It’s a bad idea to try KUSAF. Even if it’s successful, Japan loses a tremendous amount of material and is out of position, and the other 3 allies still have a good shot to win.
I have playtested this (see above link) once to make these conclusions, on a similar thread.
Garen made a good point that he wouldn’t try this unless he had 70% or better odds. I wouldn’t try it unless I had 85% or better odds, because if it fails, you’re thrashed. And Japan has a much better chance of winning this game the “normal” way - beating down China, UK, and then ANZAC. When so many players are struggling to figure out how to win with the Allies, why in the world would you use some hair-brained strategy like this? And as some have said, it’s not like the USA can’t see it coming.
In my test game, I didn’t even fly all 4 ANZAC fighters to WUS, and I still won against the assualt with several aircraft to spare. The remaining surviving Jap navy was dead in the water, and Japan had absolutely no chance.
See the link in the above link to see my game. I don’t think you can improve on Tragedy’s J moves much. He pretty much brought everything as fast as he could.