I caught this topic from a Garg post in another topic (tying tech to IC’s). I like what Garg has done here and just wanted to continue the discussion (although it’s been inactive for nearly a year). You can see where Garg left off in the above post.
I like every power gets a research facility (except India, and China) at set-up (15 IPC value). I like that this new facility would be subject to SRR. The one thing I would like to see is a continued investment at these facilities to get tech, rather then just a free dice each turn.
How about if these research facilities worked more like a minor IC. Like a minor IC, if you don’t invest IPCs nothing is produced there.
So your given the facility at your capital, and it’s up to you to invest IPCs to produce tech. You can purchase more research facilities (15 IPCs) if you want to over spend. Each facility has the ability to roll up to 3 dice (like a minor can produce up to 3 units if they buy them). Each dice cost 3 IPCs to roll (you can roll 1-3, or none at all). You buy tech rolls just before the purchase/repair units phase, roll them, and if you get a breakthrough (only one breakthrough per turn still in effect) it goes into effect in the mobilization phase (just like a minor IC). This would allow you to make purchases accordingly, but not use your new tech in combat that turn. Any def tech like radar would be in effect as your turn ends, and you would be eligible for war bonds in the collect income phase of that turn (to spend on your next turn).
SBR would work just like a minor IC (max damage at 6). Each facility would also have built-in AA like a minor IC. If you have 3 damage, your facility is down, and you can’t buy research dice (just like you can’t produce units at a minor). You have to buy out damage markers until you are able to roll dice (two damage on the facility would allow you to buy only one researcher dice). In order to buy and roll 3 dice, you would have to clear all damage markers.
If you want to buy more then 3 dice in a turn, you would have to buy or capture another research facility (2nd facility gives you up to 6 dice). I don’t think that 3 IPCs/dice is too expensive for throw away’s (maybe 2 IPCs would work better for some ppl). You could also go with dice cost 3 IPCs, but the first one is discounted (maybe 2 IPCs), but you should have to pay something IMO. I like that it would be a facility that is subject to SBR, so extra cost could be involved in tech. If it is a pay as you go, then India could also get a research facility at their capital IMO (they rarely have expendable income). If you discount the first roll for a research facility (maybe 1-2 IPCs), then it could be worth it to build a second facility, but capturing an enemies would be pretty cool. Germany or Italy would benefit from the French research facility at Paris early on by being able to roll two dice at a discount (would make up for UK having the same discount ability if Calcutta also has a research facility). Not sure if you should be able to buy research dice before your at war (probably not).
Just thought this was an interesting thread to revive. Garg do you see this as something you would consider as an amendment for your house rule?