• Oh my goodness, I don’t know why it took me this long to think of this:

    Another constraint, besides production capacity, is transports.  You have a limited number of transports, that can carry a limited number of units.  You’re going to want tanks for transporting, because they are the best ground unit that you can transport on your limited slots.  Also, as I pointed out before, when you’re wanting to take control of a territory and are willing to lose planes to take it, you’re going to want the best ground unit possible, the tank, to be firing every round until the end.

    So you see now from all the replies on this thread, that there are so many reasons to purchase tanks at 6 IPCs that you really shouldn’t worry that tanks will become extinct.

  • So we can change this thread from mourning over the loss of the tank, to celebrating how much tanks rock! :mrgreen:

    I think we’ll need a new poem, allweneedislove.  Do you think you could get us a celebratory poem? :wink:

  • Allweneed is the only one making sense in this thread. I agree with him wholeheartedly: compared to mechs, armor is overpriced. I’ll buy my armour now as I would fighters: only when it’s absolutely necessary (to blitz or to get attacking power to the front fast). Any other case, mechs are a better buy.

    transport argument: put 1 inf 1 rtl in it, and you’ll save yourself 2 bucks for the same attacking power as 1 inf 1 arm.

    3 inf vs 1 inf and 1 arm 1 rtl vs 1 inf: turn it the other way around. I bet the infs are better on defense, which is also worth an ipc.

    every unit has it’s specific situation: true, but the specific situations for tanks become slim, to say the least. It used to be a cool unit, making up about 1/3 of your land force (inf being 1/2). Now it’ll be more like 1/10. That’s not close to the ideal 1/4 (4 land units).

  • @HolKann:

    Allweneed is the only one making sense in this thread. I agree with him wholeheartedly: compared to mechs, armor is overpriced. I’ll buy my armour as I would fighters now: only when it’s absolutely necessary (to blitz or to get attacking power to the front fast). Any other case, mechs are a better buy.

    transport argument: put 1 inf 1 rtl in it, and you’ll save yourself 2 bucks for the same attacking power as 1 inf 1 arm.

    Inf, tank has more skew: the first hit takes out a 1 instead of 2

  • @calvinhobbesliker:

    Inf, tank has more skew: the first hit takes out a 1 instead of 2

    Are you arguing this tiny advantage is worth 2 ipc’s? More like 0.2 if you ask me. So okay, you’ll win “only” 1.8 by using inf+rtl in transport instead of inf+arm.

  • @HolKann:


    Inf, tank has more skew: the first hit takes out a 1 instead of 2

    Are you arguing this tiny advantage is worth 2 ipc’s? More like 0.2 if you ask me. So okay, you’ll win “only” 1.8 by using inf+rtl in transport instead of inf+arm.

    However, artillery can’t move 2 spaces.

  • In a landing, the 2 space thing isn’t too big of a deal. The best thing about landing tanks is that they can better hold the land you’ve captured.

  • @xzorn:

    In a landing, the 2 space thing isn’t too big of a deal. The best thing about landing tanks is that they can better hold the land you’ve captured.

    In later turns, they still move 2

  • I must say I am following this thread with much interest and both sides are opening my mind to whole new ways of thinking.  While I have a tendency to agree with those that believe that the time of the tank is not yet over I’ll be very interested to see how the game plays out under both types of play.  I believe it will be most important in the German/Russian battles.



    Inf, tank has more skew: the first hit takes out a 1 instead of 2

    Are you arguing this tiny advantage is worth 2 ipc’s? More like 0.2 if you ask me. So okay, you’ll win “only” 1.8 by using inf+rtl in transport instead of inf+arm.

    Even though I’m an admitted noob to some aspects of this game its been my experience that this whole game hangs on small margins like this.

  • @calvinhobbesliker:


    In a landing, the 2 space thing isn’t too big of a deal. The best thing about landing tanks is that they can better hold the land you’ve captured.

    In later turns, they still move 2

    Owkey, why not put in a mech then if moving 2 is important? Wait, I know the answer: mechs attack at 1. So why not an rtl? Because they don’t move 2. So why not a mech? etc. etc. Am I the only one who sees the walking in circles here?

    As I said, ONLY if moving 2 is important AND you’re severely lacking attack force, an arm is worth its 6 ipc’s. Anyone who argues with this point?

    If you agree on this, I say a good general will have a steady supply of rtls/air to generate attacking force, and mechs to generate mobility. It’s just so much cheaper. The rare occasions you’d want to blitz or move 2 and attack @ 3, but you can’t because you didn’t buy (enough) tanks, are more than made up for by the extra rtl/mech you’re saving every time you don’t by 2 tanks.

  • @Bruda_Iz:

    Even though I’m an admitted noob to some aspects of this game its been my experience that this whole game hangs on small margins like this.

    What’s the small margin? The fact you save more than half an infantry? Or the fact you have a minimally better skew at some distant battle? Don’t count on small margins when the big ones aren’t mastered… Remember, hits > pips > skew, in that order and no other.

  • Germany or japan don’t need transports to defeat Russia. This is not relevant for how the other nations need to play to win. For them they use other means to win and for Germany and Japan to win this means defeating Russia and tanks are the way to do it. At 6 IPC this may not be the case, but the solution will still be tanks because its the only cost effective unit that is ranked higher than the 2 on defense and you need more 3’s to win the battle of 2’s. Of course planes have a say, but the tank will do the dirty work in this regard.

    The discussion regarding the tank glitch at 5 IPC shows fully that tanks ruled. Now its more subdued but still used even at 6 IPC.

  • @Imperious:

    The discussion regarding the tank glitch at 5 IPC shows fully that tanks ruled. Now its more subdued but still used even at 6 IPC.

    Tanks at 6 would be perfect if mech was at 5. I hope there won’t be a mech/air or mech/rtl glitch… For instance, G1 all out rtl, G2+ all out mech. Or G1+ always half of the buy mech, other half varies between air/inf/rtl. Good luck trying it out ;)

  • I think I know what hits are… but what are pips and skews?



    Even though I’m an admitted noob to some aspects of this game its been my experience that this whole game hangs on small margins like this.

    What’s the small margin? The fact you save more than half an infantry? Or the fact you have a minimally better skew at some distant battle? Don’t count on small margins when the big ones aren’t mastered… Remember, hits > pips > skew, in that order and no other.

  • @Bruda_Iz:

    I think I know what hits are… but what are pips and skews?



    Even though I’m an admitted noob to some aspects of this game its been my experience that this whole game hangs on small margins like this.

    What’s the small margin? The fact you save more than half an infantry? Or the fact you have a minimally better skew at some distant battle? Don’t count on small margins when the big ones aren’t mastered… Remember, hits > pips > skew, in that order and no other.

    Pips are total of attack value. Thus, an inf and tank would be 4(1+3). Hits are number of hits you can take before you’re dead(don’t include transports). Skew is the difference in attack values. 10 1’s and 10 3’s will win over 20 2’s because the former will lose 1’s while the latter will lose 2’s

  • Thanks for clearing that up CHL… it turns out I didnt even know what hits were.  Just a question though in your experience has this been a useful way to analyze the prospects of a battle?  How often do bad rolls just totally mess with it?

  • I don’t know….The way I read it (for the germans at least) They are probably going to buy heavy on infantry the first 2-3 turns to build a strong defesive position in europe and then a mix of Tanks and Mech to move forward and catch up with the men walking to the eastern front.  Nice breather in there from Russia to start with…

    Anyway…I challenge anybody to win a game either as allies or axis without buying some tanks for either germany or russia…hell, a couple of tanks coming out of south africa will go a long way for the UK in africa too for that matter.

  • '18 '17 '16 '15 Customizer


    Anyway…I challenge anybody to win a game either as allies or axis without buying some tanks for either germany or russia…hell, a couple of tanks coming out of south africa will go a long way for the UK in africa too for that matter.

    My point exactly. For those all in favor of Mechs and Artillery… I would like to see you win, or do well, as Russia or Germany. After all, this discussion should be based predominantly on the war between these two, since this is where the main tank buying will be.

    Even if tanks cost 6, that doesn’t mean you can win the war without them… infantry and artillery (even mechanized infantry) attacking the enemies infantry will lose all the time… partly because you will never have enough artillery to cover all your infantry units and bring their attack up to a two. And even if you did, engaging in an even battle is never a good idea for the attacker… you’d like to have more units than your opponent, or ones that roll better. If two guys are playing Russia and Germany… the guy who buys tanks is gonna win. I’d like to prove it by playing someone who will buy few if any tanks… but I cannot.

  • Feels so nice to be quoted….at least when the person quoting you agrees!

  • @Plasticdeathbydice:

    Feels so nice to be quoted….at least when the person quoting you agrees!

    That is rare.

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