• Sponsor

    Thanks…… here’s another one, I think I’m right, but I wanna make sure.

    If Japan is not at war with the Pacific allies, can they move their fleet into sea zone #39 during the non combat phase, even if there are British ships there. And if we do share a sea zone and the UK wants to declare war, their ships will either have to fight or leave, right.

  • @Young:

    Thanks…… here’s another one, I think I’m right, but I wanna make sure.

    If Japan is not at war with the Pacific allies, can they move their fleet into sea zone #39 during the non combat phase, even if there are British ships there. And if we do share a sea zone and the UK wants to declare war, their ships will either have to fight or leave, right.

    Yes, they can occupy the same seazone as a power they are not at war with and everything is hunky dory.

    And yes, if the UK declares war, they will be forced to fight in that seazone, or leave.  However, on the turn they declare war, they can still load transports in that seazone (an exception to the no load in hostile zone rule)

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator


    That seemed a little harsh.

    Sorry, but it’s true that sometimes the game testers have a big blindspot that gamers will find (probably because we out number then 30:1 or worse) and rules like that have the tendancy to make the game look really bad.

  • TripleA '12

    Hey Krieghund, thanks for the update on the rulebook. Speak of which - Larry has been a bit quiet recently… everything okay?

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator


    Hey Krieghund, thanks for the update on the rulebook. Speak of which - Larry has been a bit quiet recently… everything okay?

    Dimes to dollars, he’s making a new game and does not want to be bothered with this one anymore.  The community has been pretty harsh on him on this game and I don’t think he expected so much blow back. (3 full ruleset revisions with major changes (Alphas) + each alpha needing at least a dozen minor tweaks.)

  • If I have a transport and want to move through a sz with an enemy sub on my way to do an amph. assault a couple sea zones away, in alpha 3 is this still possible?

    My understanding is the sub no longer gets a dice roll at my tranny, and my tranny can’t amph assault in that same sea zone as the sub, but I assume my tranny can make an amph. assault in another sea zone after passing through the one with the sub?

  • Sponsor

    Are the alpha modifications for Global 100% done?

  • Official Q&A


    Hey Krieghund, thanks for the update on the rulebook. Speak of which - Larry has been a bit quiet recently… everything okay?

    We’ve been very busy wrapping things up.


    If I have a transport and want to move through a sz with an enemy sub on my way to do an amph. assault a couple sea zones away, in alpha 3 is this still possible?

    My understanding is the sub no longer gets a dice roll at my tranny, and my tranny can’t amph assault in that same sea zone as the sub, but I assume my tranny can make an amph. assault in another sea zone after passing through the one with the sub?

    Your understanding is correct.


    Are the alpha modifications for Global 100% done?

    More like 99%.

  • More historically accurate turn orders:
    Europe 1940:Germany, France, United Kingdom, Italy, Soviet Union (Russia), United States
    Pacific 1940: Japan, China, United Kingdom (British India), Australia, United States

  • Germany
    Soviet Union
    United Kingdom
    United States

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator

    For online playability I would say best turn order:


  • '22 '16

    We need a rules clarification for a current game.
    Germany ended their turn with a navy in sz114 (with destroyer present)
    Russia ended their turn by moving the Baltic sub into sz114 in the non combat phase.

    The question is:
    1.  Was that a legal move?
    2. On Germany’s next turn can they load transports in sz114 for an amphibious assault on Novgorod and also attack the sub in sz114 with the destroyer and planes?


  • @majikforce:

    We need a rules clarification for a current game.
    Germany ended their turn with a navy in sz114 (with destroyer present)
    Russia ended their turn by moving the Baltic sub into sz114 in the non combat phase.

    The question is:
    1.  Was that a legal move?
    2. On Germany’s next turn can they load transports in sz114 for an amphibious assault on Novgorod and also attack the sub in sz114 with the destroyer and planes?


    1.  Yes.  Subs are allowed to noncombat move into any seazone.  They are also allowed to noncombat move thru a seazone with hostile units if no enemy destroyers are present.

    2.  Yes.  Subs don’t block loading (or make a seazone hostile).  And a hostile seazone is the only thing that blocks loading of units (not whether combat will occur).

  • Sponsor

    I just printed this entire FAQ thread (638 pages), not quite sure what to do with it, but I’ll think of something.

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator


    I just printed this entire FAQ thread (638 pages), not quite sure what to do with it, but I’ll think of something.

    if youd be so kind as to give me a list of the most asked questions (you know the frequently asked questions or faq) I can weed this thread WAY down!  That’s what you can do with it, if you are so inclined.

  • Sponsor



    I just printed this entire FAQ thread (638 pages), not quite sure what to do with it, but I’ll think of something.

    if youd be so kind as to give me a list of the most asked questions (you know the frequently asked questions or faq) I can weed this thread WAY down!  That’s what you can do with it, if you are so inclined.

    Sure, I would also love to give you the reply numbers of every irrelevant post, however, to my disappointment, the print friendly features didn’t include reply numbers.

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator




    I just printed this entire FAQ thread (638 pages), not quite sure what to do with it, but I’ll think of something.

    if youd be so kind as to give me a list of the most asked questions (you know the frequently asked questions or faq) I can weed this thread WAY down!  That’s what you can do with it, if you are so inclined.

    Sure, I would also love to give you the reply numbers of every irrelevant post, however, to my disappointment, the print friendly features didn’t include reply numbers.

    Just the FAQs, man!  Once I have a list of questions, I can find the answers and make a few posts of questions and answers - unsticky this one and sticky the new one in hopes to keep the page numbers down toooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo less than 100?

  • Sponsor





    I just printed this entire FAQ thread (638 pages), not quite sure what to do with it, but I’ll think of something.

    if youd be so kind as to give me a list of the most asked questions (you know the frequently asked questions or faq) I can weed this thread WAY down!  That’s what you can do with it, if you are so inclined.

    Sure, I would also love to give you the reply numbers of every irrelevant post, however, to my disappointment, the print friendly features didn’t include reply numbers.

    Just the FAQs, man!  Once I have a list of questions, I can find the answers and make a few posts of questions and answers - unsticky this one and sticky the new one in hopes to keep the page numbers down toooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo less than 100?

    It will take me awhile so don’t expect anything for at least 3 months ( the stack of paper is over a foot high).

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator






    I just printed this entire FAQ thread (638 pages), not quite sure what to do with it, but I’ll think of something.

    if youd be so kind as to give me a list of the most asked questions (you know the frequently asked questions or faq) I can weed this thread WAY down!  That’s what you can do with it, if you are so inclined.

    Sure, I would also love to give you the reply numbers of every irrelevant post, however, to my disappointment, the print friendly features didn’t include reply numbers.

    Just the FAQs, man!  Once I have a list of questions, I can find the answers and make a few posts of questions and answers - unsticky this one and sticky the new one in hopes to keep the page numbers down toooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo less than 100?

    It will take me awhile so don’t expect anything for at least 3 months ( the stack of paper is over a foot high).

    You actually printed all 166 pages?

  • Sponsor







    I just printed this entire FAQ thread (638 pages), not quite sure what to do with it, but I’ll think of something.

    if youd be so kind as to give me a list of the most asked questions (you know the frequently asked questions or faq) I can weed this thread WAY down!  That’s what you can do with it, if you are so inclined.

    Sure, I would also love to give you the reply numbers of every irrelevant post, however, to my disappointment, the print friendly features didn’t include reply numbers.

    Just the FAQs, man!  Once I have a list of questions, I can find the answers and make a few posts of questions and answers - unsticky this one and sticky the new one in hopes to keep the page numbers down toooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo less than 100?

    It will take me awhile so don’t expect anything for at least 3 months ( the stack of paper is over a foot high).

    You actually printed all 166 pages?

    Yes, all 166 pages of the thread, which came out as 638 printed pages.

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