Enjoyed that, thanks.
Star Wars: Favorite Sith
Who is your favorite?
Darth Vader is my choice…in case you expand the Sith Lords I would go w. Bane and his Aprentice Darth Zannah.
I thought Anikin killed Asajj before she could actually be called a legitimate sith?
Vader hands down. No one else got their own SSD. No one else recruited the Noghri into the Empire. No other Sith had the gall to try to kill Palpatine either.
Throughout the Star Wars universe only one bad guy came as close to cool as Vader was and that was Thrawn. Maul and Tyranis(spelling) were just patsies. The Emporer was the standard Evil bad guy and not all that interesting a character to begin with.
Darth Vader had his own music.
During Kenobi’s mission to return Ventress to the light on Boz Pity, she received a life-threatening wound from Skywalker, faked her death and disappeared into the unknown; wishing to be free of the Jedi, the war, and Count Dooku.
this is from wookiepedia…I would be interested if their is a book wich tells the story more in detail, since I know books and wookipedia and lukas are differ sometimes and create some sort of bad info gap!..thanks upfront IDK IAM SWISS
I thought Anikin killed Asajj before she could actually be called a legitimate sith?
She is in the series, so i thought she should be added.
Darth Vader is my choice…in case you expand the Sith Lords I would go w. Bane and his Aprentice Darth Zannah.
Are Bane books a good read?
Darth Vader he’s the classic, in the original movies
I read “Path of Destruction” and had a chill after I was done w. the book…I recommend it worth reading it since it is explaining the rule of two…
It gives you another point of view of the star wars saga movies… -
I went with Maul. Vader is a close second, but I feel that his good beginnings and redemption in ROTJ excludes him.
Maul gave a new face to the Sith and he had an outstanding presence in my mind. His death was pretty cheap, but I thought his look fleshed out the mysterious and dangerous Sith.
I went with Maul. Vader is a close second, but I feel that his good beginnings and redemption in ROTJ excludes him.
Maul gave a new face to the Sith and he had an outstanding presence in my mind. His death was pretty cheap, but I thought his look fleshed out the mysterious and dangerous Sith.
Maul should have had a larger role in episode one.
Darth Vader is my choice…in case you expand the Sith Lords I would go w. Bane and his Aprentice Darth Zannah.
Are Bane books a good read?
The first is the best but they are all sort of ‘meh.’ There seems like there should be something really cool going on there but they always seem kinda just mean. I’ve read all three hoping the author would figure out what story he wants to tell and because it seems there should be something in the premise. I’m unwilling to say they are bad but then I’m also unwilling to say they are good.
I think Bane (who is a villain) needs a nemesis, his own villain so to speak. But that character would be the hero and it would no longer be Bane’s story. The irredeemable villain’s point of view at least judging from these books isn’t really as interesting in practice as it is in theory.
Palpatine (Sidious) . He is the Dark Lord that the Jedi were looking for and he was hiding in plain site. I do not recall any other Sith that were able to do that but I have not read all of the books. Palpatine pulled it off in front of the Jedi Council filled with all of the masters, including the strongest of them all, Yoda, which Palpatine ended up forcing into hiding. Without Palpatine we would not have had a Darth Vader.
Maul should have had a larger role. It seemed a waste for him to die as quickly as he did.
As to Palpatine hiding in front of the unipressive Jedi Council…some of us in the RPG community call that script immunity or our favorite appellation “Gamemaster Crap.”
The only time I really paid any interest to palpy was in Timothy Zahn’s last book Allegiance. And then only because he was talking to Mara Jade. Now there is an awesome character.
Palpatine (Sidious) . He is the Dark Lord that the Jedi were looking for and he was hiding in plain site. I do not recall any other Sith that were able to do that but I have not read all of the books. Palpatine pulled it off in front of the Jedi Council filled with all of the masters, including the strongest of them all, Yoda, which Palpatine ended up forcing into hiding. Without Palpatine we would not have had a Darth Vader.
In the Legacy of The Force novel series Jacen Solo before he became the Sith Lord Darth Caedus could ‘hide’ in the Force mask his presecence and he taught Ben Skywalker who also taught his Mom and Pop (Luke and Mara Jade.) Jacen could even hide from Luke. It is not unreasonable to think that Sidious also knew this technique although that would be considerably before the time of Jacen Solo.
Palpatine (Sidious) . He is the Dark Lord that the Jedi were looking for and he was hiding in plain site. I do not recall any other Sith that were able to do that but I have not read all of the books. Palpatine pulled it off in front of the Jedi Council filled with all of the masters, including the strongest of them all, Yoda, which Palpatine ended up forcing into hiding. Without Palpatine we would not have had a Darth Vader.
In the Legacy of The Force novel series Jacen Solo before he became the Sith Lord Darth Caedus could ‘hide’ in the Force mask his presecence and he taught Ben Skywalker who also taught his Mom and Pop (Luke and Mara Jade.) Jacen could even hide from Luke. It is not unreasonable to think that Sidious also knew this technique although that would be considerably before the time of Jacen Solo.
Based on the movies alone Palpatine (Sidious) is my favorite. He is so good with persuasion and using it to get what he wants.
Based on the movies alone Palpatine (Sidious) is my favorite. He is so good with persuasion and using it to get what he wants.
Sounds like my ex-wife.
So who’s side are you guys for? Republic or Sepertist?
So who’s side are you guys for? Republic or Sepertist?
the FETT’s side!….
>he is no good to me dead!..“The Sarlacc found me somewhat indigestible, Solo.”