Thanks for the ideas!
Re: Field Marshal Games Pieces Project Discussion thread
Is that a Deutshland class pocket battleship for the heavy cruiser piece? Extremely cool.
Yes, Admiral Graf Spee!
It looks as though you stuck with the Graf Zepplin for the carrier and Bismarck for the battleship. That’s good.
That’s better than good!
These look a lot nicer and more detailed than WOTC ships. I was originally planning on getting the black Germans to supplement my current pieces, but now I am leaning toward getting the grey and simply replacing my WOTC pieces. The FMG pieces will have so much more detail.
Good to see some of you coming around already!
The FIRST Germany Units will be Grey
Making all the right moves FMG!!!
Is that a Deutshland class pocket battleship for the heavy cruiser piece? Extremely cool.
Yes, Admiral Graf Spee!.
It could be the Deutschland (later renamed Lutzow) or the Admiral Scheer.
It looks as though you stuck with the Graf Zepplin for the carrier and Bismarck for the battleship. That’s good.
That’s better than good!.
There was talk of not using the Bismarck since WOTC did and possibly using the Scharnhorst Battlecruiser. The Scharnhorst is a good ship, but I still like the Bismarck. Although, if FMG wanted to be different, they could say it is the Tirpitz.
These look a lot nicer and more detailed than WOTC ships. I was originally planning on getting the black Germans to supplement my current pieces, but now I am leaning towa.
rd getting the grey and simply replacing my WOTC pieces. The FMG pieces will have so much more detail.
Good to see some of you coming around already!.
Yes, I guess you got me on that one. I did originally want to use the FMG and WOTC pieces together, which is why I wanted black in the first place. Then when I saw FMG is using the Bismarck and how nice it will look, I realized WOTC Bismarck will look sick next to it. Also, I am so impressed by the FMG Italian pieces, I don’t know if I will ever use the WOTC (German) Italian pieces again.
The FIRST Germany Units will be Grey
Making all the right moves FMG!!!.
To be totally honest, I do kind of prefer grey for the German pieces anyway.
It is Graf Spee
cough ITALYcough
:? Italy isn’t in Eastern Europe
Hey… i’m living in Rome, where they are? :-D
Sculptor is NOT in Italy. Italy is NOT in Eastern Europe.
cough ITALYcough
:? Italy isn’t in Eastern Europe
Hey… i’m living in Rome, where they are? :-D
I thought it’s a joke. ;-)
Sculptor is NOT in Italy. Italy is NOT in Eastern Europe.
c’mon man not even a wisper about whats going on??? wahhhhhhh!!! :cry:
Probably has better things to do over the HOLIDAYS.
Shipping tomorrow?
Italy mould will be finished on JAN 5th!!!
They will be shipping this month!
Italy mould will be finished on JAN 5th!!!
They will be shipping this month!
EXCELLENT!!! (Mr.Burns from Simpson’s) I just placed my order, not as big as i had dreamed but the first of many no doubt. I love the new sculpts for the Germans! FMG you guys are doing great so far, KEEP IT UP!!!
Thoes426 :evil: -
Alright, WooHoo!
Today is D-Day for the Italians. The Mould is finished. The first few sets are being sent to me this week for FINAL APPROVAL.
I hope to have REAL pictures of the units in ACTUAL PLASTIC in CORRECT COLOR very soon.
(PS: Sculptor working on USA now)
when do we have till -
Yes, Germany sculpts are done. The ball is rolling now.
You can only use the link to get the FREE DICE if you pre-order BEFORE they are released.
yes but with out the free dice! :cry: :x :cry: :-(
There is no German Pre-order currently. Once we get closer OR need more funds I will release the Pre-order.