• TripleA

    if japan makes factories on china… do they go poof when china gets it back? or is it different now?

  • @Cow:

    if japan makes factories on china… do they go poof when china gets it back? or is it different now?

    Still poof.

  • TripleA

    For alpha 3 rules what is the german navy setup.

    On Larry’s site it says cruiser and transport are in sz114. on AA.Org Official Alpha 3 Thread it says they are in sz113 with the bizmark.

    when the new print run of global is released what will be the official setup for the german cruiser and transport?


  • TripleA

    out of range from taking over the united kingdom round 1.

  • Cruiser and transport in 114.  Battleship in z113.

  • TripleA

    airbases and naval go poof too right?

  • @Cow:

    airbases and naval go poof too right?

    I think it’s just ICs that go poof.

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator



    airbases and naval go poof too right?

    I think it’s just ICs that go poof.

    When did that start?

  • TripleA

    Man I can’t remember if stuff goes poof or not!

  • Page 9 of Pacific Rulebook:
    “If a Japanese industrial complex is built on a Chinese territory and that territory is later recaptured by the Chinese or liberated by another Allied power, the industrial complex is removed from the game.”

    The rulebook is silent on bases in China, (and it doesn’t specify about German or Italian complexes because they forgot about global ramifications, although that could reasonably be implied, of course).  Since the rulebook doesn’t explicitly mention air or naval bases, but specifically identifies industrial complexes, I think that means naval bases and air bases are never removed from the game, as Vance guessed.

    I looked over Alpha2 and Alpha3 rules and don’t see this issue mentioned, so IIRC OOB has the rules.  You will need Krieghund to confirm, which he may have already and I forgot, about the naval and air bases in China issue.  I’m thinking he did weigh in on the issue a long time ago (when only Pacific was out) and the answer is IC’s ONLY are removed, not bases.

  • As I recall, bases are not removed, as they can be used by the allies and don’t run counter to chinese rules.  As China doesn’t use factories for placement, they have no need for factories and are simply removed.  Air bases and naval bases can potentially be used, so they remain.

  • TripleA

    ok awesome now I remember what goes poof or not, that sounds right too. I remember playin that way.

  • So with these finalized rules and setups, does the setup apply for Pac. and Eur. when played separately also?

  • TripleA

    hell no lol. That is what the reprint is for. I think LH is going to make some adjustments to be honest.

  • [quote]
    So with these finalized rules and setups, does the setup apply for Pac. and Eur. when played separately also?

    That was the intention, and Pacific alone originally drove the changes, which then morphed into the Global game.

    So yes, setup and rule changes will most likely apply to pac and europe with very minimal adjustment (switchouts of anzac in egypt, removal of russia from pacific for instance).  the outlier is whether national objectives work for the theater games.  In Pac the US may have too little when the objectives redesigned for the global game are used as they were balanced for the global us income which is significantly higher in global due to the east coast territories not seen in the pac theater (hence the original +40 bump which no longer exists in Alpha3)

  • TripleA

    Japan national objectives are super dumb as well. By dumb, I mean he gets 1 for dutch and then 1 for calcutta and anymore means he won the game with VCs.

  • TripleA

    if you are allies and non-combat move a ground unit into a pro allied territory such as persia, can you land an air unit that same turn?

  • @allweneedislove:

    if you are allies and non-combat move a ground unit into a pro allied territory such as persia, can you land an air unit that same turn?

    Strange wording - are you confusing “turn” with “round”?  Otherwise, allied or not, it shouldn’t matter.

    The following is an example of how it works:

    On Russia’s turn, they noncombat move into Persia and take control.  Russia CANNOT land an air unit there at the end of their noncombat phase as they did not control the territory at the start of the Russia’s turn. Russia’s turn ends.

    On UK’s next turn (which is in the same round), the UK CAN land planes in Persia, as it was friendly (an allied power controlled it) at the beginning of their turn.

  • Agree with kcd

    I do remember Krieghund answering this question

  • '10


    Japan national objectives are super dumb as well. By dumb, I mean he gets 1 for dutch and then 1 for calcutta and anymore means he won the game with VCs.

    What’s that ?!?…

    Cow, you have an entire forum to post hundreds (thousands) of those (useless IMO)comments.

    Can you please keep this thread clean and post ONLY questions or eventually (if you are 200% sure) answers in this thread ?


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