• 2024 2023 '22 '21 '20

    Thank you @farmboy and @Arthur-Bomber-Harris for your strong play in our recent games.

    Both games began about the same time and you both used similar overall strategies:

    1. Stacked Yunnan with the Bid with Russian air.
    2. Broke into China using Russian troops via Manchuria.
    3. Were very aggressive in the Pacific attacking at every opportunity even with negative TUV odds.
    4. Spent significant resources in Europe with the US, since with the loss of China Japan could not win the game in the Pacific, thus preventing Germany from winning the game.

    Both games resulted in a loss for me and caused me to reconsider the Axis strategy I have been working on for the last 5-6 years. Due to your great play I was forced to come up with a second, or Plan B, strategy for the Axis.

    If the Allies do not stack Yunnan I think I can still use the same Axis strategy as before with a tweak by adding Item #2 below. So, Plan A and Plan B both now include Item #2. If the Allies do stack then I would go with Plan B by including Item #1 below.

    Plan B:

    1. If Yunnan is stacked with Russian air then instead of a J1 it converts to a J3. This provides Japan with more time to build up against China as China is much tougher by holding Yunnan. It also allows Japan to do this without the US Navy breathing down its neck. My mistake previously was to still do a J1 and with the UK, ANZAC and US all beating on Japan they were unable to make any headway. This changes the Pacific from a get India quick strategy to a “take the Money Islands and make slow progress against China and India” strategy. Or in other words a long term game. This revised strategy does keep Japan in the game versus my previous strategy.
    2. Build a Minor Industrial Complex in Manchuria and stack Manchuria against the Russian Far East Troops. Previously, I kept my Japan stack in Korea and you both showed me the error of my ways. By stacking Manchuria instead and keeping a force there large enough to defend against the Russians it keeps those Russian troops from breaking into China. Again, this expenditure slows things down for Japan’s expansion, but it protects their inner perimeter from being compromised.

    While it is no pleasure for me to lose, I do thank you both for teaching me something. As they say, “You learn more from losing than winning”. Whether or not my opponents stack Yunnan in the future I have learned how important it is to protect Manchuria from Russia and that knowledge is gold for my future games. Through adversity you have made me a better Player and for that…


  • If you see a stacked Yunnan AND a big Siberia bid, is it just best to abandon hope of holding China? Develop a plan to get to India and Money Islands, and forget about ever hitting mainland China?

    I also think you need to invest more heavily in bombers for Germany. I love their ability to project power in multiple directions. You built up a large air force by round 20 in our game and it started to give me huge headaches, forcing me to gamble on some attacks before the power got too immense. Capture Moscow and threaten to either push down into the Middle East or conquer London if not enough is spent there. Eventually one theater will be insufficiently defended.

  • 2024 2023 '22 '21 '20

    I have only had one game so far with my Plan B strategy; against Farmboy. I do think it is working and while it took a very long time I did eventually gain control of China.

    The problem I see in abandoning China is what you and Farmboy both did to me. You put minimal US resources into the Pacific and concentrated on Europe throwing a mighty big monkey wrench into Germany’s plans for conquest. I think as Japan you HAVE to go for China or the Allies can focus on Germany as they know Japan cannot win the game in the Pacific.

  • @AndrewAAGamer Farmboy didn’t put 3 art into Siberia which meant that you needed 5 fewer Japanese infantry to hold onto Manchuria/Korea. He then retreated six Siberian Russians back to Moscow so a combined 9 fewer Jap Inf needed to hold that area. Would you have succeeded if he had applied as much pressure as I was applying to the region?

  • 2024 2023 '22 '21 '20

    Who knows? Less pressure on Japan means more pressure on Europe. I don’t think Japan has to take China, it at least has to be a draw.

  • I think a draw in China can be worse than a loss. You were able to avoid many loses of Japanese forces on the Mainland, getting them into India without much attrition. I wish that I could have gone back and forth with exchanges of Chinese ground units for Japanese ground units instead of ending the game with a massive stack stuck doing absolutely nothing.

    Either have enough to hold China, or give up quickly and head to safer areas has been my historical viewpoint. We will have to play again sometime and test out the theories. This time I should be better in W Europe as your gambit not taking Normandy threw me for a spin for quite a long time.

  • @Arthur-Bomber-Harris it might depend on the particulars of the game. But if in a situation of a stalemate in China, Japan still has the capability of taking and holding the coastal victory cities, than it still has a path to winning in hte Pacific. If it can’t do that, (and that is usually the case if China has been lost) the allies are able to commit much less to the pacific and focus on Germany, knowing that the axis cannot win win on the pacific side.

    @AndrewAAGamer I think you are definitely countering this well. And the allies are in the difficult position of having to plan for a J1 regardless (so my bid choice won’t change too much)

    One thing I’d encourage you to try is BM. I can understand the reticence at playing a fan made game over the original. But for the most part the game is quite similar, and a lot of the best players in league play have switched to that so you will find some interesting competition there.

  • @farmboy said in Thank you!:

    @AndrewAAGamer I think you are definitely countering this well. And the allies are in the difficult position of having to plan for a J1 regardless (so my bid choice won’t change too much)

    Agree. If the Allies do not stack Yunnan with the Russian air then Plan A (J1) goes into effect.

    One thing I’d encourage you to try is BM. I can understand the reticence at playing a fan made game over the original. But for the most part the game is quite similar, and a lot of the best players in league play have switched to that so you will find some interesting competition there.

    I appreciate your understanding why I am not a fan of BM. I would much prefer playing the official (OOB) game. Now that I am retired and have more time I have been considering doing both BM and OOB for 2024, just as you said, to expand my player base.

  • @farmboy said in Thank you!:

    @Arthur-Bomber-Harris it might depend on the particulars of the game. But if in a situation of a stalemate in China, Japan still has the capability of taking and holding the coastal victory cities, than it still has a path to winning in hte Pacific. If it can’t do that, (and that is usually the case if China has been lost) the allies are able to commit much less to the pacific and focus on Germany, knowing that the axis cannot win win on the pacific side.

    @AndrewAAGamer I think you are definitely countering this well. And the allies are in the difficult position of having to plan for a J1 regardless (so my bid choice won’t change too much)

    One thing I’d encourage you to try is BM. I can understand the reticence at playing a fan made game over the original. But for the most part the game is quite similar, and a lot of the best players in league play have switched to that so you will find some interesting competition there.

    NOOOOOO! stick with OOB Andrew. Innovations are happening and you guys are doing it! I appreciate it very much. I am always routing for the Alles, but this is where the action is. And it is most translatable for the average AnA player.

  • @crockett36 rooting, not routing.

  • @crockett36 I’m sorry but balanced mod is much better than OOB. Andrew should do as he likes though.

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