@Jacob16 There is a programing problem here. Attacking subs have to retreat first. I wanted to just retreat one of them to AZO. But the program would not let me.
Any ideas?
PTV MuddSlinger vs ArtofWar1947.tsvg
cant believe I forgot to move my 2 German aa back during non com. wish axis and allies would change that rule. should be able to move aa during combat as long as its not in an attack move. my bad though
You may edit the two AA back in.
no no. it was my stupid mistake not to look harder. we will continue on. its 100% my fault. but I have always thought it is kinda dumb that you cant move some units like aa during combat phase just to get a visual on your final end of turn setup and also to not forget that move. thats all
My offer still stands.
I suspect the rule regarding the movement of AA is tied to the fact it is a defensive weapon, not an offensive one. During a CM, offensive weapons are moved. For example, a transport or TT moves offensive units into battle and all–not merely some–units must offload. So, if the rule was changed for the movement of AA to include the CM as well as the NCM, the rule regarding offloading TTs would also need to be changed.
i appreciate it, but I missed the move and that falls on me. will teach me a lesson
R11 is posted, Japan is up.
Bump #2
Bump #3.
MuddSlinger has gone dark for over two weeks now, including PMs. Too bad, because he put up a spirited and challenging fight. Wish we could continue the interesting game, but need to move on so I can open up a slot.
Bump 4.