• @Funcioneta:

    Automatic things are bad in A&A…

    Well, this isn’t really automatic. It is just as random as the old tech, but when the tech is researched it applies to all powers and not just one.

  • When modifying the rules (a.k.a. creating your own house rules), very seldom, if ever, will all people like the rule(s).

    This is especially true when it comes to rules surrounding tech.

    Rockrobinoff’s idea serves his stated/intended purpose:  to diminish all that damn variability inherent in tech rolls…. therefor his ‘automatic’ concept works very well in the context of the other aspects of his tech house rule, IMHO.

  • If the rule is set up as suggested in the first post, then I think I’d hesitate to buy tech. I’ll wait for somebody else to make all the sacrifice.

  • @johnmk:

    If the rule is set up as suggested in the first post, then I think I’d hesitate to buy tech. I’ll wait for somebody else to make all the sacrifice.

    There is the advantage in getting to use it straight away. Also, some techs are more useful to some powers.

  • @rockrobinoff:


    If the rule is set up as suggested in the first post, then I think I’d hesitate to buy tech. I’ll wait for somebody else to make all the sacrifice.

    There is the advantage in getting to use it straight away. Also, some techs are more useful to some powers.

    I agree with Johnmk.  Why don’t you just put different price tags on each tech and any country can buy them at any time?
    I also think Lozmoid has a good idea with his historically accurate tech.  I’ve thought about this before, as well.  I think it would be a good idea if the price of each tech depended on which country you have.  Example: Radar costs 5 for UK, but 25 for Germany.  Heavy bombers cost 25 for USA, but 40 for Italy (normally precluding Italy from ever getting them)  To me, this makes more sense than any power being able to copy tech for the same price (original power had to take the chance, wait the time, sink the money in…)

  • @gamerman01:

    I agree with Johnmk.  Why don’t you just put different price tags on each tech and any country can buy them at any time?

    Well, you could have a game like that. There lots of plausible ways of adjusting A&A. The way I have suggested maintains the ‘unknown’ element with all the risk assessment/ cost benefit analysis type reasoning (a huge part of A&A type thinking - for those who think LL is silly anyway).

    My way is not necessarily better than your suggestion or an improvement on the original system, though I have provided reason why it might be, and i think it an original enough suggestion as well.

  • @rockrobinoff:

    Well, you could have a game like that. There lots of plausible ways of adjusting A&A. The way I have suggested maintains the ‘unknown’ element with all the risk assessment/ cost benefit analysis type reasoning (a huge part of A&A type thinking - for those who think LL is silly anyway).

    My way is not necessarily better than your suggestion or an improvement on the original system, though I have provided reason why it might be, and i think it an original enough suggestion as well.

    OK, sure.  My suggestion might not even be any good.  It was just off the top of my head.  Thanks for getting our creative juices flowing, and facilitating our brainstorming.

  • TripleA '12

    Okay, here’s what I’ve come up with so far. This chart is for the Rockets tech. I have attached a picture I made; let me know if it doesn’t work or you can’t see it.

    ![](http://\gbgtbs115\users$\TSA30\My Pictures\rockets.bmp)

    It could be that these figures are way off and I’d really appreciate your input here in order to get them more historically accurate!  :-)

  • cant see the picture.

  • TripleA '12

    Thanks rockrobinoff - no I can’t see it either, for some reason.

    I followed the guidelines in the help section re posting pictures, but I don’t think it has worked. Does anybody know how to do this? The file is a drawing I did on paint, saved as a .bmp file. Does it have to be a .jpg file?

    Any help would be much appreciated!  :-)

  • i put the above image in img tags.

    you need to upload the image somewhere on the net and then point to it with a url inside img tags.

  • TripleA '12

    Thanks again rockrobinoff.

    I have no way of posting the pic on the net (and that’s a shame) but the stats I wanted to present to you all are:

    Germany 7
    Soviet Union 6
    Japan 4
    United Kingdom 5
    Italy 3
    United States 5

    So, by spending 5 IPCs per turn, Germany can have the Rockets tech by turn 3.

    Like I said, it could be that these figures are way off and I’d really appreciate your input to get them more historically accurate.

  • Not sure exactly what you mean by ‘historically accurate’.

    For instance, Germany built rockets because Germany wanted rockets. Britain researched Radar becuase the UK recognized the advantage in it. Goering is famous for eschewing Radar early in the war, thinking it not that important.

    So, if by ‘historically accurate’ you mean: recreating the way history played out as closely as possible, then I don’t really see the advantage in your system. However, if you mean: recreate the circumstances so as to allow any power to research any technology, but some having a leg up on others because of certain advantages (like excellent german rocket scientists) then we might have something.

    As for the exact figures - game balance is always a bigger consideration than historical accuracy, and i have no idea what the figures should be.

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