I play against myself.
Thou shalt purchase only what thou will need later
Thou shalt not cry about ‘bad dice’ -
8. Thou shalt have thy Purchase ready when it is thine turn
That’s a bit iffy. It’s great for a fast game, but with newer players or with a nation that’s greatly affected by the nation immediately before it it’s impractical. And the only way it helps is to keep the game shorter, which doesn’t affect victory.
10. Thou shall not be timid attacking as the allied player.
11. Thou shall attack thine foes with the USA as soon as they are able to do so.
12. Thou shalt bring beer.
12. Thou shalt bring beer.
13. Thou shalt keep thy beer well away from the game board, lest thou should sully it with a spill.
14. Thou shalt have Kreighund available to answer questions online during gameplay.
15. Thou shalt not anger thy dice gods
16. Thou shalt not turtle as the Soviet Union.
- Thou shalt not fall asleep during play.
- Thou shalt not cry about unrepresented tactical matters (e.g. effect of good commanders, the difficulty of wooded terrain, etc) in a strategic board game.
- Thou shalt not criticize the lack of political details (e.g. late German mobilization in 1943, unrepresnted meglomaniacs, etc) in a simple boardgame.
- Thou shalt not criticize the lack of technical representation between playing pieces (e.g. difference between tank varients) when they are representative of corps and armies.
- Thou must understand that war is first of all a study in political will and economics. Carefully count the costs before declaring war and then again before every move and thy opponents move.
- Thou shalt not throw the game board when thou suffereth a defeat.
- Before starting a game, thou shallt search the internet thoroughly, to see if your rulebook and setup charts are still correct.
- Thou shalt not throw the game board when thou suffereth a defeat.
im going to BG hell for this :lol: :-D :-o :evil:
- thou shalt play the latest Alpha- even if it annoys us all :wink:
fix your to 24) ill deleat this post when you do. Thank You
- Thou shall not be without a have a strategy.
- Thou shall not lie, cheat, steal, and thou shall not tolerate those who doeth.
- Thou shall not watch the NFL game while playing.
- Thou shall not let the French and Chinese players go to slumber and shirk the food and phone call duties.
- Thou shall not be without a common goal within your team.
- Thou shall not spill your soda on the board when you are losing.
- Thou shall not undermine the superiority of the Western Hemisphere.
- Thou shall not be a Terrell Owens.
- Thou shall not be overrated.
- Thou shall not clog up the procession of game by spending excessive amounts of time on your turn.
- Thou shall not be OCD with the way the pieces are set up on the board.
- Thou shall not intoxicate thyself when playing.
- Thou shall not break any of these commandments for any reason.
- Thou shall not be a Terrell Owens.
- Thou shall not intoxicate thyself when playing.
woahhh, wait a minute!