These two battles for example. First there’s the chance of the defending UK fleet scoring enough hits to eliminate all the submarine blockers (roughly a 20% and 30% chance). Then there’s also the smaller, but still very real, risk of losing aircraft if the attackers don’t score enough hits to prevent a second round (roughly a 10% and 15% chance).
subs cant be attacked unless you got a DD.
The first attack is actually even worse odds than an even coin flip (roughly a 35% chance of complete success) because the German attack also “fails” if the defending destroyer scores a hit while going down itself … only a “clean kill” works, otherwise the surviving transport would still bring reinforcements to the UK.
The sims i used don’t show this. 40% to 40% and 20% tie
The attack on SZ109 gives you about a 45% chance of losing the bomber. Very costly victory that could turn out to be.
The sims do not show this: 57.1% winning to 14.8% losing and 28% tie
There’s also the 25% chance of losing an aircraft in the attack on SZ112.
and a 75% chance of not? Ill take that chance any day.
So my point remains that the combined risks will very likely leave Germany in a position where operation Sealion is no longer a serious threat to the UK. Simply build a stack of additional infantry, which can later be used in amphibious assaults anyway, and go ahead with other plans such as killing the Italian fleet or sink the German cruiser and start concentrating for early landings in Europe …
65% chance of reinforcements from Canada
40% to 40% and 20% tie
10%, 15%, 25% chances of losing a fighter
vs 90%, 85% and 75% of not? I don’t make
45% chance of losing the bomber
14.8% losing and 28% tie
Depending on the remaining Luftwaffe, a high % chance of an AA kill during Sealion as well.
That said, personally I never really like strategies that turn out to be a game-deciding gamble during the first few turns. Where’s the fun in that? (… even if it does work sometimes) I prefer something that results in a more long-term stronger position on the board. Less dramatic perhaps, but usually a lot more effective with little chance of a critical backfire.
This is not what the plan is meant to be. Its only a way to stop the UK attack on Italy, while producing minimal loses to Germany and to equalize on G2 with further exchanges. If this goes well, uk will pull back. At a minimum, Germany needs to take off the majority of the UK fleet and protect its navy. It cant do this unless it brings the fleet out to assist in SZ 112 and by which allows uk to send its Gibraltar fleet as soakers for its fighters.
I put the end to that in my solution with the CA block. If he wants to attack my fleet he must use planes and if he takes this chance he has a 2% chance of winning it. If he fails i got UK.
Either way he wont attack Italy and thats the entire point.
In this case I would probably buy a carrier + destroyer + submarine for Germany. Kill the British home fleet with massive overkill and concentrate the German surface fleet in SZ112, land the Luftwaffe in Holland as much as possible. The main threat of this would be to place an economic blockade on the UK and possibly Canada … so the choice for the UK would be: kill the Italian fleet and lose up to 11 IPC each round, or leave the Italians and try to break the blockade.
I don’t advise this. Your not playing to your strength as Germany. You must assist your buys to latter shuck units to Russia. Buying 2 AP gets Germany 3 AP total and they can shuck to Finland, after G1. That naval buy for you will do nothing against Russia. A blockade against Canada is over when USA takes over. You can still blockade UK as my plan brings 4 subs closer to Germany.
… and even if the Italian fleet goes down, I’m curious if the UK can keep the Axis out of Egypt long enough to really matter (but that depends on the new situation in the Pacific and that’s another discussion).
Italy cant lose those ships. If it can keep them, they can help Italy hold the medd longer or swing them to the Baltic as some point to support Germany.
Either way if he has them, UK has a much harder time rebuilding a new fleet because it will die each turn with the combined Italian/ German naval presence.