• Hi guys,

    I’ve only managed to play a handful of games of the Anniversary Edition but axis_roll asked my opinion on Tech via a point system

    First of all, I completely agree the OOTB Tech system is completely FLAWED and lacks ANY Strategic Value
    A Strategic Tech system should allow players to choose the Tech they go for, rather than just acquiring it randomly

    So with that said, I do agree with Directed Tech, but I do think there’s an easier way to implement it than with the point system…

    Basically, keep Tech exactly the way it is, except that when buying researchers, a player must state which Tech they are going for.
    Techs are divided into 3 categories:

    Minor Tech:
    -War Bonds
    -Advanced Artillery
    -Super Subs

    Moderate Tech:
    -Industrial Capacity
    -Jet Fighters

    Major Tech:
    -Mechanized Infantry
    -Long Range Aicraft
    -Heavy Bombers

    Now here’s the kicker…
    Minor Techs succeed on a single hit (ie. 1 roll of ‘6’, just like normal)
    Moderate Techs require two hits (ie. 2 rolls of ‘6’, in total, before they become active)
    Major Techs require three hits (ie. 3 rolls of ‘6’, in total, before they become active)

    So for example, Player A wants to go for Heavy Bombers
    He buys 2 researchers to start (10IPC), realizing that it is impossible though to get HB right away
    On Turn 1, he rolls 2,4 - no good.  He plans to add 1 researcher for next round (5IPC)
    On Turn 2, he rolls 1,2,6* - that counts as 1 hit, he still doesn’t get HB though
    On Turn 3, he rolls 3,4,5
    On Turn 4, he rolls 1,4,6* - that’s a 2nd hit, still no HB yet.  He really wants HB next turn though and plans to buy 2 more researchers (10IPC)
    On Turn 5, he rolls 2,4,4,5,6* - SUCCESS!  He now gets HB for 25IPC Round 5 (later, and more expensive than OOTB rules)

    -This would be a very simple system to implement (rather than counting points)
    -The stronger Techs would generally take longer to get (because they require multiple Tech hits)
    -The stronger Techs would be more expensive to get (assuming the player is willing to buy more than 1 researcher to get the Tech in decent time)
    -Tech is Directed, making the Tech component of the game much more strategic
    -Counter-Tech is also Directed again increasing the Strategy of the game (ie. IC to counter HB)
    -Furthermore, if players know someone is going for a specific Tech, they can employ countermeasures in terms of purchases as well

    I think Tech can be taken further strategically, but if you’re looking for a real simple solution, this would be a start.

  • Just to expand on this idea a bit further…

    One can look at allowing Shared Tech…
    If an Ally achieves a Tech, you could allow alliance members to research the Tech for 4IPC/researcher rather than 5 IPC

    Also, one can look at adding some other Techs to the game
    Basically you would just need to classify it as Minor, Moderate or Major
    I think an Interceptor Tech would be nice, maybe also something to make Subs less vulnerable, and also Navies less vulnerable late game (to HBs)

    Finally, there’s room to have Country Specializations (ie. a country can research a Tech for 4IPC/researcher right off the bat).  This could be to direct the flow of the game in a certain way (historically or strategically) or make up for inherent in-game deficincies.  I would suggest the following…

    Germany - Industrial Capacity (game shorts them on production to begin with, natural HB protection, still pay full price for Mech Inf)
    Italy - Paratroopers (I know they have no BMBR but some historic/strategic implications for this)
    Japan - Super Subs (historic/strategic implications)
    Russia - Advanced Artillery (historic/strategic implications)
    UK - Shipyards (historic/strategic implications)
    USA - War Bonds (economic edge, make them still pay full for HB,LRA)


  • Paratroopers is a strong tech, and within Cousin_Joes system it should be a major tech.

  • @cousin_joe:

    Hi guys,

    I’ve only managed to play a handful of games of the Anniversary Edition but axis_roll asked my opinion on Tech via a point system

    First of all, I completely agree the OOTB Tech system is completely FLAWED and lacks ANY Strategic Value
    A Strategic Tech system should allow players to choose the Tech they go for, rather than just acquiring it randomly

    Appreciate your input


    So with that said, I do agree with Directed Tech, but I do think there’s an easier way to implement it than with the point system…

    Basically, keep Tech exactly the way it is, except that when buying researchers, a player must state which Tech they are going for.
    Techs are divided into 3 categories:

    Minor Tech:
    -War Bonds
    -Advanced Artillery
    -Super Subs

    Moderate Tech:
    -Industrial Capacity
    -Jet Fighters

    Major Tech:
    -Mechanized Infantry
    -Long Range Aicraft
    -Heavy Bombers

    Now here’s the kicker…
    Minor Techs succeed on a single hit (ie. 1 roll of ‘6’, just like normal)
    Moderate Techs require two hits (ie. 2 rolls of ‘6’, in total, before they become active)
    Major Techs require three hits (ie. 3 rolls of ‘6’, in total, before they become active)

    So for example, Player A wants to go for Heavy Bombers
    He buys 2 researchers to start (10IPC), realizing that it is impossible though to get HB right away
    On Turn 1, he rolls 2,4 - no good.  He plans to add 1 researcher for next round (5IPC)
    On Turn 2, he rolls 1,2,6* - that counts as 1 hit, he still doesn’t get HB though
    On Turn 3, he rolls 3,4,5
    On Turn 4, he rolls 1,4,6* - that’s a 2nd hit, still no HB yet.  He really wants HB next turn though and plans to buy 2 more researchers (10IPC)
    On Turn 5, he rolls 2,4,4,5,6* - SUCCESS!  He now gets HB for 25IPC Round 5 (later, and more expensive than OOTB rules)

    So if I fail to roll 6’s, I never achieve a tech?  that adds that randomness factor BACK to the system.

    Example:  3 tech rolls CAN roll three 6’s so I COULD achieve a MAJOR tech with a $15 investment.
    Conversely, let’s say I spend $15 for a minor (I really want super subs).
    I could go three rounds and never roll a 6 (no sixes in nine rolls certainly can happen).

    The goal is to diminish this randomness as compared to the OOB, and it sounds like this system has not done that too much.

    I like the idea of accumulating your tech efforts (Akin to the 4:2 in Enhanced)
    In other words, your tech rolls are never totally wasted.  If you roll three ones on my Super Subs example,
    then you would be 20% of the way to getting super subs (3 of 15).  In this proposal, I would have nothing to show for my tech rolls.


    -This would be a very simple system to implement (rather than counting points)

    You’d still have to counts number of hits by category for each tech.
    That is basically the same exact thing as counting points by tech.

    I played with tech by points over the weekend and it was not hard at all to track the tech rolls.


    -The stronger Techs would generally take longer to get (because they require multiple Tech hits)
    -The stronger Techs would be more expensive to get (assuming the player is willing to buy more than 1 researcher to get the Tech in decent time)
    -Tech is Directed, making the Tech component of the game much more strategic
    -Counter-Tech is also Directed again increasing the Strategy of the game (ie. IC to counter HB)
    -Furthermore, if players know someone is going for a specific Tech, they can employ countermeasures in terms of purchases as well

    All of these are also achieved by the point system.  The higher points seperate the techs into minor/moderate/major tech levels.
    Recall that the point values are initial thoughts and can be tweaked/adjusted as needed as indicated by game play testing.


    I think Tech can be taken further strategically, but if you’re looking for a real simple solution, this would be a start.

    I don’t know if this system is any more simple than the tech point system.  It certainly is not more work to track the tech rolls,
    and is less flexible if you wanted to tweak by country.

  • @critmonster:

    mediocre tech would have to be amazingly cheaper to warrant any $ spent on them. Why would I research war bonds over HB? Even at half the price it simply would not make sense.

    After playing once with the system, I can agree with you
    So what would you propose for the mediocre tech?
    6?  so that one researcher COULD achieve that tech?

    Please feel free to offer another set of points or just indicate modifications to specific techs.


    that is the inherrent problem with targeted tech.

    I do not think ‘that’ problem with directed tech can not be countered by pricing the techs correctly.
    In other words, if HB’s are still ALWAYS being developed, then they need to be priced higher with more points.
    And you can even do this by country because I can see the USA being the most likely to try and develop this tech.
    Perhaps their HB roll would be 10 points higher.

    Again, this system is a work in progress.  If we game play test it, we can iron out the wrinkles.


    Now the post about round number available might have some potential because I might want war bonds round 2-3 to help fund my round 5+ big research. As far as round ten, are many of your games gong that long? things tend to be fairly well decided around 4 in our group with perhaps two more rounds to try and stem the tide but either the axis are rolling over russia/asia or the allies have stopped nazi momentum and begun to push back.

    Agreed this may need to be incorporated, but it is somewhat implemented by the costs.  For example, at 30, HBs are costly and may not come into play until round 4, round 3 at the earliest, but it could be costly to the developer.

    Any proposals on rounds for tech?

  • The other thing I like about this is you have a choice between fast and slow.

    Lets take HBs for example.  Say i’m germany and I see the US go for HBs on turn 1 with 3 researchers.  He will get it pretty quickly, so I put one researcher on Radar and one on Improved Industry.  Now he will get HBs before I get my ‘counter techs’, but within 2 turns of him getting them, I should have one or both of my counter techs.

    The only tech that fails in this system is war bonds.  If it is too cheap everyone will want it for the money boost, too expensive and no one will want it.

  • @Vareel:

    The other thing I like about this is you have a choice between fast and slow.

    Lets take HBs for example.  Say i’m germany and I see the US go for HBs on turn 1 with 3 researchers.  He will get it pretty quickly, so I put one researcher on Radar and one on Improved Industry.  Now he will get HBs before I get my ‘counter techs’, but within 2 turns of him getting them, I should have one or both of my counter techs.

    Yes, strategic decisions…
    not random tosses of a die hoping for a 6 and then hoping for the right counter tech


    The only tech that fails in this system is war bonds.  If it is too cheap everyone will want it for the money boost, too expensive and no one will want it.

    I don’t think I would label ‘War Bonds’ as a failure in this system, but rather
    one that is hard to pin point the exact point value in relation to the other tech points.

    However, I believe that point value can be indentified through game play testing.

  • Hi axis_roll,

    My initial proposal was geared more towards simplicity
    Basically you’re allowing directed tech but requiring multiple tech hits for the more powerful techs
    Progress could be simply tracked with markers rather than keeping track of numbers on the side or memorizing charts with numbers needed for success

    With that said, I have no problem with the Tech by Points system
    The only Tweaks I would suggest would be subdivide into Minor, Moderate, and Major
    Paratroopers could be moved to Major as per subotai’s post
    Then use the following point scheme…

    Minor - 10 points
    Moderate - 20 points
    Major - 30 Points

    I would also suggest limiting research to one Tech at a time as per OOTB rules
    This would make more incentive for players to buy more researchers (ie. to get techs faster so they can move on to another tech)

  • The only other thing to consider if allowing Directed Tech is the “Tech coming into effect instantly” aspect.  I don’t think Directed Tech and Instant Tech could co-exist in the same game.  You would have to change it so that Tech comes into effect the next turn.

    I’ve always disliked Instant Tech because not only does a player get lucky on you by getting HB on some miraculous roll for a ridiculously low price, but he adds insult to injury by totally skewing battle odds on various fronts (particularly Naval) before you have a chance to react.  It just throws strategy further out the window.

    This effect was somewhat minimized though by Tech being Random.  A player couldn’t necessarily buy a whole bunch of HBs knowing he was getting HBs. With Directed Tech that changes, and a player’s whole gameplan could revolve around getting HBs and building up to this.  Therefore, to cancel this possibility, if allowing Directed tech, Tech should come into effect the following turn.

  • OK try this:

    1. assign a value for each technology

    2. spend 5 IPC roll one die, roll of 5-6 means no advancement to be made.

    3. results of 1-4= value marked down from total

    example: we assign mechanized infantry at 12 IPC.

    Germany spends 5 IPC for researcher, rolls once gets 3, now the score is 9 to obtain mech infantry

    next turn the same researcher ( using the OOB rules) rolls again and rolls a 4, now Germany needs 5 more points

    next turn they roll 6, nothing happens

    next turn they roll a 2, need 3

    next turn they roll 4, so they get the tech on that turn.

    thats it.

    you don’t need this small medium large thing, their is no need to categorize them like this anyway.

    The numbers mean nothing and need to be based solely on balance, so i would forget this 5,10,15 crap and just find the accurate number that makes it seem equal to its value. Their is no way that they can be grouped into this format anyway because they are all different rules and have different effects, but at some point a number value can be assigned… discover that and you got a good house rule.

    Now you can also assign some “advance points” for some powers as part of a bid, or a +1 or whatever based on total IPC.

    I would suspect that if your economy is 40+ you have a better grasp of getting tech, than say a nation getting 10+ IPC a turn, based om the infrastructure.

    You might even do something based on VC or total IPC can yield a +1 to die results, or even +2

    another idea is for each researcher you got more than 1, you get a +1 on the results ( a 2 becomes a 3 if you got two researchers)

    The results:

    now technology has more determined characteristics, and it would get realized too quickly because the results are 1-4 and not 1-6.

  • @cousin_joe:

    The only Tweaks I would suggest would be subdivide into Minor, Moderate, and Major
    Paratroopers could be moved to Major as per subotai’s post
    Then use the following point scheme…

    Minor - 10 points
    Moderate - 20 points
    Major - 30 Points

    I guess that would be easier to track, but it then lacks flexibility to tweak techs individually.
    For example, I think war bonds are too high priced at 10.

    An 8 might be better.


    I would also suggest limiting research to one Tech at a time as per OOTB rules
    This would make more incentive for players to buy more researchers (ie. to get techs faster so they can move on to another tech)

    I see your point, but I am seeing most games being determined MUCH faster in AA50, especially if you use NOs.
    By round 6, the winner has usually been determined.  Closer games have gone into round 8, round 10 is an extreme.

    So along these lines, a country may only get to develop 3-4 weapons a game (depends on alot of things like income and willingness to spend more on tech)

    I think if you want to water down your tech investment into many techs, then the odds are those break thrus will be much slower/later than rushing for one or two techs.  Why limit a countries options when the IPCs and need for units does that already?

  • @cousin_joe:

    The only other thing to consider if allowing Directed Tech is the “Tech coming into effect instantly” aspect.  I don’t think Directed Tech and Instant Tech could co-exist in the same game.  You would have to change it so that Tech comes into effect the next turn.

    I’ve always disliked Instant Tech because not only does a player get lucky on you by getting HB on some miraculous roll for a ridiculously low price, but he adds insult to injury by totally skewing battle odds on various fronts (particularly Naval) before you have a chance to react.  It just throws strategy further out the window.

    This effect was somewhat minimized though by Tech being Random.  A player couldn’t necessarily buy a whole bunch of HBs knowing he was getting HBs. With Directed Tech that changes, and a player’s whole gameplan could revolve around getting HBs and building up to this.  Therefore, to cancel this possibility, if allowing Directed tech, Tech should come into effect the following turn.

    if directed tech on a game breaking weapon was attainable with one round of IPC, then I can agree.
    However, the ‘game breakers’ are ranked very costly  LR=25, HB=30, Mech Inf=25.

    If you look at an average outcome on a die being 3.5, you would need to roll 7 dice (or $35 in IPCs) to have an average chance to get 25.
    It goes to 9 dice for the HB’s.

    This is no miraculous roll for a ridiculously low price.  Also, you could see USA researcher HBs and prepare for it as they get closer.
    At this time, because of their cost and the shortness of the game, I suggest we try to keep the instantaneousness of the tech that is AA50 tech rules.

    Recall one of the goals is to try to miminize the house rules with respect to the AA50 tech.  All this system alters is how you obtain the tech, not their capability nor when they come into play.

    Game play testing may prove my thoughts to be misguided, and then we can tweak the rules.

  • @axis_roll:

    Initial tech points assignments:

    Tech               Value

    War bonds:             10
    Advanced Artillery:    10
    Paratrooper:           20
    IC:                    20
    Mech Inf:              25
    Rockets:               20

    Shipyards:             15
    Long Range:            25
    Heavy Bombers:         30
    Radar:                 20
    Jet Fighters:          15
    Supersubs:             15

    Okay, I’ve playtested this (somewhat) with axis_roll, and while we didn’t get too far, before I had to call it quits due to time issues, I think that a serious reduction in cost is in order. Here are my suggested prices.

    War bonds:             8
    Advanced Artillery:    8
    Paratrooper:           12
    IC:                    12
    Mech Inf:              15
    Rockets:               15

    Shipyards:             10
    Long Range:            17
    Heavy Bombers:         20
    Radar:                 12
    Jet Fighters:          10
    Supersubs:             10

  • I don’t think a reduction in costs is too bad since it seems AA50 games are shorter than revised (at least at this point in the games life cycle)

    I am ok too with HB’s being much cheaper in light of the recent FAQ’s change to their power (best of two dice, ala LHTR).  I am not so sure that your demotion of mech inf should be to 15.  I think 17 is better.

    Also, if we’re splitting hairs, I would like to see jet power be 12, not 10, just because ftrs are so versatile and prevelant in the game already.

  • Id rather see higher numbers for the techs, and have nation specific tech advantages

    The US would start with War Bonds, Mech Infantry, and Paratroopers already near completion

    The UK would start with Paratroopers, and Radar within a die roll of completion (about 5 points from completion)

    The Soviets would start with Increased Production about half complete, and perhaps war bonds too

    Germany would start the game with Rockets and Advanced Artillery almost complete, and some points in Jet Fighters

    Japan would start with a little bit in Shipyards, Long-Range, and Supersubs

    Italy would start with some in Paratroopers and Shipyards

  • @oztea:

    Id rather see higher numbers for the techs, and have nation specific tech advantages

    The US would start with War Bonds, Mech Infantry, and Paratroopers already near completion

    The UK would start with Paratroopers, and Radar within a die roll of completion (about 5 points from completion)

    The Soviets would start with Increased Production about half complete, and perhaps war bonds too

    Germany would start the game with Rockets and Advanced Artillery almost complete, and some points in Jet Fighters

    Japan would start with a little bit in Shipyards, Long-Range, and Supersubs

    Italy would start with some in Paratroopers and Shipyards

    Your slant has a more historical take on the weapons development.  Personally, I prefer more of the ‘what-if’ idea,
    where I can choose what’s best for the game strategically for the country I am playing.

    This is the beauty of this system: it’s so flexible and can easily be changed on a game by game basis.

    I propose the smaller numbers for games without NO’s in play or if you want a more tech heavy game.

  • well you can still research any tech you want/need from the ground up.

    Each nation that starts with a head start actualy had (or got very close) to that tech, so its sort of a historic boost.

  • You know, that actually makes a lot of sense. That’ll encourage each nation to pursue the technology they actually already had, but not have other nations go for them…

  • @oztea:

    Germany would start the game with Rockets and Advanced Artillery almost complete, and some points in Jet Fighters

    If I am not mistaken, until the battle of Malta, Germany had quite the crack paratrooper units

  • no. the battle of Crete. They lost most of these on that operation

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