• Sept 13th 1759.
    Wolfe’s little army met Montcalm’s on the Plains of Abraham, outside Quebec and French influence was all but extinguished in North America.
    Wolfe, after months of frustration trying to bring the French to battle, was able to find a way up the heights that made Quebec the fortress it was. When morning broke, Montalm had no choice but to march his bigger army out to meet Wolfe’s 7 battalions. The English waited until the French were 60 yards away before loosing volley after volley. The French routed.It was a battle and campaign that the French probably did not expect to lose, but the English commander brought new tactics to the field and it was over in under an hour.
    Both commanders were mortally wounded.
    With the fall of Montreal next year, Canada would be English.

  • @wittmann:

    With the fall of Montreal next year, Canada would be English.

    British, not English.  Important difference.  The change was political, not linguistic.  Parts of Canada remained French-speaking and parts of it remained English-speaking.  And Canada only stayed British until (depending on how fine a distinction one wants to draw) either the achievement of Confederation in 1867 or the Statutes of Westminster in the 1930s.

  • Thank you Marc. Wrote this with you, Garg and all the other Canadians on the forum in mind.
    I am not half British,most definitely, half English.
    I love history too much to not choose sides!

  • Liaison TripleA '11 '10

    All I want to know, is when I get the other half of my cereal box back.


  • Never been to Canada. Is it common for shopkeepers to cut products in half and only keep the half with their language on? And did you stray in to the wrong neighbourhood you were so caffeine deprived Garg?
    Hope you enjoyed your croissant!

  • That looks like a rather old cereal box, so I can’t address whatever practice was in place at the time of its production, but typically today packages in Canada are in English on one side and in French on the other, or have the two languages on the same side in some kind of arrangement like parallel columns. So to get the English half of the cereal box, Garg would simply need to rotate it 180 degrees.

  • Liaison TripleA '11 '10


    Excuse me sir, do you speak RUSSIAN?

    Because RUSSIA is closer to you in the United kingdom than QUEBEC is to me in British Columbia, but it’s LAW that FRENCH has to be on EVERYTHING.

    HALF of each cereal box, is covered in that cluttery language - and it makes me sick.

    Every child is faced with this federal abuse everyday, from the first moment they wake up in the morning, to just before they sleep at night.

  • Liaison TripleA '11 '10


    So to get the English half of the cereal box, Garg would simply need to rotate it 180 degrees.



    All I want to know, is when I get the other half of my cereal box back.

  • Liaison TripleA '11 '10

    Infact Russia and Japan are basicaly closer to me than Quebec…

    And why do I have to -turn- my Cereal box?  ABUSE!

  • Well I never. You learn something every day.
    And this has come about, despite the French loss of Quebec.
    What if they had won in 1759?

  • Oh the so very tiring topic of French Canada… the culture that is so oppressed that the only people who care or can even see it are apparently the French.  The never ending pointless ramblings of a culture that is dying purely of its own volition and not through the actions of anyone else.

    BTW Gargantua,  Marty Mcfly called and said he needs his DeLorean back after you’re done shopping in 1972.

  • Liaison TripleA '11 '10


    Oh the so very tiring topic of French Canada… the culture that is so oppressed that the only people who care or can even see it are apparently the French.�  The never ending pointless ramblings of a culture that is dying purely of its own volition and not through the actions of anyone else.

    BTW Gargantua,�  Marty Mcfly called and said he needs his DeLorean back after you’re done shopping in 1972.

    Hepps, I’ve got 1996 on the phone, and they say they want thei dial-up-era commentary back.

    Oh, and something about a “kid” you don’t know about? ;)

  • LOL.

  • @wittmann:

    Well I never. You learn something every day.
    And this has come about, despite the French loss of Quebec.
    What if they had won in 1759?

    We wouldn’t have to elect a nationalist goverment to quit a country where it is too much for a person to have a french side to his Frosted flake box.

  • Liaison TripleA '11 '10

    Yea “Quit” is synonomous with “French”.

  • See how you act,
    Why would we want to stay?

  • Liaison TripleA '11 '10

    That’s a great quesiton.

    Why HAVE you stuck around for 200 years?

    Maybe we should be asking - when can you leave? :)

  • Well, tomorrow if we dont have to pay the rent!

  • Liaison TripleA '11 '10


    Well, tomorrow if we dont have to pay the rent!

    Why would we want to stay?

    Typical french “what are you going to do for me” attitude!

  • Well man, I was trying to buy peace and bring the discussion elsewhere.
    I wont go where you trying to bring thi thread with that kind of attack.  Well dont know how to qualify that attitude, is it racist, xenophob?.

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