Sorry IL, I dont see how the general can help infantry move two. I like the retreat after one round of combat. We have been using that one. Not sure I understand #3. Do you mean that each como of three gets to roll one die? We have been letting land units choose targets on round one with a general. (targeting other land units only)
General = Headquarters
HQ tabulates the fuel and ammo requisitions and the leadership has the moxie to march troops farther than a leader with less qualities.
Patton’s drive to Messina before Montgomery, Pattons 3rd army turn around at the Bulge, Guderians record tank drives in France and Russia, Mansteins retreat and counterblow in early 1943, etc.
Good generals have the tensity to get troops to move farther in battle.
Also, a good general knows how to employ the various coordination of military forces to use them with devastating effect. If you understand how to integrate the infantry, air, and mobile land units you should get some extra.
Considered was obvious +1 stuff, but it is too imbalancing to have some or all units getting boosted. However, promoting the use of combined arms would reduce the small advantage and at the same time promote buying all types of units… this was the direction i felt needed support and could fit.
Letting them choose targets was considered for a ‘Admiral’ concept, but ships are costly, and a bonus would make the game more imbalanced. Land targeting just seemed a bit unclear…
How can a general say " hey today we just kill you, but not you" Honestly, in battle tanks go against tanks, infantry against infantry, and planes vs. planes. This is realistic to say units of like type can and must damage their own kind. But this is not AA anymore.
I think that bonus you propose is a bit strong …too strong of an advantage… they become tank killers and thats what they should be unless combat system was totally redesigned.