Lozmoid has a excellent idea,…based in reality and giving depth to our “gameplay”.
But IMHO it would further complicate an already very complicated game and lengthen them. As an “optional” rule for people who like games to be long they would be great.
Like Viracocha, I also like the idea of “veteran” units but feel it would also be too complicated and time consuming to implement.
As the “typical” A&A global game takes 6-20 hours to fully play I’m not sure we need our gameplay lengthened further.
Like Viracocha, I prefer the “rules” to be as Logical, Simple, and Fast in terms of Gameplay and Time as possible. To overstate this point, I don’t think many players want things so complicated that we have to carry a 100-page rule book around.
IMHO we should all consider how each “rule” affects the overall “Big Picture” of Simplicity and Speed of Execution in our games. Adding “rules” impacts gameplay in terms of SIMPLICITY/COMPLICATION of execution and in TIME. If the “rules” are enough of a benifit and are simple enough to execute in time,…then I think most players would want them, myself included.
Of course, everyone has differrent tastes but I prefer things to move along somewhat so you don’t have several players just sitting around watching one player go through a long, complicated turn.
In the “Solomons Campaign” game that Tigerman and I are designing we are adding many COMPLICATIONS to the game,…such as:
All of the new and/or proposed Units
Along with their numerous new A/D/M/C factors
And all of the new CAPABILITIES that the new units represent
And a Supply/Logistics aspect (remember this is Guadalcanal)
BUT,…we aren’t adding anything unless it is LOGICAL to have, SIMPLE to execute, and FAST in gameplay terms. If we didn’t keep in mind the “Big Picture” we could easily end up with a “Monster” of a game that wouldn’t be FUN for most people. I’m glad to say thus far I think we’ve succeeded in including everything and not having it being too complicated or time consuming. Of course, there will also be “options” to allow for differring gameplay tastes.
I was determined that Tigerman and I should adhere to my Logical, Simple, and Fast methods for our upcoming game,…and I believe it will be much improved
(read more FUN) because of it.
Of course, these are only my opinions and should only be considerred as that. I’m not on any soapbox here, but thought we should keep “the Big Picture” in mind and how every change affects it.
“Tall Paul”