Will do, thank you for the feedback d(>_< )
Naval Base Clarification
If you capture a naval base can you use that naval base in your non-combat move phase? My friends are arguing that you can’t, their treated like factories and canals/narrow straigts, in that you have to wait next turn. I’m on the side saying you can since there is no direct statement in the rulebook about not doing that. The only thing the rulebook says is that naval units starting their move in a sea zone adjacent to a friendly operating naval base get a move of 3. Therefor, if you capture a naval base, and have ships noncoming from that base, then technically I think you should be able to.
Naval bases can only be used if yourself or and allied power have owned/controled the Naval base at the beginning of the turn. So no you cannot move naval units from an recently captured naval base.
Eetion is right. This has been asked before and confirmed by Krieg or one of his deputies.
What was the actual clarification? Could you post a link or something because I wasn’t able to find it.
Hi Ghost One. Was Panther actually, not a Deputy, but if you go back a page on this thread is there. Is on Page 22 of Pacific rules, Panther points out.
The canals/narrow straigts can be used in the non-combat move of the side that siezed them can they not??
No. Again need to own them at the beginning of their turn.
yea just checked