• Yea, im kinda proud of these

  • And they look good from a first glance perspective.

  • '18 '17 '16 '15 Customizer


    Yea, im kinda proud of these

    Have you played with these before? I like most of them. Some I feel I need to consider more before agreeing to use, because they allow for, well, some very powerful advantages. I guess if every nation has different ones, it could all even out. But I was wondering if you had found any to be “game changers” at all… when, and if, you played with them.

    Also… do you guys typically roll for a certain number of National Advantages… like “roll three dice and those numbers are the ones you get.” Or do you typically play with all of them?

  • Roll a die….you get that one
    Roll two more dice, pick one of the two rolled.

    I have not played AA 40 with these (obviously) but I intend to.
    I have played AA 50th with 75% of these at one time or another.

    They are NOT for compeditive games. They however do add DRAMATIC ammounts of flavor to the game…

    People always write house rules that give a power a speical rule…well here are 6 for each nation, and you get them randomly.

    I think NA’s are the single easiest way to improve the game without showing favor to one side over the other. You get random NA’s…deal with it, do the best you can.

  • '18 '17 '16 '15 Customizer


    Roll a die….you get that one
    Roll two more dice, pick one of the two rolled.

    I have not played AA 40 with these (obviously) but I intend to.
    I have played AA 50th with 75% of these at one time or another.

    They are NOT for compeditive games. They however do add DRAMATIC ammounts of flavor to the game…

    People always write house rules that give a power a speical rule…well here are 6 for each nation, and you get them randomly.

    I think NA’s are the single easiest way to improve the game without showing favor to one side over the other. You get random NA’s…deal with it, do the best you can.

    Yeah, I agree. I remember them in AA Revised. I thought they were pretty cool, even though we didn’t quite understand how to use all of them at the time. Typically my group does not play tournament style, in competition… so we’d use NA’s more often than not. We haven’t used them since we played AA Revised, just because they aren’t in the rule books.

  • Very creative.

  • Right, good NA.
    I already used some of them but I think I will add German Scientist.
    I like this one!

    For the brits. I added in my game some new N.A like British run away & smoke screen.
    For USA: The seebees and Naval shipyard & Carrier auto repair
    For China: Chinese partisan.

  • We have a ton of House Rules but the one I REALLY like for Russia is “Russian Winter”.  I saw it here but we use it a bit differently.

    Russian Winter - Once per game, in the Soviet Collect Income Phase, you can declare a severe winter.  Until the start of your next turn, enemy units may not move into or out of Soviet territories.

    This is a great card to pull especially if you have someone who commits to much into USSR without proper backup.


  • These looks kinda familiar, but they are great.

  • I’m new to AA with anything other than the original pieces.  I started doing NA’s and Double Blind and different Technical Breakthrough’s about 10 months ago.

    The Russian Winter card I described if from a guy who probably frequents these forums.  Don’t know his screen name though.

  • :-D these are all very good ideas any more?? i am using alot of them

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