• 2024 '23 '22 '21 '20 '19 '18 '17

    INTP. Classic nerdiness I suppose.

  • 2007 AAR League


    Maybe thats why i have a more risk/reward style of play

  • '10


  • intj - 8 (44.4%)

    Why are so many people of this type?

    This has got to be impossible considering that like almost 1 out of 2 are this type in the poll. Perhaps the only types of people who would respond to a poll are INTJ? Perhaps that can explain it.

  • ENTJ

  • Moderator


    Should have guessed…


  • infj

  • @Imperious:

    intj - 8 (44.4%)

    Why are so many people of this type?

    This has got to be impossible considering that like almost 1 out of 2 are this type in the poll. Perhaps the only types of people who would respond to a poll are INTJ? Perhaps that can explain it.

    Perhaps that personality type is simply more strongly drawn to Axis and Allies? We’re also dealing with a very small sample (folks on this site who’ve taken the poll) of a very small sample (folks registered on this site.) We don’t have that diverse a statistical sample in the first place. We’re also lacking in females and doesn’t INTJ skew male?

    I’m not sure we should be too surprised though. A&A is not a hobby for folks who don’t like rules let alone complicated and complex rules so a few of those types while perhaps common in the overall population simply aren’t going to show up here. A&A is not a hobby for folks who hate math and/or thinking things through especially as recreation. The only responses in the emotional types have judgmental and thinking in them.

    To get more broad as an example I’d think the number of folks here who read history and sci-fi as their recreational reading is likely high compared to a national sample. We don’t have a romance book thread do we?

    If we did a poll on folks’ occupations around here the number of artists and entertainers and writers (not technical) and models and designers is likely skewed to the very low end of the overall distribution. We’re probably even low compared to average for sales and lawyers type positions. This site’s demo probably skews strongly to STEM fields and management therein or manufacturing/construction.

    Or they saw my earlier post and are picking it to skew the poll without taking the test?   :roll:

  • I don’t think this is to scientific but certainly interesting. Why wouldn’t the site skew INTJ on an individual level? Nearly 3/4 of everyone who responded to the poll has one of those characteristics.

    14/19 are I types for 74%
    16/19 are N types for 84%
    14/19 are T types for 74%
    17/19 are J types for 89%

    If we take away the 8 INTJs we still get

    54% I types
    72% N types
    54% T types
    81% J types

  • ENFJ

    Although, I think that could change depending on what I was thinking of.  Also not all of those are personality related…some are practical or spatial.  The one about where you stand in the room - middle or edge - had me answer in a practical manner because I’m a big dude.  If I stand in the middle I’m in everyone’s way.  Maybe that plays on the empathy part, but I thought they were going for the center of attention angle.

    I think the personality test is bunk, though.

  • @Jermofoot:


    Although, I think that could change depending on what I was thinking of.  Also not all of those are personality related…some are practical or spatial.  The one about where you stand in the room - middle or edge - had me answer in a practical manner because I’m a big dude.  If I stand in the middle I’m in everyone’s way.  Maybe that plays on the empathy part, but I thought they were going for the center of attention angle.

    I think the personality test is bunk, though.

    You have to change your answers to many more than one question to shift the results. I did it again changing a few things that I thought might be just my own perception/wishful thinking and not what ‘is’ and still ended up with the initial classification.

  • ISTJ

    Lead trait is Thinking, I don’t think that means I get the right answers though!  It just takes me longer to get it wrong.

    I’m like Clint Eastwood, Herbert Hoover, Queen Elizabeth II & Eeyore; what does that mean?

    One of the links described ENTJ’s as Fieldmarshals, go figure.

  • '10

    INFJ here.

  • @frimmel:



    Although, I think that could change depending on what I was thinking of.  Also not all of those are personality related…some are practical or spatial.  The one about where you stand in the room - middle or edge - had me answer in a practical manner because I’m a big dude.  If I stand in the middle I’m in everyone’s way.  Maybe that plays on the empathy part, but I thought they were going for the center of attention angle.

    I think the personality test is bunk, though.

    You have to change your answers to many more than one question to shift the results. I did it again changing a few things that I thought might be just my own perception/wishful thinking and not what ‘is’ and still ended up with the initial classification.

    I thought about doing that too, but it didn’t hold my interest enough. I guess there are a number of questions to spread results across, now that you mention it.

  • ENTP :evil: :evil: :evil: :-D

  • INTJ……Electrician/Secuirty Technician FYI

  • yay im the first … ENFP

    slightly expressed extravert
    moderately expressed intuitive personality
    distinctively expressed feeling personality
    slightly expressed perceiving personality

  • '14


  • Moderator

    Ok, this is a resurrection, but I must. There are too many people who haven’t given us their personality ahem Garg ahem who I would love to hear where they lean. This might be just because I love studying people, and where they land on the spectrum.


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