Sgt. Wonko's & TMTM's 1940 Global Module for Abattlemap

  • @gamerman01:

    I think you should go with the one module auto-convoy so we don’t have compatibility issues with this in the future.  I’m confident the vast majority of players would agree with me.  (Although I do have one lingering doubt.  For those who think they should be able to get away with convoy damage that the opponent doesn’t see - a la Monopoly)

    Wow, all this at no charge.  All we can do is thank you for improving the gaming experience for dozens of avid gamers.




    Yea, I was pretty sure it was possible to raid more than the total IPC value of the territories but it is a bit confusing. So I guess auto-convoy can work after all.

    You guys will be…… translating this to layman’s terms when the time comes, hopefully?

    Currently my module doesn’t do auto convoy… meaning that just by placing navy into a convoy zone won’t do damage on the chart… I set it this way because I thought damage was limited and that auto convoy can over damage but after getting an official answer… the auto convoy should be fine and no need to use the damage markers icon. However some people might like this method to do damage… and I’m considering adding a 2nd twin module… so we’ll have auto convoy or manual convoy to choose from… all players would have to agree on which type to use. Do you like this idea or just have one module and force everyone to use  auto convoy?

    The two different “versions” can be completely compatible so long as both players remember to use the markers.  I’d say make auto-convoy the default, and then you can release an optional replacement UnitStats.txt for people who only want the markers to count in their games.  Then these people will be able to play with others without the other person needing to install anything new or change anything - they just have to remember to use the markers.

  • That sounds good!

  • I’m new to abattlemap.  I downloaded the 1940 global module and it looks great.  the only problem i have is that the program always crashes when i’m moving items on the map.  is there a resolution to this?


  • First of all, it looks great, so thumbs up for good work…
    however, when i try to dl it, mediafire just says invalid or missing file…

    is possible you could put it up again?

    many thx

  • - Beta 3 - updated 11-12-2011

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator

    @TMTM: - Beta 3 - updated 11-12-2011

    TMTM:  You forgot the following territories on the Russian NO:  Ireland (Ire), Sicily (Sic), Sardinia (Sar).

    Just thought I would bring it to your attention.  (yes, Russia can get 66 IPC from conquered lands in Europe, 5 from SZ 125 for a total of 71 IPCs from NOs, the most of any nationality in the game!)

  • @Cmdr:

    @TMTM: - Beta 3 - updated 11-12-2011

    TMTM:  You forgot the following territories on the Russian NO:  Ireland (Ire), Sicily (Sic), Sardinia (Sar).

    Just thought I would bring it to your attention.  (yes, Russia can get 66 IPC from conquered lands in Europe, 5 from SZ 125 for a total of 71 IPCs from NOs, the most of any nationality in the game!)

    Great, thanks! I’m glad your checking out the module… I’ve never played Global yet hehe

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator



    @TMTM: - Beta 3 - updated 11-12-2011

    TMTM:  You forgot the following territories on the Russian NO:  Ireland (Ire), Sicily (Sic), Sardinia (Sar).

    Just thought I would bring it to your attention.  (yes, Russia can get 66 IPC from conquered lands in Europe, 5 from SZ 125 for a total of 71 IPCs from NOs, the most of any nationality in the game!)

    Great, thanks! I’m glad your checking out the module… I’ve never played Global yet hehe

    AA Gun, Mechanized Infantry should also be on Manchuria.  That was almost certianly my fault as I put the setup on.

  • @Cmdr:



    @TMTM: - Beta 3 - updated 11-12-2011

    TMTM:  You forgot the following territories on the Russian NO:  Ireland (Ire), Sicily (Sic), Sardinia (Sar).

    Just thought I would bring it to your attention.  (yes, Russia can get 66 IPC from conquered lands in Europe, 5 from SZ 125 for a total of 71 IPCs from NOs, the most of any nationality in the game!)

    Great, thanks! I’m glad your checking out the module… I’ve never played Global yet hehe

    AA Gun, Mechanized Infantry should also be on Manchuria.  That was almost certianly my fault as I put the setup on.

    I’ll fix those… what about Crete is it in the Russian NO?

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator

    Yes, as silly as it sounds, Crete is part of the Russian NO.

  • Alpha +3 Module for Abattlemap Beta 5 - Updated 11-15-2011

    Sic, Cre, Eir, Sar have been added to the Russian NO
    Man - units fixed

    Please let me know of any errors.

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator

    +2 Infantry in Saudia Arabia
    +1 Infantry in Chile
    +2 AA Guns in India
    +1 Transport in SZ 97
    -1 Infantry in Yugoslavia

    Updated map included.

    Alpha 3.AAM

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator

    Starting income for Japan is wrong.  Japan starts with 26 IPC, not 30 IPC.

    Fixed, uploaded.

    Alpha 3.AAM

  • I’m guessing this hasn’t been updated to reflect the 2/11 setup changes? seems to be missing the following (listing totals, not additions, for given unit in given territory):

    1 Transport, 1 Cruiser in z114 (moved from z113)

    1 mec in UK
    1 art, 1 tank in France
    2 inf, 1 aa in Scotland
    1 cruiser in z111 (instead of z112)
    3 aa in India

    1 Cruiser in z110 (moved from z112)
    1 art, 1 tnk in France (instead of 2 each)
    2 inf in UK (instead of 1)

    That’s what I see, but didn’t really check the whole thing - any others I missed?  Or did I miss the boat and someone else has already posted this?

    my updated setup attached…


  • @TMTM:

    Alpha +3 Module for Abattlemap Beta 5 - Updated 11-15-2011

    Sic, Cre, Eir, Sar have been added to the Russian NO
    Man - units fixed

    Please let me know of any errors.

    Also, why are Eir and Cre in the Russian NO?  Aren’t they pro-allies?

  • I just noticed that today, since I’ve started playing global again.  It would be great if it got fixed.

    The Russian NO boxes are all European TRUE NEUTRALS and PRO-ALLIED but do not include the latest rule change.

    It is now any pro-Axis or original German or Italian territories.  So it should not include any of the true neutrals or pro-Allied (Switzerland, Sweden, Greece, Spain, Portugal, etc), but it SHOULD include territories like Libya and Tobruk.

    This is not a complete list, but you get the idea.

    Russian NO’s are now for Italian and German and Pro-Axis territories, and this is not restricted to Europe.
    True neutrals like Eire and Switzerland and pro-Allied like Greece and Yugoslavia do not count for the NOs.

    Not a huge deal - we can manage until it gets fixed.  We can still flag them when earned, and I’ve already started using the sektor editor to at least change what it says in the popup…


  • OK, so here is a list:

    Should be added:
    Italian Somaliland

    Should be removed:

    I think that’s it

  • @Stoney229:

    That’s what I see, but didn’t really check the whole thing - any others I missed?  Or did I miss the boat and someone else has already posted this?

    my updated setup attached…

    You’re missing an infantry in Egypt.  Also, the wrong row of French boats was used - mine has the bright ones that count on the info bar as French (very minor - but more accurate)

    Crete is not marked as pro-Allied

    My start-up map is attached

    From comparing it to yours, I caught that the one I was using did not have Crete marked as pro-Allied, nor Eire.  It was also missing neutral armies in Saudi Arabia and Switzerland.  Thanks, Stoney.


  • @Gamerman01:


    That’s what I see, but didn’t really check the whole thing - any others I missed? � Or did I miss the boat and someone else has already posted this?

    my updated setup attached…

    You’re missing an infantry in Egypt.  Also, the wrong row of French boats was used - mine has the bright ones that count on the info bar as French (very minor - but more accurate)

    Crete is not marked as pro-Allied

    My start-up map is attached

    From comparing it to yours, I caught that the one I was using did not have Crete marked as pro-Allied, nor Eire.  It was also missing neutral armies in Saudi Arabia and Switzerland.  Thanks, Stoney.

    I may try to make a new version.  Since changing some of these things will make it somewhat incompatible with older versions, might as well make all compatibility-changing improvements at once.

    For example,

    1. Make Nbr and Quebec adjacent
    2. put in some clearer and better-looking canal/straits markers
    3. make Brg more clearly not adj to z89

    Can anyone clarify the following, citing an official source?:

    1. is Finland adjacent to z126?
    2. is Ontario adjacent to Cus?
    3. Is newf adjacent to z106?
    4. is col adjacent to z89
    5. can someone please quote me the current rules pertaining to all straights and canals (I ave not been keeping up)?

    Some aesthetic changes I hope to put in:

    1. make neutrals more easily distinguishable from Italy
    2. extend african country borders into sahara like they are on the physical board to accommodate house rules.
    3. Label Caspian sea as a sea zone

    Anything else that should be done?

  • @Stoney229:

    I may try to make a new version. � Since changing some of these things will make it somewhat incompatible with older versions, might as well make all compatibility-changing improvements at once.


    Can anyone clarify the following, citing an official source?:

    1. is Finland adjacent to z126?

    NO.  It is VERY clear from looking at my gameboard.

    1. is Ontario adjacent to Cus?

    I can never remember the official answer to this, and it’s very important.  Someone else will know.

    1. Is newf adjacent to z106?

    NO.  Only 116 - this is very clear on my gameboard.

    1. is col adjacent to z89

    No.  Quite clearly not on the gameboard, and I’m pretty sure I remember this being clarified by Krieghund.

    1. can someone please quote me the current rules pertaining to all straights and canals (I ave not been keeping up)?

    Don’t have time right now, but it’s pretty simple.
    Must control Denmark to go through Danish straits.
    Must control Egypt and TrJ for Suez
    Must control Gibraltar
    Must control Panama

    One exception.  SUBS CAN go through straits of Gibraltar at all times, regardless of control of Gibraltar.

    Some aesthetic changes I hope to put in:

    1. make neutrals more easily distinguishable from Italy


    1. extend african country borders into sahara like they are on the physical board to accommodate house rules.
    2. Label Caspian sea as a sea zone


    Anything else that should be done?

    Thanks, Stoney!  If I think of anything later today, I’ll let you know.  Looking forward to the finished product!

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