Well done!
Please post when (and only when) you finally get your AAE40 home.
I got mine 8/25 at around 3 p.m. I ordered from Coolstuffinc. and UPS shipped it. The box was badly damaged in one corner, but the actual game components are fine.
Edit: Forgot to include that I live near Lansing, MI.
From Coolstuff
Pittsburgh PA -
Aug 25/2010
12:45pm AST
Strange Adventures Comics-Nova Scotia/New Brunswick
August 24th, around 10:30am
at a hobby shop called Boardwalk.
Cincinnati, Ohio -
August 24th at around 3:30 pm
Near Detroit -
Aug. 25th 2010
Wichita Falls,TX
ordered from Cool Stuff Inc.Thoes426 :evil:
august 24, 645pm
dragons lair comics
omaha neplayed 45 min after opening it.
August 25, 2552
Got it from Coolstuff Inc. via UPS -
Finally. Arrived at my house in Iowa at 7:05 CST 8/25/2010 from Coolstuffinc.com
Was shipped 8/20. :-D Sure is big!
Add me to the list baby!!!
I got it delivered to my porch August 27 at 12:33 PM Pacific Time in Western US via UPS who shipped it from miniature marker in Earth City, Missouri
Mine arrived today 08/27/10 at 2:46pm eastern by UPS. Came from Fairplaygames with free shipping. First game of Europe is set for monday.
Got mine on Tuesday 8/24/10 around 2 pm Eastern time
Eastern US
Local Hobby ShopIt’s been sitting on my dining room table all week while I’ve been at school! :cry:
It’s been sitting on my dining room table all week while I’ve been at school! :cry:
Friday Aug 27th
5:00 Pm
Drexol Games
Vancouver, BC, CanadaUtterly Stoked!
Aug 28th (first two delivery attempts at 26 & 27, but I wasnt home)
some dutch internetshop (forgot the name)
NetherlandsAnd my Russian pieces are missing :x
I think I am the last one in the US to get it, it came today 8/30/10 @ 1700. I live in Western US
Got mine on 8/27 oddly enough my wife did not tell me when I got home….hmmm :roll:
8/30 @ 1500 from fairplaygames.com
college station, Texas