If the Pacific allies attack Japan during turn 1, will Japan still receive their $10 trade NO with the States?
Maybe I don’t understand the question but this seems like a Yes…
Unless Japan attacks UK/ANZAC or Dutch Colonies or the US or attacks FIC, they’ll collect the 10 IPCs.
If on turns in the first round, the UK or ANZAC declare war on Japan (this would be unprovoked), and Japan does not attack FIC or declares war on the US, then Japan will collect the 10 IPC trade until J3, or the US enters the war, whichever comes first.
As soon as the US enters the war, it’s no longer collected.
As soon as Japan attacks FIC it’s no longer collected
As soon as Japan makes an unprovoked attack on Japan, it’s no longer collected. But if Anzac/UK strike first, Japan will only make a provoked attack and this requirement no longer affects the objective.