Now for the reason why AA50: Strategic is actually strategic!
With AA50 OOTB rules, any donkey of a player can roll 5 IPC for Tech, score Heavy Bombers, and proceed to win the game. Did he outstrategize his opponent? No. He just got lucky. This is why most tournaments don’t even use Tech, as it just kills the whole competitive nature of the game.
To me, this is the game’s greatest flaw, but with a few simple tweaks, I think it can actually be the game’s greatest draw. The Tech system needs to become more strategic instead of luck-based and there are a few ways to do that:
1. Tech must be directed
2. Cost-Benefit ratio needs adjusting (ie. more powerful techs should cost more)
3. We need more Counter-Techs (for strategic and balance purposes)
4. There needs to be more cost certainly (ie, more of a guarantee you’ll get your tech in a timely manner)
Also remember, we are trying to keep changes from the original design as minimal as possible. With that said, here is the Tech system I am proposing…
**AA50: Strategic - Core Rule Change #3
Step 1: Buy Researcher Tokens
-Each Research Token costs 5 (Minor), 7 (Moderate), 10 (Major) or 15 (Ultimate) IPCs.
-You must declare which specific technology you are rolling for
-You must buy a minimum of 2 (but no more than 4) researchers for that specific technology
-Once you have purchased a set number of researchers for a specific technology, you cannot puchase any more.
Step 2: Roll Research Dice
-If this is the first time you are rolling for a specific technology, roll one die for each researcher you have
-Success: If you roll at least one “6”, you have acheived that technology. Discard your remaining research tokens for that technology.
-Failure: If you do not roll a “6”, your research has failed. Keep all your researcher tokens and continue to the Purchase Units phase of the turn.
Double-Double Rule
-If you have TWO researchers, and this is the second time you are rolling for a specific technology, roll TWO dice for each researcher you have (ie. 4 dice total, this increases to 8 dice next turn, then 16, etc.)
-If you have 3 researchers, the sequence would be 3, 9, 27
-If you have 4 researchers, the sequence would be 4, 16, 64
Step 3: Mark Developments
-If your research was successful, place one of your national control markers over the appropriate advancement box. Your development becomes effective immediately.
-You can initiate research on only one new technology each turn. You can however, be rolling for more than one technology in a turn (roll newest one first), and more than one technology can come into play on a single turn.**
MINOR TECHS (5IPC/researcher, ie. minimum 10IPC)
-Advanced Artillery
-War Bonds
MODERATE TECHS (7IPC/researcher, ie. minimum 14IPC)
-Increased Factory Production
-Super Submarines
-Improved Shipyards
MAJOR TECHS (10IPC/researcher, ie. minimum 20IPC)
-Jet Fighters
ULTIMATE TECHS (15IPC/researcher, ie. minimum 30IPC)
-Mechanized Infantry
-Long Range Aircraft
-Heavy Bombers
-Note that the longer you have been rolling for a tech, the more likely it is to come into play. Also, more researchers equals more likelihood of the tech coming sooner
-Also note that the high-end techs are very pricy, and are more meant for late-game use.
-Now before you say some of these are unbalanced, please bear in mind there are a lot more techs and counter-techs to come (6 Global, 6 Axis-specific, and 6 Allied-specific). Once you see these, you’ll see the true nature of AA50: Strategic!
For now though, I’d appreciate just general comments on this specific tech system especially compared to what’s out there currently. Thanks! :-)