• '10

    It is funny dinosaur just mentioned this in the FMG Pcs thread.  My buissness partner Aaron has been working on making new CHIPS for AAA as a side project as we are waiting on the Pcs project to mature.

    We want to make new chips in three colors, with small lines round the edges (like poker chips so easy to count) and slightly larger to stop the fumbling.

    Is this a worth while project?

    We are also having an argument about the product.  I said make three standard CHIPS with FMG logo on one side and a cool graphic on the other.  He wants to make special chips for each nation with National Symbol on one side….  I think this is going to far as players share CHIPS anyways?

    Please give me your thoughts…


  • If you build it, I will buy!

    The only question about special chips for each nation would require 2 sets of chips (one for singles, another for increments of 5), so it would be 12 sets of chips for AA50?

    Also can it be made so that each chip has a picture of the unit?  Inf, Art, Arm, etc, etc, so that when we play if the unit falls off, it will be easy to identify?

    Thank you,

  • '10


    If you build it, I will buy!

    The only question about special chips for each nation would require 2 sets of chips (one for singles, another for increments of 5), so it would be 12 sets of chips for AA50?

    Also can it be made so that each chip has a picture of the unit?  Inf, Art, Arm, etc, etc, so that when we play if the unit falls off, it will be easy to identify?

    Thank you,

    Now that is a great idea!!  I will run that by Aaron.  I will let this thread run for a week and see what the rest of the community has to say.

  • Well if you can print high quality images onto the chips you could makes peices for a lot of special rules

    you could have infrustucture chips that speed up movement, as well as port and airfeild chips. How about Chinese and French control markers.

    Also you could use chips for different badges that you could put under units to mark them as being special.(For infatry you could have airborne, marine, mountain)

  • we need this IMO:

    chips of a different color for damaged factories with a logo like the AA50 damaged counter

    White chips with FFG logo and “one unit” on one side and something AA on other side

    Red chips with FFG logo and “five units” on one side and some AA thing on back

    Blue chips same except “Ten units”

    if you do chips in 6 colors then its pretty much obvious that you have a national logo and chip in exact matching color like your dice.

    Now the Italians will be easily seen.

    Also, since some cant separate the cruiser and battleship, you might include a number of chips that may facilitate identification. Also, you may want to make 'damaged Battleship chips" or maybe not. This would be used instead of turning over the piece. Lastly, submerged sub markers and additional national control markers could be used.

    I have a new idea:**  You can use these chips for BOTH**

    1. if you take idea #2 and make 6 colors (one for each nation) you can use them both as new national control markers ( using the logo side)

    2. the other side has the FFG logo on the other to designate pieces.

    3. you would still need to include read chips for FIVE counts

  • Chips for each nation seems silly. They are counters first and should make it easy to count.

    Each country having their own color seems like just adding more things to keep track of. The idea of using them as control markers has merit up until you can’t remember if it is dead unit that didn’t make it into the box after the battle or is a control marker.

    3 Colors with values like IL suggests marked 1, 5, 10 and maybe some additonal colors with no denomination for however you’d like to use them or tricked up into damage or submerge or whatever.

    I would think the simple 1, 5, 10 marked in three colors (grey-1, red-5, third color-10) would sell quite well since it is difficult to locate additional chips.

  • @frimmel:

    Chips for each nation seems silly. They are counters first and should make it easy to count.

    Each country having their own color seems like just adding more things to keep track of. The idea of using them as control markers has merit up until you can’t remember if it is dead unit that didn’t make it into the box after the battle or is a control marker.

    3 Colors with values like IL suggests marked 1, 5, 10 and maybe some additonal colors with no denomination for however you’d like to use them or tricked up into damage or submerge or whatever.

    I would think the simple 1, 5, 10 marked in three colors (grey-1, red-5, third color-10) would sell quite well since it is difficult to locate additional chips.

    I agree the chips that people are suggesting would be a pain the butt to keep track of, I think chips with the FMG logo on one side and a Axis & Allies symbol on the other would be perfect.

  • Imagine….

    We have the FMG Combat Dice, we will have new sculpted units that will match the color of the dice, along with chips that match both!  Now imagine playing face to face with your friends and the whole world is color coded.  I think that itself is worth it.  Now all we need is to spend some money on getting IL’s AA50 enlarged map printed out and play.

    Insert… FMG picture of AA50 map, with combat dice, new sculpted units, and new chips!

    But seriously, what is the added cost of additional colors?  I think the 1-4 chips can be of national colors, 5’s can be white, grey, black, etc, and 10’s can be whatever color isn’t used for 1’s and 5’s.  Also national logos on one side and pics of units on the 1’s (can be used as markers also), FMG logo and AA symbols for 5’s and 10’s.

    1’s are specialized for each country, 5’s and 10’s can be generic.

  • They cant have an AA logo. they would be in trouble. but i have a new idea…

    chips in 6 colors matching the dice they already made: one side designates control with national logo, other side is used to designate number of pieces ( FFG logo, plus word: ‘one unit’)

    Red to designate 5 units
    Blue for 10
    Yellow for 20

    the last three and and the first batch, now can replace income. You just make a stack of chips representing your income and you effectively replaced the money or writing down system.

    further, the flip side of yellow could represent damaged factories, flip side of blue represent damaged ships, or flak/fortification level to go with the new pieces?

  • @Imperious:

    They cant have an AA logo. they would be in trouble. but i have a new idea…

    chips in 6 colors matching the dice they already made: one side designates control with national logo, other side is used to designate number of pieces ( FFG logo, plus word: ‘one unit’)

    Red to designate 5 units
    Blue for 10
    Yellow for 20

    the last three and and the first batch, now can replace income. You just make a stack of chips representing your income and you effectively replaced the money or writing down system.

    further, the flip side of yellow could represent damaged factories, flip side of blue represent damaged ships, or flak/fortification level to go with the new pieces?

    Great idea about damaged factories, now the damage can be stacked neatly without it falling.

    As for the 1’s I would still prefer the unit, INF, ART, ARM, etc but if that is not doable how about tiny decals of the unit designations so that the 1’s can have the national logo but we have the option of putting the decals on the other side?  The decals can be made for other things like technology, etc, etc to control the cost?

    Now all we need are carrying cases for the chips for the countries so that everyone can hold on to it when you play (kind of like the ones used in Vegas but maybe with a clear flip top cover).

  • I don’t know IL it seems to me you are asking the chips to do to much. And using the same chip for two very different things seems asking for trouble.

    What about the denomination marked unit stack chips as a ‘basic’ set.

    Add national control markers in plastic to match the combat dice for a ‘deluxe’ set.

    Add various other chips, just more color, a new set of colors to be IPCs, damage tokens, whatever for a ‘luxury’ set.

    I would think it would be easy to run out of one countries singles if you did the ‘ones’ in each country’s color thus defeating the point of having additional chips. I wouldn’t want to do something so that I don’t run out of 1 unit chips only to find out it leads to running out of 1 unit chips.

  • But the beauty of FMG chips is that you can order more, without having to buy extra AA games.  If you notice that you are running out of certain chips, you can order more.

  • I don’t know IL it seems to me you are asking the chips to do to much. And using the same chip for two very different things seems asking for trouble.

    no i just see that it has two sides and it can serve two purposes.

    Case in point: the national tokens were designed poorly…they should be two sided with different flags ( the axis on one side the allies on another), so you never run out of markers. japan needs more and because they didn’t think, people who own these games have to harvest parts from other games.

    Chips are no different they are already in national colors, so the other side can become upgraded national tokens!

    one side is for units for stacks, other side is for control markers

    the third idea was to include a couple of other colors for FIVE and TEN unit stacks and flip side is factory damaged counter.

    everything is solved with maximum utility of what we are buying. That will maximize sales for FMG

  • i know the big stacks like 5s and 10s, me too, but more often i find use for a 2 count chip–i’ve used the white ones from Classic for these for a while, helps with a lot of territories, especially in setup when it’s 3 of this and 3 of that…

    i certainly like the idea of unique country chips, but I certainly don’t think it’s necessary as much as stuffmoves in the game, standard chips for all to use is quite enough imo…  however, I do like the damage chip ideas, though again could be standard for all.

  • I would ask that we not get ahead of ourselves.  The most important thing I think we could get is a set of plain blue chips that match the grey and red chips curently in use.  Once FMG has this, he would have the mold available to make other colors and/or fancy chips.  I don’t want to get too distracted and make this offering out of reach or unviable for FMG to see to the end.

    Later chips we could enjoy might be Green, Supply tokens - Yellow, Damage markers - Orange, Black, White, … for other things.  However, we should seek to reserve the basic A&A colors for a possible nation specific offering.

  • I’ve already been using multiple colored chips.


  • I would say 3 sets of chips.  Grey, Red and Blue (1, 5 and 10) with the FMG Logo along with the chip value in the center of the logo.  On the flip side, you could either do a graphic, leave it blank, or it could be used for a variety of other functions such as an explosion to be used as damage markers (for both factories and battleships) or to replace research tokens.

    I was planning on drawing up graphic of a chip with the FMG Logo and the #  inside the logo … but havn’t gotten to it yet.  :P

    I personally think having a different chip for each country is too much.  Having a large supply of the 3 colors with the sides being clearly identifiable, thicker/easier to pick up/move around, and slightly larger perhaps would be perfect in my opinion.

  • What ever happened to AA Gun Dice?  I figured that would have seniority over a new project.  Still, chips seem like a simple, less costly idea…till someone decided not to “Keep it Simple, Stupid.”

    Lets do some math

    3 colors

    6 nations

    ~20 different units

    every nation having a different color for the same number, and different chips for different units…

    that’s over 360 potential different individual chips, which have multiple copies.  Even at only 10 of each chip, that’s 3,600!!! It’s too much and too confusing.  Alone, the 18 different colors would make me want to kill myself.

    KISS!!! :x  75 gray chips, 25 red chips, and 15 blue chips ought to be enough.  100 gray, 50 red, 25 blue all pooled is more than enough.  Green supply tokens sound nifty. 
    FMG logo is a given.  If you want to have simply the logo on nation specific chips, I guess that’s OK.

    I’m against nation specific because it only means that I have more stuff to cram into my nation boxes.  The new land and sea pieces will probably overflow two compartments easily, so I want my custom dice to fit with the air units.

    And for those of you who are obsessed with the rainbow…why?!..18 colors?.. :cry:…why…

  • OK, here’s some positive feed back.

    Grey, Red and Blue shared.

    FMG logo on one side, and the word “Damage” with some other graphic on the other side.  I agree that having new damage counters are necessary, especially ones designating 5 and 10 damage for ICs.  Yes, that would indeed be a very good idea.

  • ok thats fine.

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