@krieghund Thank you very much Krieghund. This makes sense…
Global 1940 on 1942 map?
Has anyone ever tried 1940 rules/units on the 1942 map?
We have a group that enjoys to play, but 1940 is a serious time commitment that we just can’t schedule, and it seems to be taking the fun out of it (for us). When we played 1942, we could set up and play a few rounds in one night and while not always finishing, we could get a good enough sense in how the game was going to declare a victor.
We do enjoy the new pieces and rules (scrambling, tac bombers, convoys, air fields, kamakazi, shipyards) from 1940 … has anyone ever tried to use them on the older, smaller, more manageable 1942 board? any tips? any existing transfer rules? any thoughts?
Thanks everyone!
I have thought about integrating some of the rules and units into the other AA games, but haven’t done it. I have AA42 2nd edition, but have only played it a handful of times. I did play the anniversary edition a bunch before G40 came out, and have often though it would be cool to introduce some of the G40 stuff to it.
I think you could bring in the new units, and come up with placement of AB/NB, but the facilities would need to be nerfed. Like you could have AB and NB, but don’t get a movement bonus because of the smaller maps. AB could allow scramble, but limit it to 1 plane only. NB would only be used for repairing capital ships.
42.2 is a much faster, lighter game, without all the Cadillac rules of G40. Some of the unit changes and rule changes are substantial, but part of what makes the game nice is that you don’t have to spend so much time counting out landing zones and attack lines, figuring out where they can and cannot hit you based on air bases.
The scaling of 42.2 is a nice change from the “zoomed in” G40 map, but it’s clear that if you want to do the full monty, you will want the bigger board and minor powers.
I’m looking forward to playing 42.2 when we have a half day and G40 when we have a full day to play.
Has anyone ever tried 1940 rules/units on the 1942 map?
We have a group that enjoys to play, but 1940 is a serious time commitment that we just can’t schedule, and it seems to be taking the fun out of it (for us). When we played 1942, we could set up and play a few rounds in one night and while not always finishing, we could get a good enough sense in how the game was going to declare a victor.
We do enjoy the new pieces and rules (scrambling, tac bombers, convoys, air fields, kamakazi, shipyards) from 1940 … has anyone ever tried to use them on the older, smaller, more manageable 1942 board? any tips? any existing transfer rules? any thoughts?
Thanks everyone!
I would stay away incorporating air bases, shipyards due to number of spaces on the 1942.2 map.
Kamikazis and scrambling although fun, they will drastically change the overall strategy and dynamic of the game.
Now when it comes to mechanized infantry and tactical bombers that’s something that can be integrated with success. I haven’t done it yet but will start trying it out now that my brother and I have about 20 games under our belt and can call ourselves intermediate players. I will post results and overall outcome. In my opinion it will slightly benefit the Axis thus making it even harder for the Allies.