• 2007 AAR League

    Can air units overfly territories that belong to a country they are not at war with yet during non combat move?

  • Official Q&A

    Yes, as long as there are no rules against the specific case.

  • I believe it was stated before that UK London and Calcutta could combine income for technology rolls.

    Can they combine income to buy air and naval bases or Factories? The book discusses how “units” are place on the corresponding board. Facilities are mentioned in the units section but are not referred to as units.

    I realize the answer is probably no, but I was curious about this as it would be advantageous in a few cases.

    If this has been addressed, I apologize in advance for missing it.

  • Official Q&A

    Facilities are units.  They must be purchased and mobilized separately by the UK economies.

  • 2007 AAR League

    Does scrambling against an invading amphibous assault negate bombardment by BB\CA in what would otherwise be an empty seazone?

  • 2007 AAR League


    Yes, as long as there are no rules against the specific case.

    So Japan could overfly FIC from Yun to Siam if not at war with france.

  • Official Q&A


    Does scrambling against an invading amphibous assault negate bombardment by BB\CA in what would otherwise be an empty seazone?



    So Japan could overfly FIC from Yun to Siam if not at war with france.


  • @Krieghund:




    When the Soviet Union becomes at War with Japan
    4. Collect 12 IPCs, once, at the beginning of the turn following a declaration of war by Japan on the Soviet Union. Theme: Recognized national emergency.

    When Japan becomes at War with the Soviet Union
    2. Collect 12 IPCs, once, at the beginning of the turn following a declaration of war by the Soviet Union on Japan. Theme: Recognized national emergency.

    So the originally offending power still gets the bonus if the defending power takes back their lost territory (since the defending power has to declare war to do so)?  If Japan declares war on Russia and takes Amur, then Russia gets the 12 IPC but in order for Russia to take Amur back and not just let Japan walk to Moscow unthreatened, they will also have to declare war on Japan, in which case Japan also now gets 12 IPCs as far as I can tell from these rules as written.  Is that the intent?

    No.  Only the first power to have war declared upon it by the other receives the IPCs.

    Okay, I think that’s better… but am I reading the rules wrong?  It seems to me like it should say:

    Collect 12 IPCs, once, at the beginning of the turn following an unprovoked declaration of war by ______ on ________. Theme: Recognized national emergency.

    It does, now.  :wink:

    Sorry to be difficult, but I just read something on the HGD Official Rules Clarifications thread:

    If another power declares war on your power, your power is at war immediately, but only with the power that declared war on it. You must wait until your turn to make any declarations of war on other powers that were enabled by that declaration. For example, if Germany declares war on the United States, the United States is immediately at war with Germany, but it must wait until its turn to declare war on Italy.

    This clarification makes good sense, but if this is the case, then the NO in question (IMHO) should not read “unprovoked”.  Either one rule or the other needs to be published for clarification, but publishing them both is slightly inconsistent.  To say “unprovoked” as you now do (per my suggestion  :roll: :wink:) is misleading if the “defending” power is automatically at war with the offender.  Perhaps you should instead simply remind the reader in the NO’s text of this fact of the rules so that there is no misunderstanding.??

  • Official Q&A

    I don’t see any inconsistency.  If Japan declares war on the USSR, the two powers are immediately at war.  However, the USSR has not yet formally declared war on Japan, which it may do on its next turn.  This declaration would be provoked, thus it would not invoke the 12 IPC payment to Japan.

    A formal reciprocal declaration of war is not required by the rules, as it makes no difference to gameplay.  However, it is allowed, and therefore must be accounted for as a type of provoked declaration of war.

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator

    The wording sorta makes sense.

    Italy declares war on Russia.  Germany goes before Russia so it may choose NOT to declare and thus get its NO for that round. (Presumably Russia will declare war on Germany right after.)

  • '22 '16

    Question about fighters landing on a carrier.  We had a sea battle where the attacker had 4 planes attacking some naval ships.  1 of the planes had enough movement to land back on an island while the other 3 planes had one move left.  The attacker could non combat move a carrier to an adjacent sz.  The dispute arose when one person argued that each plane technically had a place to land not taking into account the capacity of a carrier.  Now i assume the attacker was planning on losing one of the planes in the battle thus not needing a extra space on the carrier, which the defender called a kamikaze attack.  Who was right?

  • Official Q&A

    The defender was right.  When declaring valid landing spaces for attacking air units, you must assume that no air units will be lost in battle.

  • Hi, a couple of questions to get me ready for tomorrows game:

    Since Aircrafts move in NC phase, is it possible for a fighter to land, after a battle, in a friendly neutral taken in that NC phase?

    Kamikaze: If the US ends its combat move (1 AC w/ Fighter and Tac) in a SZ with Kamikaze symbol, and Japan attacks and sinks the AC, what happens to the Aircrafts?

    Do the Aleutian Islands border Alaska? Can you walk from Alaska to the islands?


  • Official Q&A


    Since Aircrafts move in NC phase, is it possible for a fighter to land, after a battle, in a friendly neutral taken in that NC phase?

    No.  Air units may only land in territories that have been friendly since the beginning of the turn.


    Kamikaze: If the US ends its combat move (1 AC w/ Fighter and Tac) in a SZ with Kamikaze symbol, and Japan attacks and sinks the AC, what happens to the Aircrafts?

    They remain in the air until the battle is over.  If they survive the battle, they have their remaining movement to find a place to land in noncombat movement.  If none can be found, they are lost.


    Do the Aleutian Islands border Alaska? Can you walk from Alaska to the islands?


  • 2007 AAR League

    Question regarding Kiangsi (Ksi), is this a chinese territory or a Japanese territory, i.e. who gets the income if UK occupies it, China or UK?

    I ask because I guess the OOB map has it, as well as Kwa, Ksu, Sha, Jeh, & Man as Japanese while the map we use here shows them as chinese.

  • Chinese symbol Chinese territory.
    I’d say if GB liberates one of these, the Chinese would profit.

  • @ViribusUnitis:

    Chinese symbol Chinese territory.
    I’d say if GB liberates one of these, the Chinese would profit.

    Correct…it is chinese territory that is occupied by Japan at the start of the game.

  • '22 '19 '18

    Can the British occupy/ land ftrs and other units in FIC while not at war with Japan? If they can and they do, does Japan view that as an act of war (similar to China)?

  • Official Q&A


    Can the British occupy/ land ftrs and other units in FIC while not at war with Japan?

    Yes, as long as Japan has not captured it.


    If they can and they do, does Japan view that as an act of war (similar to China)?


  • '22 '16

    Can Chinese units non combat move into Burma and Kwangtung? And is this considered an act of war allowing Japan to attack UK?

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