@Black_Elk Philippines SZ Placing Nicely. NG as well lol
Screenshot from 2023-07-06 00-25-05.png
Hmm … I do the new baseline and polys, that takes me back to ground zero ? I’ll lose all the new stuff ? I got 41 boxes and they take me about an hour each. Well, I’ll try it.
yea i’ll just start over with the latest. Won’t have to mess with the southern boxes that way either.
Got the layout figured, so it’ll go faster this time :)
@Black_Elk restarted from scratch. Sadly, I hit a bump. :(
Army Group Centre wont poly at all. AG North and Waffen 4 won’t either, although they have polygons.
I clicked on all the little TTy fragments and the SZs they were in and well … Here’s latest at git if you would take a look.
I’ve gone through it a half a dozen times. Gonna try one more and then try a new one. Box that is lol
I tried to do the German block all in one and then divide so 160 would be done in one whack.
Guess i better do one at a time again. 160 seemed ok. Just divide one at a time after that.
I get one error on centre saying 4354. It should be 4355. Maybe thats messing it up ?
But the two next to it work.
Anyway, if you’d take a look would be appreciated :)
Here we are in poly mode. Only centre won’t light up.
But AG North and Waffen 4 don’t work either and they are high lighted.
Well next one worked lol
ok got everything but centre to fire
For some reason the xml whacked out and went somewhere else lol
Got russia done. Centre the only problem child so far, so just gonna keep rolling and bring him into line later.
I can see from the highlight in your Polygons step that the baseline boxes you’re trying to add haven’t been emptied of the black pixels from the older base/polygons. Basically it needs to be displaying those boxes filled with white for each rectangle in your base. You can try to stitch those smaller sections together with the shift-click in the poly step like you’ve been doing, and that may appear like it’s giving you what you want, but the actual baseline needs to be modified to ensure that you aren’t assigning duplicates entries or winding up with vestiges of those older lines, like where the polys are overlapping. Right now some stuff from the older image is still in the base, so it’s hanging you up when you go to reassign or change the coordinates for those shapes. The highlight in the polygon grabber is showing stuff based on where your black pixels are located in the base, since that’s how tripleA knows what to grab, like where the borders are. That’s defined by whether the pixel is black, white or something else, in the base image you load up initially.
I think I can see what you’re after. If you’ve already made the entries in the xml for the names and ownership those should still work fine, I’m guessing that’s the time consuming part, since grabbing the poly’s/centers should be pretty fast, unless something is going haywire with your base, which seems to be the issue here. Essentially you just need to create a baseline that’s going to match more or less exactly what you want to see ultimately displayed, so you can see that stuff while within the map creator tools when doing the polygon grabbing step. So that the right stuff is highlighting red/yellow. Shoot me an email or a DM, I’m sure we can this sorted for you.
@black_elk Having a some trouble. The Base had a couple lines that didn’t go all the way through and a couple others that did that shouldn’t. I extended the missing ones and painted white on the others but it throws that “can’t grab common problem anti-aliasing” error.
I manually added some polys and place to get it too fire. I got some other screwed up stuff too as you can see :) I thought I could save a poly batch then go to another. Did all the SZs and Quebec at the end but some worked, some didn’t.
Some of the stuff didn’t have a name. I guess that was just the Arctic part, but I don’t know how to save those or if I need to.
Here’s current where trouble is
Here’s where the lines didn’t get drawn all the way
Heres a couple that I tried to paint over
The one above Scotland, Norway and Finland. Basically I had every thing 100, 200, 300 and 600 sizes. I may have fckd up tho lol
I’ll take a look at 2.6
Also the one at 600 needs to go too. Above Quebec Island
Right Arm :muscle: that new base worked like a Champion @Black_Elk
The only trouble I currently have is trying to get the 113 SZ overflow to show right.
Bessarabia and W UKR I was able to add to the originals like islands. SZs must be different. Idk. I made SZ 113 Flow a separate SZ and was just gonna give it same connections but it’s still showing white.
The name shows up and i haven’t done any connections yet, but for relief purposes it’ll be ocean.
I gave the Timetable to Changer as i didn’t know what else todo. So It’s color is Neutral. Idk if you can maybe use the top half of Captains Box for relief ?
We only go 3 deep. Or maybe an original Elkstar :) background ?
Also are two dead spots I was thinkiing maybe “UHD” and then for the bigger one “Global 40 Expansion” for decoration. Maybe with some Leader dudes in the background ? Underneath or behind or however it goes lol
Anyway gonna reup to git directly be back in a bit
Here’s latest git https://github.com/beelee1/global_40_expansion_uhd_boxes
@Black_Elk heres the two dead spots. Timetable in between
@VictoryFirst I was thinking for the timetable we could go with a round token. E 40 L40 etc… make one plain and one maybe red or not full on fire engine but enough to tell the difference at a glance. I can then trigger the red one to show up for that turn.
Also will need names. I will post a list. You can tell where they go by hovering on box. Army Group probably go all one line. LMs probably stack. Well w/e you can see whats up lol
If you’re up for it. :)
Idk what font we ended up with. Probably just match as best you can or use what you think looks best :)
I gotta do the xml stuff now. That’ll take a bit.
Getting closer though :)
so with the details turned off you can see the lines are correct
I was just buzzing with relief on lol
Looks like that Uboat trying to be sneaky :)
So @Black_Elk just to clarify on timetable, I’m gonna use actual units there as I made them TTys and Changer is Allied to everybody, so we would just need some sorta background. Not the actual units as in Captains example
@VictoryFirst heres the list of Names. I think I’ll change UK TG to UK Tank.
1st Desert
3rd Panzer
3rd Waffen
Army Group South
Army Group Centre
Army Group North
1st Waffen
1st Panzer
2nd Waffen
4th Waffen
2nd Panzer
1st Corps
1st Tank
2nd Corps
2nd Tank
3rd Corps
LM 1
LM 2
LM 3
LM 4
LM 5
LM 6
LM 7
LM 8
LM 9
LM 10
1st Army Group
2nd Army Group
UK Desert
USA Desert
1st USA Tank
2nd USA Tank
USA Army Group
You should be able to Name however you want and then that name can be given these names in the decorations and they’ll show up. (the ones you make) We don’t need names for the timetable as the image will always be present
Also need Total War for timetable and a Heavy Bombers. Maybe a couple others i can’t remember lol Oh Pacific Ships
@VictoryFirst I think we’ll need over flow images too. I just adjusted place so it’ll hit the box, but we need something in Bessarabia itself signifying it or you might go, fuck only 4 dudes, i’m attacking lol
That’s some good news. Great that it finally worked. Not that I understood anything of it lol :) I am really a newbie when it comes to this. I am eager for learning about it though.
Should I fire up the Japan turn using the UHD boxes git or the other one you sent me (which was just called UHD)?
For clarification, which idea did you exactly have in mind for the timetable? Do you want boxes to represent each turn, and use a red token to keep track of the calendar turn? Or do you want tokens for each calendar turn, and put the token that corresponds with the current turn in one box? Sorry if I missed this, lost track because of all the posts lol.
48x48 is a good size? That would be normal Army size. 52 is Tank army size. We could also go with 56.
If I understand correctly, do you want tokens for each calendar turn, alternating between red and white?
Does the order from the list correspond with the boxes on top or is this just a random order?
Which boxes are used for the landmines?
Hope I can be of assistance with the names. Just only need to create PNGs of the names that’ll go in the boxes?
@Black_Elk yea I’m gonna change a couple. I’m gonna move the overflow Bessarabia and W UKR to Army Group Centre and Centre to South. South to LMs 8, 9, 10 to W UKR Flow.
I think you need to be able to see the Flow and it’s Parent tty in same view or it’s too confusing.
I actually don’t know how these Flows will work. Might just be better rolling with triplea Flow. Have to playtest is all. Can always 86 em if they don’t.
Anyway, Idk if I can erase it lol. Dimensions are same though. 600, couple 300s and 3 100s
Sorry to string :)
I’ll see if I can do it
@victoryfirst heh heh yea sorry to spam out. Yea you can go ahead and do JPNs turn. Use latest git it’s always same link
List is random. I will post order but you can hhover on TTy and it’ll say what it is.
yea i"ve never done the names. I searched a gimp font thing and found some info there
yea was thinking for timetable make a token for each
42 etc…
in a round one and then give a red background. Probably have to name it different red png or w/e. Then I can trigger it to activate red for that turn
@VictoryFirst LMs are LM1 LM2 etc … I haven’t decided which way to go there yet but was gonna go
E Pol
Something like that. Got room for 3 spots vertical in LM Box
Then put a Orange LM in the Box
Make the LM Boxes to the right in E Europe and the 3 left W Europe.
Idk Just so you can kinda see em without scrolling
Not sure :) but something like that is the thought