As we both seem to know, I don’t like using chips. Sometimes it’s actually harder to see them using chips because you have to look from the side (my map is on the floor), and sometimes you can’t even see then so you have to lift the whole guy up.
If something falls (say, a piece accidentally goes flying, knocking multiple units and causing chaos across several territories), actual pieces make it easier to remember which units were where. Especially important if you’ve left a game just lying around on pause for months and you don’t have everything memorised.
I do wish that if we didn’t use chips you could see. But that, in my opinion is a map sizing problem (solved by the upcoming release of an even bigger Global 1940 map).
Also, if these rules are used in TripleA (and the map has been properly coded so you don’t need to do anything manually), it’s take no more time (and TripleA has almost no clutter unless you’re cramming many different types of units from many nations), which is what I was suggesting.
But yes, it may take longer to calculate with more units.