Game History
Round: 1
Activate Technology - Changer
Note to players Changer: Welcome to Global 40 Expansion UHD Boxes It Uses the Black Elk Mega Map. This is Version 1.84 It was uploaded on 9/15/2023. Make sure All Players have the Same Version. You will need ....
Purchase Units - Changer
Note to players Changer: NOTE If you encounter an error at game start, simply restart as the mini map was not drawn correctly. This will be fixed in the next version of TripleA It is Suggested to set "Map Zoom"....
Note to players Changer: NOTE If Using The Basic Rules, Turn Off "Expanded Pacific Ocean" "National Guard" and "Total War" in Map Options Before Game Start. Triplea Will Ask if you want to Continue with Purcha....
Combat Move - Changer
triggerAttachmenEarly1940Red: Changer has 1 BBandTransport, 1 Early1943, 1 German_Rockets, 1 TotalWar and 1 Waffen_Para placed in Early 1943
triggerAttachmenEarly1940Red: Changer has 1 DDayEurope, 1 Early1944, 1 King_Tiger, 1 Me262 and 1 TypeXXIUBoat placed in Early 1944
triggerAttachmenEarly1940Red: Changer has 1 Early1940_red, 1 Soviet_Commisar, 1 WaffenArty, 1 commando, 1 marine and 1 waffen_infantry placed in Early 1940
triggerAttachmenEarly1940Red: Changer has 1 Early1941, 1 Tank_General and 1 USADOW placed in Early 1941
triggerAttachmenEarly1940Red: Changer has 1 EscortAndConvoy, 1 EuropeDOW, 1 Late1941, 1 MayAttack, 1 NavalMine, 1 Russian_Rockets, 1 Soviet_Partisan and 1 guard_infantry placed in Late 1941
triggerAttachmenEarly1940Red: Changer has 1 Late1940, 1 Panzer_General, 1 UK_TankGeneral and 1 Waffen_Oberst placed in Late 1940
triggerAttachmenEarly1940Red: Changer has 1 CruiserAndSub, 1 DestroyerTransport, 1 Early1942, 1 RedArmyConscript, 1 USA_TankGeneral and 1 WaffenPnzrGrndr placed in Early 1942
triggerAttachmenEarly1940Red: Changer has 1 2Destroyers, 1 DevelopWeapons, 1 HeavyBombers, 1 Late1943, 1 TakeOverItaly and 1 USAHeavyTransport placed in Late 1943
triggerAttachmenEarly1940Red: Changer has 1 Atlantic_Wall, 1 Banzai, 1 Carrier2FTRS, 1 Late1942, 1 Mass_Tanks and 1 waffen_panzer placed in Late 1942
triggerAttachmenEarly1940Red: Changer has 1 Late1944 and 1 Waffen_Hvy_Tank placed in Late 1944
Combat - Changer
Non Combat Move - Changer
Turn Complete - Changer