The arguments for/against Macs prior to Intel processors and OS X was very different than what it is now.
My Dad is a Mac man, so I’ve had my experience with Win PCs, Apple OS, and Linux PCs.
+Macs are generally more expensive than a comparable PC, however, you do get a better quality of product, a sleek look, and bells and whistles you generally don’t find on PC (such as a magnetic power adapter plug in case some one trips on your laptop’s power brick).
+Mac support is one of the best in the biz. Yet that reason is due to specialization, which limits your options to just Apple itself.
+Gaming used to be horrendous on the Mac, as you had to wait months, if not over a year, for titles to port from PC. This has changed drastically with emulation, Win booting, and more developers offering a Mac version of games.
+The whole idea and execution behind Macs is done to a T: simplicity that brings efficiency and stability (which is also guaranteed through uniformity). Not infallible, but far and away better than a Win platform.
+Accessibility is quite high, but there is a caveat to that (below)
+I feel as if graphic design, video & photo editing are superior on the Mac, but I don’t have a ton of experience with these things.
+I know this has less to do with Macs and OS X, but Apple is cutting edge. When iMacs came out, everyone tried to mimic then and we had a slew of rip offs and devices that began named with the ubiquitous “i”. When iPods hit the shelves, everyone and their mother emulated the little device but couldn’t come close, and surely haven’t touched its ability to interface with a PC or Mac with its partner in divine: iTunes. And now look at iPhones.
-Repairability and scalability. PCs and Linux based systems obviously have the upperhand, but at the same time, Macs generally don’t have a need for these things.
-In a Win dominated world, it can take some getting used to on how things work in a Mac. Most may have no need to mess with anything, but in some cases (installing apps and extensions), it’s superior to Windows.
-PCs and Linux are far more versatile as far as hardware and software availability. But the dual/triple boot nature of Macs negate that a bit.
-Even though it’s is more stable than its counterparts, it still has some compatibility and performance issues from time to time (and I can’t recall having one crash on me).
-Macs tend to attract insufferable douches, but that’s not exactly something that can be attributed to them and they do not have a monopoly on.
I really am a fan of the various options on their own merits. I mainly use a PC because that’s what I’m used to and I don’t feel as constrained if I want to tinker. But there’s my opinion, I can’t think of anything else right now. And you wouldn’t necessarily get an inverse of responses if we were trying to pose it as a PC vs. Mac thead.
A lot of what has been said in this thread used to be very true, but now not so much. Or it has changed a little bit. frimmel and Subotai pretty much have the summary of what I am saying.