Hi Scott,
Welcome to the best Axis & Allies site of all times.
For your inspiration we have attached a picture from one of our Global 1940 Expansion games.
Feel free to contact us anytime.
Early 1943.JPG
Welcome to the site @themartianmarvin
If you have any questions please ask :)
@themartianmarvin said in đź‘‹ Introduce or Re-Introduce Yourself (Current):
I am new to the axis and allies’ community but what I lack in experience I make for in enthusiasm. My grandkids are outgrowing risk and they have taken over monopoly and making their own rules. I am moving them up to A&A and will look here for advice tips etc. Looking forward to being part of the community.
The Martian Marvin
Which games do you have?
@andrewaagamer I do not have original anniversary or 1914 and o w other I am sorting but I do have all the rest
So Spring edition 1942 is the easiest to learn. Depending how sophisticated your grand kids are you may or may not want to start them on that game.
If they are already too experienced for that one if you had AA50 I would recommend that one since the ruleset is the best and not as complicated as Global 1940, Europe 1940 or Pacific 1940. Since you have Revised that would be my recommendation for a more complex game.
Glad you are teaching the next Generation!
Hello everyone, I’m new to the community. I’m located in the greater Seattle, WA, USA area. I’m currently playing Axis and Allies online. I was just gifted the 1942 2nd edition board game in Dec of 2022, but haven’t gotten much use out of it because I only know one person that plays and it’s an all day event.
I’ve been actively making a few turns a day for the last month or two online. Before that I played a few times as a teenager with my dad. The stages of learning has been obviously tiered. In short I’ve learned what works against the computer, doesn’t work against people. Playing the computer just teaches you bad habit. Then I learned what works against bronze players doesn’t work against silver players. This week I got a custom game against a platinum player and realized what works in silver doesn’t work in the more advanced play. I’m excited that I got a game against a platinum player because I’ve been punished for mistakes that I previously didn’t know I was making. I learned more in one losing platinum game then I think I have in all other games combined.
If anyone know of some users who post their games on youtube with detailed commentary about their thoughts and strategy I’d love to know which channels. I just found TTG who I’ve liked because he talks through a lot of his thought process.
Looking forward to playing against you all and chatting with you on the forums.
Hi @salish_rogue-0 Welcome to the site ! You may want to browse some of the posts here https://www.axisandallies.org/forums/category/47/axis-allies-1942-2nd-edition
You can also play online with triplea https://www.axisandallies.org/forums/topic/17147/gargantua-s-k-i-s-s-triplea-instructions/30
Idk how much 2nd edition is played but revised seems quite popular
@barnee triplea looks pretty cool. Do you know if there are a lot of players on triplea that aren’t playing on the steam axis and allies online?
@salish_rogue-0 not as many as there used to be but still decent traffic. The lobby is live play and then you can play by forum or email as well.
A revised tournament is starting soon https://forums.triplea-game.org/topic/3404/revised-toc19-signup
Misread your comment. I don’t think many use steam
@salish_rogue-0 said in đź‘‹ Introduce or Re-Introduce Yourself (Current):
Hello everyone, I’m new to the community. I’m located in the greater Seattle, WA, USA area. I’m currently playing Axis and Allies online. I was just gifted the 1942 2nd edition board game in Dec of 2022, but haven’t gotten much use out of it because I only know one person that plays and it’s an all day event.
I’ve been actively making a few turns a day for the last month or two online. Before that I played a few times as a teenager with my dad. The stages of learning has been obviously tiered. In short I’ve learned what works against the computer, doesn’t work against people. Playing the computer just teaches you bad habit. Then I learned what works against bronze players doesn’t work against silver players. This week I got a custom game against a platinum player and realized what works in silver doesn’t work in the more advanced play. I’m excited that I got a game against a platinum player because I’ve been punished for mistakes that I previously didn’t know I was making. I learned more in one losing platinum game then I think I have in all other games combined.
If anyone know of some users who post their games on youtube with detailed commentary about their thoughts and strategy I’d love to know which channels. I just found TTG who I’ve liked because he talks through a lot of his thought process.
Looking forward to playing against you all and chatting with you on the forums.
Contact @GeneralDisarray and @MarshmallowofWar. They both used to be in the same play group with me in Seattle and they are both still there. There are about 8-10 active Players in the Seattle area.
hi all!
i am from china. i like aa so much. i played aa desktop game from child. from 2008 i played aa rts on pc. sometimes now i play aa desktop game with freind. but most time we play aarts on pc. i built globle aarts game servers. and looking for aa multiplayer game players. if you wanna play pls mssage to me.
thanks all.
welcome @crazyvest!
Hello, are you looking for opponents, perhaps someone to help you teach the grandkids?
I live in Virginia, mostly retired, so I can travel with a little planning.
Best way to reach me is through email at jonkrost@comcast.net.
Jonathan Rost
I have a passion for preserving the game and passing it on SO if anyone is desperately looking for a game, I will help you get your feet wet. I have videos on YouTube as well.
Hi all. I live in Canada. I am new to this community. I will be glad to communicate and learn something new for myself
@brettbrown said in đź‘‹ Introduce or Re-Introduce Yourself (Current):
Hi all. I live in Canada. I am new to this community. I will be glad to communicate and learn something new for myself
Hi All,
I have been an avid A&A player since 1992. I have bought many of the versions that have come since then and still enjoy the game now well into my 40’s. I live in Canada and I am also fascinated by politics (current and past) and 20th century history.
As far as the game is concerned, I also enjoy coming up with different house rules to add more realism to the game.
@mlusk welcome!
Hi @mlusk,
Always good to see Axis & Allies Veterans on the forum. Welcome:+1:
Concerning House Rules: You should check out the Axis & Allies Global 1940 House Rules Expansion - you’ll find in the House Rules section on this forum.
It’ll certainly bring you inspiration and fun.
Thanks Captain will give it a look.