No one is mentioning what Italy is doing.Sending as many mech and tanks east to can-open ahead of German forces is popular.
Its good to battle the brits all over the med.Its more rewarding for Italys income level.My mistake is trying to do both,and not succeeding at either before the American wave arrives in SZ 91.
My review copy of Axis & Allies Europe 1940 has arrived
Ouch! messed that one up. sorry
Yeah, a real sick reality TV show. :x
The proper way to do this is to take the pictures first, then post them all in one go.
Half the forum then has a heart attack.
What happens when the pics are posted and everyone starts posting at the same time? can the server crash or something?
by the way speaking of reality TV, i know its not the correct thread to post this in or anything, but while we are waiting anyone have any good stories about late night AA games when a rules despute turns into a full blown screaming match? i have in my house at 2 or 3 am and watched friends at each others throats becouse the war was going bad for their side.
I remember when I was younger doing that. Now I honestly don’t care, it’s just a game.
The first 14 photos are ready …
The game might not happen tonight, I have not heard back yet.
And I j–— in my pants!
Yes!! Thank you!
Is it possible that you could shoot some more closeups of the board? Please…… :-)
seconded… and pieces especially french and the neutral forces?
Spain is one territory
Hmmm looks like the USSR will get a bonus right out of the gate, their starting income is 28 and Larry said something about them staring with 35 I think.
OMG Russia has one Battleship!!!
And India will look like a female cows bottom…
And he made France look just like my Global 1939 variant.
Can somebody rewrite the set up?
If you can just do a few nations the others can pick up the rest.
But it really looks like Russia has a battleship!!
They also went back to the better quality AA50 dice. take a look!
I didn’t like those Halloween dice, these are much better
I just noticed the techs have 2 tiers ( perhaps like my house rules you cant get into the second tier until you got a specific amount developed in the lower level?)
Ill try staring with italy (these may not be accurate just as best as i cans see, and IL, yes Russia has a Battleship)
Albania: 2inf 1 tank
Etheopia: 2 inf
Italian Somaliland: 1 inf
Libya:2 inf
Northern Italy: 2 inf 2 art 1 tank 1 AA 1 fghter 1 MAjor IC 1 ari base
Southern Italy: 2 inf 1AA 1 fighter 1 Minor IC 1 naval base
Tobruk? :1 or 4 (prob 4) inf 1 art 2 mech 1 tank
SZ 95: 1 CA 1 BB 1 trns
SZ 92: destroyer? 1 Cruiser 1 trns -
And India will look like a female cows bottom…
Actually if you look at DJensen’s pics of Pacific and Europe they look like they line up. I’ll have to go home and take a look for sure though.
And I also counted up the IPCs for each nation (according to the values on the box) and it looks like the economies are:
Allies-164Quite an advantage for the Allies for sure.
But the tip is already passed in AAE, but in AAP its in the middle… I have 6 copies of AAP40 and India on that in in the middle, but in AAE40 its passed the middle…creating 2 points?
Central: 1 inf 1 mech 3 bombers 1 major IC
Eastern:1 inf 1 art 1 tank 1 fighter 1 major IC
Zone 108?:1 destroyer 1 trnsFrance:
Algeria: 1 inf
Normandy/Bordraux? :1inf 1 major IC 1 naval base
French west africa:1 inf
France?:1 inf 1 art 1 tank 1 fighter 1 major IC 1 air base
United Kingdom: 1 inf
Morocco: 1 inf
Southern France:1inf 1art naval base
Tunisia:1 inf
SZ 73? :destroyer
SZ 91:Destroyer Cruiser
SZ 112: cruiser