The other Strict Neutrals become Friendly to the other side. Any power of the opposite alliance has to move a ground unit (not AA) into each one to make them join that power, one at a time, as per the Allied or Axis Friendly rules .
I hope that clears it up for you.
Industry repair question
Can somebody partially repair an industrial complex (when it is inopperable) and place units on it or must he pay in full before placing units? Thank you in advance.
You do not need to clear all damage.
You do need to repair enough to place at least 1 unit, if you want to use it that turn.
For example: A minor factory can normally place 3 units. If it has 5 damage, you need to repair 3 damage to place 1 unit, 4 to place 2, and 5 to place all 3.
The amount you can place (for a minor) that turn is simply 3 - (damage). If damage is greater or equal to 3, then you can’t place.
A factory can be damaged for up to twice its output. Major = 20 damage max, Minor = 6 damage max.
See page 24 of the AAEurope1940 rulebook, second sentence of paragraph that starts with “Damaged Factories and Bases:”, “For each damage marker that is under a given industrial complex, that factory can mobilize one less unit.” - This implies it can still produce while damaged, just at a lesser output.
Thank you very much for your thorough answer James!!