Cruiser sculpts are actually fairly easy to distinguish from destroyer sculpts because the destoyer sculpts nearly all have transom sterns, which means that the back part of the ship is square or, in a couple of cases, rounded. The cruisers have cruiser sterns, which are pointed. (The first version of the German Hipper-class cruiser had a transom stern, but it was changed to a cruiser stern later.)
This is a good point. The ‘flat’ stern of the Destroyers is a distinguishing feature except in the case of Russia, whose Cruiser also has a transom stern. You’re right, I mean – to the discerning eye, the pieces are certainly distinguishable. Our play style, however, is usually more on the ‘pushing plastic’ side. We want to keep it fast and fun and the Crusiers have been by far the biggest source of confusion all the times that we’ve played.