But if you choose to stay and fight then your Subs can’t submerge during combat, because of the Destroyers’ anti-sub capabilties.
Convoy quirk QUESTION
I’m not sure there’s really an issue here. Does anyone else feel that the convoy disruption rules are unclear?
I do. DO you takte IPC befoer they spend them ( at the beginning of their turn) or when they collec tthem ( at the end)
I don’t see a problem, I think we had a ton of people asking questions who haven’t actually read the rules yet.
I think that they are pretty clear especially with the few clarifications that have been made.
They arent really that complicated.
I do. DO you takte IPC befoer they spend them ( at the beginning of their turn) or when they collec tthem ( at the end)
Page 20, under “Phase 6: Collect Income”:
However, before you can actually receive this income, you must check for any losses incurred by air and naval attacks against your shipping routes (see below).
Page 20, under “Conduct Convoy Disruptions”:
Each enemy surface warship in the sea zone causes the loss of one IPC from your income for the turn.
Why wouldn’t it be?
Because it wasn’t the case in the original AAP. Or in any other version that used convoy centers.
Additionally, I do not see in the rules where it states: If you lose the territory attached to the convoy, the enemy can now be attacked in the same manner because the convoy is now his convoy.
Because it wasn’t the case in the original AAP. Or in any other version that used convoy centers.
Don’t let the rules of previous games color your perception of this one.
Additionally, I do not see in the rules where it states: If you lose the territory attached to the convoy, the enemy can now be attacked in the same manner because the convoy is now his convoy.
Sea zones don’t belong to anyone, so convoys don’t belong to anyone. If you have a ship in a sea zone with a convoy marker that’s adjacent to an enemy’s territory during his/her collect income phase, you reduce his/her income. It’s as simple as that.
I’m not sure there’s really an issue here. Does anyone else feel that the convoy disruption rules are unclear?
The convoy rules are perfect.
Need no markers to show control.
The loss of IPCs is caused by the number and kind of enemy warships hunting the convoys.
You can clear off the Seazone with planes (except subs) and don’t need to send warships.
Subs can fullfill their one and only determination: HUNT CARGO VESSELS!
I think maybe some of the confusion comes from the difference between the old rules and the new. I think if you just read the new rules then they make sense and everything is clear. If you think about it in terms of the old rules I can see how people could be a little confused.
oops. Didn’t see Krieghunds post saying the same thing about getting confused by looking at older rules that dont apply anymore.
Sea zones don’t belong to anyone, so convoys don’t belong to anyone. If you have a ship in a sea zone with a convoy marker that’s adjacent to an enemy’s territory during his/her collect income phase, you reduce his/her income. It’s as simple as that.
I love this new rule, Kev. Was it Mons that come up with the idea ? Anyway, lets take an example:
UK controll Kwangtung (3IPC) and Japan controll Formosa (1 IPC)
UK has a sub in seazone 20 and Japan has a sub in seazone 20. This is legal according to the rules.The Japanese sub deny UK 2 IPC income, and in next turn, if still alive, the UK sub deny Japan its 1 IPC income. This happens because convoys belong to everybody that control any adjacent territory, right ?
Take the above example, and add that UK has a factory in Kwa and mobilized a destroyer in seazone 20.
That destroyer will not cancel the Japanese sub’s convoy disruption in “Collect income Phase” ?
The Japanese sub deny UK 2 IPC income, and in next turn, if still alive, the UK sub deny Japan its 1 IPC income. This happens because convoys belong to everybody that control any adjacent territory, right ?
Lets hope so, though there is another territory in that sz so if Japan controls that one then it too would lose 2 ipcs.
That is correct, ksmckay, but my point was that several players may share the same convoy center, and that several players subs may share the same seazone and attack this particulare convoy. Just making the rules clear.
But is convoy disruption mandatory or can you choose not to disrupt?
Or do you only disrupt after you go to war?
I am asking because if you have to disrupt, then it will limit your pre-declaration-of-war movement.
It’s completely voluntary. If you don’t want to do it because you’re not ready to go to war, you don’t have to.
Once your at war, I have found it possible and advantageous to attack with subs or a minimum of surface vessels (1-2 destroyers) and subs in convoy zones containing enemy vessels on either sides combat phase. So long as you win the engagement (which is usually minor and sometimes just a transport murder) you can have your sub stay on station and then it is up to your opponent to knock out your sub and or surface ships to save his convoy or not. I also see how a sub/destroyer team is also very powerful because it not only allows you to take 2 IPCs from the convoy with your sub being on station but it also allows you to block with your destroyer. Blocking I have noticed is a big part of this game since you have longer range fleet movements due to Naval bases and also because of the lack of the combat air patrol ability.
In a previous post you said
" The income for the convoy is calculated after AIR and naval combat"
Doea that mean Aircraft disrupt convoy’s aswell?
Can a ship be used both in a combat move and also to disrupt a convoy in the same turn?
For instance, if I use two destroyers to attack an enemy sub in waters around a territory friendly to the sub. Can the destroyers also disrupt the convoy?
It says somewhere that you have to “declare” that you’re disrupting the convoy. Is this in there to clarify that, if not at war, you can be in that sea zone and NOT disrupt the convoy? In other words, once everyone is at war with everyone else, is officially “declaring” disruption necessary, or can i just move my ships around in the non-combat phase with the assumption that any ships in enemy convoys automatically disrupt things? This might just be a matter of house-rule-etiquette, but just wondering.