranking (4 games completed).
3b League standings are available online here: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AhOB4pSke42ydEhlX0RfbGxmM3RMSHJQd083TV9JUGc#gid=10
3c Playoffs will begin as soon as possible after 31 Oct. 2015. The top 8 players in the league by PPG, who have completed at least 8 games, will be eligible to play for League Champion. � The playoff bracket will be seeded, 1 vs 8, 2 vs 7, 3 vs 6, and 4 vs 5, with the 4-5 being in the same bracket as 1-8.
Tiebreakers for 8th place, in order:
1 – Head to head play
2 – Most games played
3 – Strongest opponent defeated (measured by PPG)
Any players who have completed 4 or more games, and who did not qualify for the League Champion Playoff may sign up to enter the additional league playoffs. � These playoffs will also start with 8 players each, and will be seeded by PPG (with byes or play-in games as necessary)
4 - Game & rules – The default rules are the published G40 2nd edition rules, Regular Dice (also known as ADS or Actual Dice Server), No Technology, and Bidding to determine sides. � Rules are available online here (Europe rules, then Pacific rules): http://www.wizards.com/avalonhill/rules/A&A_Europe_1940_2ndEd_Rulebook_LR.pdf
4a The default game rules may be modified by agreement of both players. � Tech, with or without Tech Tokens, is allowed if you and your opponent agree prior to bidding. � You should notate +Tech in the thread title for the moderators. � Low luck is also allowed – notate +LL in the thread title.
4b – Bidding - Bidding will be used to ensure that both players are satisfied with the side they are playing. �
Players may negotiate bidding terms with one another, with the following default settings:
Limit one bid unit in a territory or sea zone.
The nation placing a unit in a territory or sea zone must have started with a unit in said territory or sea zone prior to placing the bid.
In the instance there are units from more than one country in a territory or sea zone, only one nation will be permitted to place a bid unit there. � I.e. Egypt has ANZAC and British units present at start of the game, either ANZAC or England may place a bid unit in Egypt, but not both.
China is limited to bid units of: Infantry, Artillery and/or Fighters (the units China is legally able to purchase or start the game with.) � These units are still limited to movement restrictions other Chinese units are limited to.
5 - Posting Schedule
5a - Time Limits - There is a 72 hour time limit per move. However, play can be paused for a total of 21 days, for whatever reason, without penalty by simply posting the need for a vacation. Please specify the duration of your absence in your game. � For good sportsmanship, you should give defender decisions (casualty choices, scramble/intercept/submerge/kamikaze decisions) to your opponent as soon as possible.
5b - Weekend Players. � If you can only play on the weekend or on certain days, please state so when you are looking for an opponent, and clearly specify this in the game thread.
5c - 72 hour warnings: � If 72 hours goes by and there is no game-play post from your opponent (i.e. at least a game decision made), simply post “bump” and the number of the bump (Bump#1, Bump #2, or Bump #3), which creates the warning. � (Note: � only post “bump” in your warnings to make it clear you are issuing a warning. � Do not add any small talk or other game talk in your warning post.)
5d - Bump warning and consequences - Each “bump” warning resets the clock for another 72 hrs. � However, on the 4th “bump” warning the offending player will be disqualified and declared the loser for that game. � (Note: � You get only 3 warnings per game.) � You must post the warning when it happens (or before the next move has been made by your opponent). � You cannot retroactively issue a “bump” warning. � (For example, if the game is in round 8 you cannot go back and issue a warning that occurred in round 7). � “Bump” warnings can be issued for posting of partial turns (i.e. someone only posted their purchases), OOL requests, map questions, etc. but they follow the same 72 hour requirement.
5e - If a turn is not posted within 9 days of either the previous turn post (or request for decision on casualty choice, scrambling, kamikaze, etcetera) or the end of a predetermined “vacation”, then the player failing to post may be declared in default and lose the game.
6 – Posting game results - Losing Players are responsible to post results in the stickied game results thread. � This is so that we know the loser agrees with the game result. � Post names of the winner and loser, the sides each player played, and provide a link to the game thread. � Winners may post the result when the game result was due to time limits of rule #5.
7 - The Regular Season starts on 2 Nov. 2014 and ends on 31 Oct. 2015. � Games must be completed by 31 Oct. 2015 in order to be counted for the 2015 season. � All game results reported between 2 Nov. 2014 and 31 Oct. 2015 will be included in the 2015 league standings. � All games are included in the league year in which they are reported.
8 - Allowed Assumptions during gameplay - The purpose of assumptions is to reduce the number of game stoppages for opponent decisions (scrambling, casualty choice, intercepting, submerging, kamikazes…). � Because you are assuming a decision for your opponent, the opponent must always be given the benefit, and moderators will always decide in this manner.
8b - Scrambling/intercept/submerge/kamikaze – When you make an assumption, you are accepting the risk that your opponent will disagree after seeing your turn. � If your opponent takes issue with an assumption, you should come to an agreement about how to handle it. � If you don’t agree, then the defender can require that the entire combat phase be re-rolled from the beginning.
8c - Order of Loss (OOL) - When determining an order of loss for your opponent, you should always endeavor to give him or her the maximum defense value possible. � If your opponent wants to keep different units as survivors, then they will be permitted to do so. � If your opponent disagrees that you gave him maximum defense, you are expected to satisfy his concern. � Benefit of the doubt always goes to the defender when the attacker is making assumptions.
9 – Order of Play – From page 11 of the rulebook: “Axis and Allies is played in rounds. � A round consists of each power taking a turn. � Your power’s turn consists of six phases, which take place in a fixed sequence. � When you finish the Collect Income phase, your turn is over. � Play then passes to the next power.â€
You may not go back to previous phases/turns of the game and make changes without your opponent’s permission.
10 - Moderators will make the final decision on any rules violations or other game disputes. Moderator rulings are FINAL. � PERIOD.
Have fun!!! �
League Moderators
Commander Jennifer