@tmartin Yes they can.
Card industrial complexes
Glueing them seems unnecessary, I would just place two in a space for a major, side by side.
place them side by side. So you can upgrade or downgrade quickly as needed.
The revised edition of Risk has some nice grey plastic pieces that could serve as large industrial complexes:
i have the old risk,but thats a great idea,i think ill get this version,for playing when i go camping,it looks like the piecies wont fall over easy lol
I read somewhere on this forum ethier FMG or TABLE TATICS are going to put out airbases and naval base pieces, i just cant remember which one.
I have been using the major ICs from The War Game:World War II. They are a little larger than the AA ICs. I purchased that game used on E-Bay, kept a few pieces and then sold the rest in small lots.
I read somewhere on this forum ethier FMG or TABLE TATICS are going to put out airbases and naval base pieces, i just cant remember which one.
FMG is making a miscelaneous pieces set that will include airbase, naval base, major and minor IC, and AA gun pieces. Of course, you’ll have to wait until they get that actually produced.
The Superpowers Game has some slightly larger single stack buildings that I will be using. You can buy all the pieces for $10 from his site.
I bought just the pieces and he sent me the whole game. +1 for this guy.
I bought the Hasbro cities for $2.50. They came with a bunch of little blue arrows that I use as the Naval bases. They stand out better then the little punch out from AAP40 and the arrow gives the impression of extra move IMO. I ordered a black army (little black arrows I’m assuming) set from Hasbro to have as Air bases. $2.50 again plus extra dice. Can’t beat that. You can never have enough dice. But I use my FMG combat dice and wooden dice tower. Love them and can’t wait for the new French and ANZAC dice!
How about link for the Hasbro cities? ;-)
Here is the link to the order form. I bought the blue army with 15 cities and the black army with dice.
Can you post the link to the pieces as well? I want to see what they look like .
The Superpowers Game has some slightly larger single stack buildings that I will be using.
Actually they are slightly smaller than the AA factories. Plus the single stack would be a dead give away for Minor and double for Major factories.
Can you post the link to the pieces as well? I want to see what they look like .
I’m terribly sorry. I do not have that link. I ordered them based on a photo I saw on this site somewhere. I can’t find the thread it was in. Maybe someone else will remember and can you you to it.
No problem. I’ll find them. Thanks for the order page.
You can see them in the link I posted yesterday:
When the order form refers to “15 Grey Cities” it means the grey pieces which I suggested would make good industrial complexes.
When the order form refers to colour-coded “Capitals” it means the round pieces with a star in the middle.
white factory vs grey factory to distinguish 10 or a 3. or
use a label maker and place a 3 on them.
FMG is making a miscelaneous pieces set that will include airbase, naval base, major and minor IC, and AA gun pieces. Of course, you’ll have to wait until they get that actually produced.
This rocks.
I use fortress america cities as major industrial centers and use the complexes from the AA game to use as minor.
I use fortress america cities as major industrial centers and use the complexes from the AA game to use as minor.
Nice thinking using fortress america pieces, that is what I will have to try.